Sales Force looses Faith/Trust in Tracy

I left Galderma awhile ago but just checked in to gauge the vibe as I still have many friends there and was curious with the recent lay offs how things were.

Apparently nothing has changed.

Same nonsensical card bs, sketchy middle managers with tiny heads, and a lingering fear to do what's right for the employees and patients.

The public relations impact, and the impression that is left by doing the wrong thing, is terribly neglected and a missed opportunity. Short-sided managers who cannot see past the ink will never have the vision for this.

Galderma is cursed until then.

I can not encourage everyone enough to invest your time into leaving. It took me a while but it changed everything for my family. I miss nothing! You all deserve better, your families deserve better... And life is not meant to be lived this way.

I left Galderma awhile ago but just checked in to gauge the vibe as I still have many friends there and was curious with the recent lay offs how things were.

Apparently nothing has changed.

Same nonsensical card bs, sketchy middle managers with tiny heads, and a lingering fear to do what's right for the employees and patients.

The public relations impact, and the impression that is left by doing the wrong thing, is terribly neglected and a missed opportunity. Short-sided managers who cannot see past the ink will never have the vision for this.

Galderma is cursed until then.

I can not encourage everyone enough to invest your time into leaving. It took me a while but it changed everything for my family. I miss nothing! You all deserve better, your families deserve better... And life is not meant to be lived this way.

Yep , in the same boat . Got a call yesterday from old friend over here . What a shame Rx can't get it right . Recycling middle mangers through is not the answer , because they never had an answer except change cards ! Salesforce is feeling the affects of 3-4 years of sub par leadership . Yes LEADERSHIP , Galderma talks about it , but doesn't really understand what it means . I left when saddled with a new manager who was a disaster .

Just because you have been there 5 , 10 , 15 years there is life beyond and yes for me it's better .

Don't be the frog in the boiling pot you have seen Galderma slide in the last years only a fool won't leave while they can . Loyalty is a virtue lost on this company .

Don't be the frog in the boiling pot you have seen Galderma slide in the last years only a fool won't leave while they can . Loyalty is a virtue lost on this company .

This could not be more true!!!!!

Haha , great humor are you in Hawaii ? No volume always winning every comp . Wake up slow poke this division needs massive change to be viable . I'm glad you are so excited to be alive and thinking about those without jobs , that will most likely be you if you don't seek change .

Smucks like you are cannon fonder just grin a bear it right ? . We would be speaking German if you ran the country 60 years ago . Friction is a good thing when adults are involved , if you really value your career fight for the right things . I don't want milk toast on my team.

Now look in the dam mirror and tell me things are getting better ? Look around the weakest group of new managers I've ever seen at G . WTF , see those who just got back from PCI ? The RSMs are a waste of resources they were all so high on that disaster in Chicago now who is next ? The weak leading the weak company clowns .

This is business people and I've watched some of the very best salespeople at G walk away from this mess in the last 12 months . Other top field salespeople in Rx are looking , trust me , I'm among them . Leadership is a major road block to success here , direction changes every five minutes . The future could be bright but please grow a spine and fight for it . BTW I'm currently in the running for all awards in my division , yep Mexico bound .

One last point , are most other companies in derm actively recruiting middle managers at G ? No they are not . Don't believe me , ask a National recruiter , or someone at Lily , Novartis or even Celegne . They have their hand on the pulse it's time for Stuart and TZ to cut the fat away and get this business heading in the right direction . Perhaps hiring outside of G might be a better option ?

As a DM I will say that the recent crop from PCI going for management jobs is the weakest in recent times . After this weeks recent shake up we will need great managers . Wheeler , Paulson and others soon to be the next McLendon ? C'mon Tracy and George the sales people deserve better than this motley crew . Ask your senior DSMs , TMs or tenured reps they will provide the litmus test for these .

I certainly don't want the sales management team further stressed with bad promotions . Butt kissing and saying and doing all the right things won't be relevant when running a team .

Ha ha, there are some haters now. Like it or not those are your next leaders. You will soon see that those who are bitter will soon be gone.

The next leaders are not butt kissers but ass kickers and many of you need your ass kicked.

