
Any Amarin fairy that thinks price is being gamed because of NCE should come to my Bridge Timeshare meeting in a small town near you!

NCE will come, pop the stock and then get even more people locked into the game of option buying.

Gee what intelligent financial advisors we have here! The question is why? Why to others come on our boards advising us? Could it be Glaxo trolls trying to discourage us? They are selling a billion dollars of Lovaza a clearly inferior product. Well guess what it won't work,we are growing and we are coming for YOU!

Keep your little sorry ass advice to yourselves and worry about when Lovaza goes generic. Now who's your daddy?.....Vascepa. That's right. Vascepa. Be nice and we may hire you when we expand when we get the indication the FDA denied your LDL raising little fish pill!!! By the way kiss my ass also.

Gee what intelligent financial advisors we have here! The question is why? Why to others come on our boards advising us? Could it be Glaxo trolls trying to discourage us? They are selling a billion dollars of Lovaza a clearly inferior product. Well guess what it won't work,we are growing and we are coming for YOU!

Keep your little sorry ass advice to yourselves and worry about when Lovaza goes generic. Now who's your daddy?.....Vascepa. That's right. Vascepa. Be nice and we may hire you when we expand when we get the indication the FDA denied your LDL raising little fish pill!!! By the way kiss my ass also.

No, idiot. The product is a failure that will never sell with such weak marketing efforts. The company will face bankruptcy without question. More people should AVOID this garbage stock. This is the most overhyped scam of a company I've ever seen. MMs are selling dreams to retail pinheads who are getting scammed into financial suicide. This stock will never succeed. Same internet dummies just talk each other into euphoria, while their money is pissed away. You were lied to when lead to believe a buyout was possible; it is not. The stock will never recover. Short every pop, this is forever dead money.

The funniest thing about longs is their undying need to defend this money pit. THIS IS A CON USED BY WALL ST TO TAKE YOUR MONEY!!!!! Get that through your tiny head. They're using you.

Amarin bulls are the saddest bunch of marks on the stock exchange.

Gee what intelligent financial advisors we have here! The question is why? Why to others come on our boards advising us? Could it be Glaxo trolls trying to discourage us? They are selling a billion dollars of Lovaza a clearly inferior product. Well guess what it won't work,we are growing and we are coming for YOU!

Keep your little sorry ass advice to yourselves and worry about when Lovaza goes generic. Now who's your daddy?.....Vascepa. That's right. Vascepa. Be nice and we may hire you when we expand when we get the indication the FDA denied your LDL raising little fish pill!!! By the way kiss my ass also.

Says the bag holder.

Amarin's finished. Everyone is waiting for an exit and no one is really committed to the product. MGMT isn't coming out to defend the stock because they don't have any tools to defend with. This is dead money. This story is over. Management is waiting for any pops to sell more shares. No one is gonna overspend to save this company. Management led investors to think that a buyout was possible and then sold millions of dollars worth of shares at the peak. This stock is a wreck with millions of trapped investors clawing for the exit. All pops will fade. Management should serve time for what they did. Sure was an "exciting 60-90 days!", Joe. How what about when you said more "...companies interested in this asset than employees"? Hehe. What a scam.

Ok No Ex Glaxo reps can apply in Dec. When we get the new indication. Ha ha ha .... Sales up 15% every month like it or not. :)

This company only has reps that were rejected by other pharma companies. This product is still in the launch year and the recent sales trends show that it is coming close to flattening out.

Not good.

This company only has reps that were rejected by other pharma companies. This product is still in the launch year and the recent sales trends show that it is coming close to flattening out.

Not good.

15-20% week over week growth is flattening out?

There have been many good reps downsized in big pharma. Some of them ended up at Amarin so to say that Amarin only has reps that were rejected by other pharma companies is completely inaccurate.

Adam Feuerstein is a criminal. He works for a The Street Inc and write articles for large hedge funds or money management firms. One of those firms that he works for sold about 1000 weekly calls yesterday and called Adam to write a hit piece the next day. Then they sold shares in the open market to keep it below 7. That's a CLEAR violation of securities law. Throw him in federal prison and charge everyone in connection with him.