Saturday Travel for Eye Care BU

Stay with me here Sporto--- How do you think I rattled all those differences off? I left skid marks at Shire after seeing our leaders in action. Losers are coming to this 2nd rate shell of a company. I'm just cruising by checking out the accident scene and felt the need to try and "save" a few of you. Empower yourselves and go out looking. You can all do much better. Just look at the caliber KK has brought in and over to Opthamology??? Kiss asses who are too stupid to know they are being used.

They've also started hiring management without college degrees. Associates degree from the internet doesn't count. This is why they're glad to work everyday of the week. Get out before they fire everyone in May. Shire isn't the company it was 10 years ago. I'm at Vertex now and much happier.

Stay with me here Sporto--- How do you think I rattled all those differences off? I left skid marks at Shire after seeing our leaders in action. Losers are coming to this 2nd rate shell of a company. I'm just cruising by checking out the accident scene and felt the need to try and "save" a few of you. Empower yourselves and go out looking. You can all do much better. Just look at the caliber KK has brought in and over to Opthamology??? Kiss asses who are too stupid to know they are being used.
I'm suspect of any tool bag that uses the term "sporto". Probably why you didn't get the gig in the first place with Shire "sporto"...I'm embarrassed for you man. Grow up.

You are both, noble and naive. Here's the reality of other Pharma companies:

1. 10-15% more on your base
2. Goal attainments tied to realistic expectations where true performance is rewarded
3. Stretch goals that are paid out on and not recinded after the fact by the VP
4. Cars that get nicer, not worse as you get promoted
5. Not constantly micromanaged by the top
6. Having my opinion matter and not told "shut up and be thankful for your job"
7. Attend meetings where they let employees have free time after hard work
8. Stock awards at the rep level
9. Have a real pipeline of future products
10. Be recognized in biz journals as one of the best places to work
11. Have a CEO who is respected

Imagine, all of this and NOT have to travel on Saturday or work on Sunday.

Aim higher Sporto, you may impress yourself.
Then go! Leave us alone. Why are you so determined for us to hate because toy do? I am perfectly happy here. Take your pathetic lunacy somewhere else. None of us care about your issues.
Take your meds.

They've also started hiring management without college degrees. Associates degree from the internet doesn't count. This is why they're glad to work everyday of the week. Get out before they fire everyone in May. Shire isn't the company it was 10 years ago. I'm at Vertex now and much happier.
If you left and you'really happy about it, why are you still posting here?

Quick math lesson for you. You put in 6%. With a 2.33 match on the first 3%(additional 7%) = total of 13%

Next up, you put in 6% with your other company. With a .50 for the first 6% = total of 9%

Shire's 401k match is actually one of the better ones in the industry.

Not to mention that most companies that match 6% do not vest immediately (it's spread out over many years). So if something happens and you are displaced, you will loose a large amount of your 401K. The fact that your 401K vests immediately at Shire is awesome!

Not to mention that most companies that match 6% do not vest immediately (it's spread out over many years). So if something happens and you are displaced, you will loose a large amount of your 401K. The fact that your 401K vests immediately at Shire is awesome!
Remember one thing here - All of these perks were in place for a long time including the enhanced secerance package. You know, the one that the new leadership negotiated away in favor of their own parachute and retention bonuses #dirty30.

So if you think Shire is great because of these perks, thank the legacy leadership as these new bums have been dismantling everything and its only a matter if time until the 401K is changed too.