Specialty is not the same and you will no longer be babysat. Get it done or get out. So excited about the new changes. Your bullshit will not be tolerated and you will work in primary care or somewhere else next year. You dont deserve specialty pharma.

Grow some balls and do us all a favor and leave so we can hire better people and pay them less but get more.

Be threatened, they are coming for your job Mr. DM and they will get it.
No more coasting for you.

BTW, you are not a current DM here. You were let go a few years ago and still salty about it. Let me guess, you are pissed that you are no longer in dermatology. Yeah, Rhumotulogy life sucks. You could also be at Valeant now.

Yep, you had it good at GAlderma and you screwed it up.. No, we don't want you back.

Message to others, you may leave but don't think twice about coming back because we don't need lazy asses.

Ha ha, there are some haters now. Like it or not those are your next leaders. You will soon see that those who are bitter will soon be gone.

The next leaders are not butt kissers but ass kickers and many of you need your ass kicked.

Specialty is not the same and you will no longer be babysat. Get it done or get out. So excited about the new changes. Your bullshit will not be tolerated and you will work in primary care or somewhere else next year. You dont deserve specialty pharma.

Grow some balls and do us all a favor and leave so we can hire better people and pay them less but get more.

pure humor here . really !!! ass kicker ? maybe on X box . haha what a sad future we all have with sycophants at the helm . yes look it up dump ass . big mouth small C%@K

Be threatened, they are coming for your job Mr. DM and they will get it.
No more coasting for you.

BTW, you are not a current DM here. You were let go a few years ago and still salty about it. Let me guess, you are pissed that you are no longer in dermatology. Yeah, Rhumotulogy life sucks. You could also be at Valeant now.

Yep, you had it good at GAlderma and you screwed it up.. No, we don't want you back.

Message to others, you may leave but don't think twice about coming back because we don't need lazy asses.

Jeff dat u ? U couldn't break out of wet paper bag . u my boss I walk with my awards .

# weak link # kiss dat booty

very telling when team members don't support some of george and sellen's choices for next manager up . agree with poster here from where i sit the best future sales managers in waiting walked out the door in the last 12 months leaving only brown nosers scrapping for open slots .

i'm nervous that i'll end up with someone like that as my new dm , i'll either be sexually harassed or asked to break every pharma code to get sales . no thanks i have hr on speed dial

very telling when team members don't support some of george and sellen's choices for next manager up . agree with poster here from where i sit the best future sales managers in waiting walked out the door in the last 12 months leaving only brown nosers scrapping for open slots .

i'm nervous that i'll end up with someone like that as my new dm , i'll either be sexually harassed or asked to break every pharma code to get sales . no thanks i have hr on speed dial

My worst nightmare I got Paulson from Colorado as my DM and he is all the above :mad:. I know people from his current team and they think he's a tool . Thx management for another bad decision . I've got my resume out today . This place is like ground hog day for sales people , one poor decision followed by another .

I thought George would have learned after losing that lawsuit , he is quickly becoming the jackass of the century . He and Tracey are case studies in moronic management .

We don't care! Go ahead and leave if you are so unhappy! Bye.

You folks are so immature and can't think for yourself. Management would not be so screwed up if they didn't have to babysit your Six figure asses.

Some of you are still asking for directions when I've heard managers tell you 5 times. Continue to call on your current customer!! What is so hard about that.

We don't care! Go ahead and leave if you are so unhappy! Bye.

You folks are so immature and can't think for yourself. Management would not be so screwed up if they didn't have to babysit your Six figure asses.

Some of you are still asking for directions when I've heard managers tell you 5 times. Continue to call on your current customer!! What is so hard about that.

This sounds just like my POS DM.. Quit pretending you're a rep. We know who you are!

I agree we used to have real leadership but that was now almost 4 years ago. Once they pushed out people that had the guts to tell it like it is to HA and to FF this place has never been the same. All one has to do is read the posts and see how pathetic this place had become over the last thee years. You all have been told by several people both from within and from former employees. This place is not going to get back to what it once was - Make a commitment to move on to a better place and 2016 will bring much better days. Have fun at the National Sales meeting it will be fun watching the new talking head tell us how we are number one. The truth is we are number 6 in IMS sales and declining fast.