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Sept 26 Town Hall


Yes and idiot ME and friends are talking about how much we need feet on the street detailing leqvio. Well what the hell are we doing? Proof again that leadership will not take accountability for a failed launch. It’s the fields fault

Yes and idiot ME and friends are talking about how much we need feet on the street detailing leqvio. Well what the hell are we doing? Proof again that leadership will not take accountability for a failed launch. It’s the fields fault

What BS!! Leadership believes we are going to work hard to get 5 Leqvio FTOs a week without knowing if we will have a job by the end of year. Leadership’s mindset is as dumb as the Leqvio launch

What BS!! Leadership believes we are going to work hard to get 5 Leqvio FTOs a week without knowing if we will have a job by the end of year. Leadership’s mindset is as dumb as the Leqvio launch
Maybe if you’ve been working hard already, we wouldn’t need to be worrying if our jobs will still be here in 2023?

Umm…, no offense but how is it NOT the fields fault for a failed launch? Isn’t that the job of the field? To launch a product? Isn’t that why you’re paid a SIX FIGURE salary?? If not, what are we paying you for?
Thats like blaming a carpenter when he shows up to a jobsite and the owner didnt buy enough materials to finish the job.

Leqvio failed launch starts with the product first, and second is STRATEGY. What dumb ass or dumb asses actually thought cardiologists would be motivated to buy and bill a drug that is twice a year, making minimal money for all of the work the staff has to do? It’s laughable and zero accountability from leadership on this awful move. Say what you want about the other drugs on the market and the issue with specialty pharmacy, blah blah blah. Options are needed to prescribe and aren’t made
Available. And perhaps the drug shouldn’t have been purchased in the first place? But hey, let’s buy something for 10 billion because we think it’s worth it and when it fails blame the thousands of people in the field. We all suck! Not the many that bungled things from the start

Umm…, no offense but how is it NOT the fields fault for a failed launch? Isn’t that the job of the field? To launch a product? Isn’t that why you’re paid a SIX FIGURE salary?? If not, what are we paying you for?

It’s obvious that this poster is in Marketing or another department that only looks at things from the company’s optics and the company’s bias.
I have been in the field for well over 30 years and this is without a doubt the worst launch that I have been part of.
Cardiologists have no experience with Buy and Bill. They also have no experience with HCP administered meds. The vast majority of physicians are employed by the health care system they work for. They do not have the authority or autonomy to place orders for a $3000 plus medication and have it magically purchased and billed by the system. If you think that they do that just proves my point that you are not in the field or knowledgeable of how these systems work.

The drug will eventually take off but processes have to be created. This is not as as simple writing a script that gets sent to the patient’s pharmacy and the patient picks up. Hospitals have to put it on their formulary, Infusion Centers have to approve it. EMR systems need to be created so there is an electronic work flow created so the HCP can create an electronic order to send to the pharmacy and to the infusion center. The office or injection center need to determine who is doing the benefits investigation and prior authorization. Etcetera..

These are just a FEW of the steps that have to happen before even one patient gets injected.
So don’t come at the sales force for under performing. If anything Marketing, Sales Management, ADSARS, ADSOCS and the entire ISET mentality is what is causing the slow up take.
Oh and forgot to mention the fact that the market wasn’t demanding this product. We are trying to create demand where there was none.

“The drug will eventually take off but processes have to be created. This is not as as simple writing a script that gets sent to the patient’s pharmacy and the patient picks up. Hospitals have to put it on their formulary, Infusion Centers have to approve it. EMR systems need to be created so there is an electronic work flow created so the HCP can create an electronic order to send to the pharmacy and to the infusion center. The office or injection center need to determine who is doing the benefits investigation and prior authorization. Etcetera..”

Without the ISET’s/FRM’s, none of the above would be getting done.

Such a ridiculous take.

November of 2019 Adakveo was approved a buy and bill treatment with accounts that have similar obstacles in formulary approval, fear of risk underwater - centers that are not accustomed to buy and bill with many times more $ risk and On and on - this team blew out their launch goal and continued to grow year over year during a pandemic the fact that leqveo - managed markets and brand did not take the time to learn from that brand is so foolish. Now the company is dumping Adakveo or at least shelving it because it’s a treatment of disparities and disparities do not bring in the $$$! Winning for the patient that gets us to 5B boo bye to the rest of ya!

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