Saturday National Meeting?

i just got on to register for this meeting and they want us to be there at 2:00? WTF?!? I’m working all week before, going to meeting on Saturday, Sunday, Mont, Tuesday and then getting home late and expected to be in the field Wednesday through Friday!!! Without any compensation time! Is this legal?

i just got on to register for this meeting and they want us to be there at 2:00? WTF?!? I’m working all week before, going to meeting on Saturday, Sunday, Mont, Tuesday and then getting home late and expected to be in the field Wednesday through Friday!!! Without any compensation time! Is this legal?

No, it's not, but if we don't call them on it and make a stink it's only going to get worse.....until the company is sold. Lol

What happens if people have prior commitments? Are they expected to cancel them? Normally I would think yes, but since they’re planning work events during weekends now, I might push back

I think it’s unacceptable that leadership hasn’t even addressed the reason they are taking our weekend from us and why they aren’t providing comp time! Pretty chickenshit of them! Come on, face the wrath of reps and tell us what’s so important that we give up our time for!

i just got on to register for this meeting and they want us to be there at 2:00? WTF?!? I’m working all week before, going to meeting on Saturday, Sunday, Mont, Tuesday and then getting home late and expected to be in the field Wednesday through Friday!!! Without any compensation time! Is this legal?

i just got on to register for this meeting and they want us to be there at 2:00? WTF?!? I’m working all week before, going to meeting on Saturday, Sunday, Mont, Tuesday and then getting home late and expected to be in the field Wednesday through Friday!!! Without any compensation time! Is this legal?

i just got on to register for this meeting and they want us to be there at 2:00? WTF?!? I’m working all week before, going to meeting on Saturday, Sunday, Mont, Tuesday and then getting home late and expected to be in the field Wednesday through Friday!!! Without any compensation time! Is this legal?

“Is this legal?”, asked the little snowflake. Yes, Little Snowflake, it is legal. You are not an hourly employee. They don’t have to give you comp time either! Pull up your big boy pants and suck it up you little twit!

hey guys CEO here relax this is your welcome to Pfizer meeting. Half of you will be canned in Q2 bc well we dont need you. The only the ones who are retained are the ones where Pfizer was hiring.

Anyway Merry Christmas. Sell hard remember no off label yet just a wink wink...

Thankful at Thanksgiving for each and everyone of you Turds! Bye Now!