
In case you haven't noticed, these are ignorant, bitter fools you're dealing with.

“incompetent leadership has numerous negative effects on the company’s performance. Besides the direct influences on the effectiveness, bad leaders negatively affect employees mood, behavior and thereby performance, which not only reduces the overall company effectiveness further, but also drives organizations out of the market in the long run, due to brain drain.”

DISAGREE .. These are fools who left Taro and see where they landed - SB is a wreck - he looks like he is on dope - even his mother Kate cant salvage him. (She is another cunning B) MM is working in some crappy construction company without any Bonus. Yet driving in her sloppy Toyota sucking up to customers in "Dub Dub Ferry" EH's company is up for SALE - He has been told to go. (Maybe he comes back) AA does not have a job yet. Keeps tending to his horses and pigs.. MK will never improve - always had the hots for young girls wonder how he slept with MM and that F is a known s offender in LI. The Glazed Donut is a "Rich" man now with a hefty bonus that was paid to him and Mr Go-Pee vacations in Europe .. Ha Ha .. What a farce ... Bloody losers are all of MB's team members. Check with Jacko...

Sounds like a bitter person who can’t find another job and is unhappy they got left behind. Either be happy you still have a job or leave.