Actually there is a study showing less sedation with xr compared to IR. A simple search on Az s site will reveal it. I am amazed how negative all you people are. Just put a fucking bullet in you head and get it over with. Gee Whiz! Get off your ass and work instead of whining.

But nobody buys it. Seroquel IR still has the lion's share of the market and XR will tank when the generics hit the market. Expensive sales forces will go bye bye.

Whatever happened to the brand guy that was spiking the trainer back in the day? Is either one still around? What happened to their marriages? Did they marry?

Brand Guy went on to be an RSD. Still here. Trainer went on to be an assoc. marketing mgr. in CNS before leaving the company and the industry. Now in NYC in advertising. Both train wrecks never hooked up again.

good luck trying to "sell" that xr is better than generic to pbm's

tick tock.... another shoe drops

make sure to read up on EBT, you'll be applying for them soon

You are SO wrong. I'm a CNS rep and I was told by T himself on a teleconference that cornerstone means NOTHING. All I have to do is "stay focused" and "control what I can control" and I will be just fine. Ha ha ha the joke is on you. Who is the loser NOW?

You are SO wrong. I'm a CNS rep and I was told by T himself on a teleconference that cornerstone means NOTHING. All I have to do is "stay focused" and "control what I can control" and I will be just fine. Ha ha ha the joke is on you. Who is the loser NOW?

Sarcasm of this quality deserves its own thread. This thread sucks.

You are SO wrong. I'm a CNS rep and I was told by T himself on a teleconference that cornerstone means NOTHING. All I have to do is "stay focused" and "control what I can control" and I will be just fine. Ha ha ha the joke is on you. Who is the loser NOW?

Time will tell. Seroquel XR will stop growing when Seroquel goes generic and there goes the sales force. T is so far removed from reality he doesn't have a clue.

I can control when I shoot my spoogeload if I use a restraining device.

OK thanks HR. Now go and make a false case against another targeted employee and fire him, making sure he can't sue the staff of lawyers who really are the core of AZ.

Then coin a new tag line because the patient health first thing is a little tired by now. It was a really good one because it was such a flagrant, opposite from the truth outright bald-faced outright lie.

Try to mimic it with a 2012 line. Here's an idea: We do it because we want to save money for the US Government, and the People in the USA. It's all about saving you money!

Something like that. Just look at what AZ actually does and promulgate the opposite with a catchy phrase, and there you go! The new mantra.

As the person who oversaw the development and design of the XR program, we told marketing up front this was 1) a patent ploy, 2) there would not be a head to head superiority trial to compare adverse events such as sedation (which is a benefit anyway), 3) most patients taking SQL IR off label for bipolar were doing so twice a day (and in fact the bipolar depression studies used bid dosing), and 4) the only scientific rationale for XR is that it a more consistent delivery mechanism for SQL and hence the active metabolite, which is also a norepi reuptake inhibitor. Again a pure patent ploy, anything else you are told is not true.

Also, to the supposed psychiatrist who talked about " growing out of bipolar", that is an absolute falsehood. I suggest that he/she learn some clinical psychiatry.

its tremendously good news for AZ.... they can cut people, then tell the politicians that they helped more people rely on the government for unemployment and EBT cards

and those of us with no insurance will appreciate our low cost generic seroquel for sleep since this company has put us in a major depression

For all the bashing that pharma and reps take. I must commend AZ and their sales force helping me and my family.

I was never really too buggy, but would go 2-3 nights without sleeping when the world cranked up the pressure. After numerous attempts with other formulas, I was finally prescribed Seroquel.

I can sleep a full night and am not mean as hell to anything and everybody.

Sure, I put I 10 pounds, but its better to be a little pudgy than crazy.