The ship is sinking and we can’t get out. They’ve blocked us from going to other franchises what gives?
The above post is so true. Don’t let the door hit you in the a** on the way out.
Amen! Grow up kids.We all just trying to take care of our families. So many 12 year old haters. Go join a discord call.
Exactly, take care of your family during work hours. That’s why that division is failing horribly.
MTC has been a problem for a long time and it goes back to the Solvay days. He’s a pathetic Hynde protege that just tries to make a mark to impress! No one respects him!
Women's Health is off the table. Now we can focus on growing the marketshare.
Nobody wants the BS Womens Health is selling. Don't worry they will try to pawn it off next year if they can find another way to auction it off.
They only way they will get rid of Womes Health if they give the business away for free.So the sale fell through?
So they are filling openings with a Contract Force?