Saturday National Meeting?

NSM is 1/11 Saturday thru 1/14 Tuesday you are expected to be in field as usual Wednesday a.m. no matter what time your return flights get. This is a launch people get used to it it’s just the beginning.

This weekend stuff is bullshit. I am a very religious person and don’t want them taking away my chance to pray. Fuck you Amarin!!!

your language gives away your lying about being religious. Bunch of babies thiink the world is coming to an end because they get asked to work a weekend. AMRN had thousands or resumes for reps so the babies should quit as you will not be missed.

your language gives away your lying about being religious. Bunch of babies thiink the world is coming to an end because they get asked to work a weekend. AMRN had thousands or resumes for reps so the babies should quit as you will not be missed.
The fact that AMRN "had thousands" of resumes for reps speaks not to the quality of the company, but to the vast numbers of unemployed and/or desperate job-seekers willing to work for a company that offers below average compensation for the industry - base salaries in the $60K's and most never coming close to the $36K maximum bonus. In addition, the company is an attractive acquisition target, so the job may not even last a year at this point. Sure, some will do well, especially when the company is sold (the stock payout), however most will not have been well-compensated, will have been micromanaged during their brief tenures at the company, and will be back in the job search game sooner than later.

The fact that AMRN "had thousands" of resumes for reps speaks not to the quality of the company, but to the vast numbers of unemployed and/or desperate job-seekers willing to work for a company that offers below average compensation for the industry - base salaries in the $60K's and most never coming close to the $36K maximum bonus. In addition, the company is an attractive acquisition target, so the job may not even last a year at this point. Sure, some will do well, especially when the company is sold (the stock payout), however most will not have been well-compensated, will have been micromanaged during their brief tenures at the company, and will be back in the job search game sooner than later.

Not true! On my ride along, my DM assured us that our jobs are safe and to keep pounding the pavement out there. I can now focus and not get on Linkedin.

Not true! On my ride along, my DM assured us that our jobs are safe and to keep pounding the pavement out there. I can now focus and not get on Linkedin.
I, too, feel very confident about my job and future with this great company! Vascepa is a game-changer and we don't need any Big Pharma company to promote our drug effectively. Winning!!!

What a bunch of whining f'n primadonna crybabies. You must be millenials lol. Quit if you dont like it. You people dont know what work is. Mgt has 10k applicants just waiting to take your job.

How much does Amarin care about its employees? They are making Us work on a Saturday and Sunday. For information that “can’t wait “ till Monday. Biggest fuck you to employees I ever heard

Agreed. Cant believe how many people complain. 100k in income to work 4 hours a day and the complaining is rampant. the level of entitlement is disgusting. Complaining and entitlement and crying about bonuses and work is what primary care jobs are known for. These people won't make it in pharma outside of primary care.

Agreed. Cant believe how many people complain. 100k in income to work 4 hours a day and the complaining is rampant. the level of entitlement is disgusting. Complaining and entitlement and crying about bonuses and work is what primary care jobs are known for. These people won't make it in pharma outside of primary care.

Ok Boomer. Like Specialty, Hospital, etc is much different in today’s closed off access climate. Go frick yourself. Hahaha

Boomer here. It’s hard to believe that upper management does not see the bigger picture. People will make up the weekend work with their own comp time, that’s just the way it is. What is the company really gaining, I understand launch mentality Requires your Best anextra effort’s, Just keeping it real

Lol. Is the company lying to the public about NSM and JPM conflicting? JT is giving the opening presentation to us on Saturday and flying out Sunday. JPM is Mon -Thurs and C-Suite is not really there? The on again, off again, on again, off again presentation at JPM on Wed is bare bones. Gwen/Elisabeth could give it themselves with their eyes closed. Something is afoot. As long as our new overlords assimilate us into the fold, though, who cares?

Not true! On my ride along, my DM assured us that our jobs are safe and to keep pounding the pavement out there. I can now focus and not get on Linkedin.

Like anyone is going to tell you that you wont have a job if the company is sold. Lmfao true definition of sheep right here. But but but my boss said my job was safe says everyone who's ever been laid off.