
Amarin - I was in a Cardiologists office yesterday, and saw the patient education brochure on the table.
Why would Amarin print this broschure in size 8-10 type when the average age of someone taking the drug is north of 65 year?
Is this an example of Amarin Marketing?
Brochure was one of the worst layouts imaginable - tiny type, and very confusing.
Great job Amarin!

Obviously posted by an Amarin basher or GSK rep. He/She can't even spell "brochure". The comment "average age of someone taking the drug is north of 65" shows their ignorance of the high trig' market.

Obviously posted by an Amarin basher or GSK rep. He/She can't even spell "brochure". The comment "average age of someone taking the drug is north of 65" shows their ignorance of the high trig' market.

Look who is talking. It is the stock pumper again. Hey moron, the stock price dropped below $8 and you are watching your money fly out the door.


Obviously posted by an Amarin basher or GSK rep. He/She can't even spell "brochure". The comment "average age of someone taking the drug is north of 65" shows their ignorance of the high trig' market.

What size is the type, and what is the avg age of a patient in a Cardiologists office?
North of 65?

Look who is talking. It is the stock pumper again. Hey moron, the stock price dropped below $8 and you are watching your money fly out the door.


My cost average is 7.80 and I'm not selling until we see the pot o' gold, which won't be long. I'll let you know when I'm up by $1M, $2M, $3M, etc... With 90K shares, it should happen quickly. Think I'm BS'ing with you, moron. Think again.

My cost average is 14.80 and I'm not selling until we see the pot o' crap, which won't be long. I'll let you know when I'm down by another $1k, $2k, $3k, etc... With 900 shares, it should happen quickly. Think I'm BS'ing with you, moron? Yes, I am.

Thanks to modern technology, we have been able to take the previous post and run it through our truth analyzer. After processing the post, we have come up with the real truth of the post listed above.

Thanks to modern technology, we have been able to take the previous post and run it through our truth analyzer. After processing the post, we have come up with the real truth of the post listed above.

Great to see that new technology. I bet the truth analyzer didn't have to work all that hard to come up with that result.

Amarin is a risk to work for with no pipeline, anyone who works for the company knows that its just a matter of when you are bought out. Seems soon...lets pray the other company takes reps

My cost average is 7.80 and I'm not selling until we see the pot o' gold, which won't be long. I'll let you know when I'm up by $1M, $2M, $3M, etc... With 90K shares, it should happen quickly. Think I'm BS'ing with you, moron. Think again.

Looks like your pot if full of dog crap as the stock continues it's slide. You better sell while you can or you won't be able to afford that doublewide that you have your eye on.