Sales Force looses Faith/Trust in Tracy

Sales doesn't work this way. Let's just say 5 people did better in September with Oracea and 65 did worse you don't penalize the 5 to appease 65.

How did you pick and choose Tracy ? Did some of your favorites from Florida do worse
and needed a lift ?

I was told by sales VP Florida business was " propped up " and lead to card changes . The focus seems to be TX , FL & then CA the rest are just filling out the bracket . Year after year great reps and managers don't have an F in chance . Don't ever mess with TX they always get every advantage like those reps and managers are that great ? Fraser now Tracy and not a new idea in three years in create a more level playing field . Well , except join the company when territory is total mess , move to above states or have HI quota . I bring in big quota and battle to be in top third , that's why I'm interviewing . Lilly , Novartis and others want G reps and looking to pay 20k + over in salary to get us .

The problem is bigger than Tracy. He did not create this crap. The Director role is a thanks less job and he is one of the few that actually care about people and not his next promotion. I welcome big pharma because it at least gives us better resources.

Let's help Florida and California territories out again and have them get Oracea for $25 or $50
with a pilot program and screw everyone else.

That's fair right ?

Yes, it sounds fair.

Tracey is not the answer far too dogmatic . Too intense with low people skills . He tries hard but the military side is too strong . Great sales people continue to vote with their feet . The Rx division needs a new vision and fresh blood or leaving will be the only option for the talented .

Tracey is not the answer far too dogmatic . Too intense with low people skills . He tries hard but the military side is too strong . Great sales people continue to vote with their feet . The Rx division needs a new vision and fresh blood or leaving will be the only option for the talented .

And the regional sales manager job is completely redundant and useless just another layer of management providing no value.

People stop complaining for crying out loud. We are all adults and make our own decisions. If you are truly that unhappy with your job then do the company a favor and leave. Do you wake up every morning and look in the mirror complaining about everything in life? Think about people who are out of work especially around this time of year. I guarantee they would do anything to be in your shoes. If you're not adult enough to own up to what I just said that you need to seek professional help and it is very unfortunate that you are with our company if this is the case. And I assure you this is not management speaking this is just one of the reps in the field. Good luck to you and for what it's worth Happy Holidays!

People stop complaining for crying out loud. We are all adults and make our own decisions. If you are truly that unhappy with your job then do the company a favor and leave. Do you wake up every morning and look in the mirror complaining about everything in life? Think about people who are out of work especially around this time of year. I guarantee they would do anything to be in your shoes. If you're not adult enough to own up to what I just said that you need to seek professional help and it is very unfortunate that you are with our company if this is the case. And I assure you this is not management speaking this is just one of the reps in the field. Good luck to you and for what it's worth Happy Holidays!

Haha , great humor are you in Hawaii ? No volume always winning every comp . Wake up slow poke this division needs massive change to be viable . I'm glad you are so excited to be alive and thinking about those without jobs , that will most likely be you if you don't seek change .

Smucks like you are cannon fonder just grin a bear it right ? . We would be speaking German if you ran the country 60 years ago . Friction is a good thing when adults are involved , if you really value your career fight for the right things . I don't want milk toast on my team.

Now look in the dam mirror and tell me things are getting better ? Look around the weakest group of new managers I've ever seen at G . WTF , see those who just got back from PCI ? The RSMs are a waste of resources they were all so high on that disaster in Chicago now who is next ? The weak leading the weak company clowns .

This is business people and I've watched some of the very best salespeople at G walk away from this mess in the last 12 months . Other top field salespeople in Rx are looking , trust me , I'm among them . Leadership is a major road block to success here , direction changes every five minutes . The future could be bright but please grow a spine and fight for it . BTW I'm currently in the running for all awards in my division , yep Mexico bound .

One last point , are most other companies in derm actively recruiting middle managers at G ? No they are not . Don't believe me , ask a National recruiter , or someone at Lily , Novartis or even Celegne . They have their hand on the pulse it's time for Stuart and TZ to cut the fat away and get this business heading in the right direction . Perhaps hiring outside of G might be a better option ?

Haha , great humor are you in Hawaii ? No volume always winning every comp . Wake up slow poke this division needs massive change to be viable . I'm glad you are so excited to be alive and thinking about those without jobs , that will most likely be you if you don't seek change .

Smucks like you are cannon fonder just grin a bear it right ? . We would be speaking German if you ran the country 60 years ago . Friction is a good thing when adults are involved , if you really value your career fight for the right things . I don't want milk toast on my team.

Now look in the dam mirror and tell me things are getting better ? Look around the weakest group of new managers I've ever seen at G . WTF , see those who just got back from PCI ? The RSMs are a waste of resources they were all so high on that disaster in Chicago now who is next ? The weak leading the weak company clowns .

This is business people and I've watched some of the very best salespeople at G walk away from this mess in the last 12 months . Other top field salespeople in Rx are looking , trust me , I'm among them . Leadership is a major road block to success here , direction changes every five minutes . The future could be bright but please grow a spine and fight for it . BTW I'm currently in the running for all awards in my division , yep Mexico bound .

One last point , are most other companies in derm actively recruiting middle managers at G ? No they are not . Don't believe me , ask a National recruiter , or someone at Lily , Novartis or even Celegne . They have their hand on the pulse it's time for Stuart and TZ to cut the fat away and get this business heading in the right direction . Perhaps hiring outside of G might be a better option ?
You spelled dam wrong

will be glad when you leave Galderma.
There are reps who are happy to work here and you bad apples spoil it for all of us. If you are not happy then do us all a favor and leave.

No company is perfect but there are people who work their butts off in good times and in bad. We are loyal to the organization because we believe in the products and the company.

The RSM job is one of the most difficult jobs because they have to be all over the place. The DM's have to babysit the lazy asses and I would hate to have that job. I guess you are pissed that you were not selected for PCI. You seem to be a bitter person in general. Did you get passed up? Hmmm. Sucks to be you douche bag.

This is still a great place to be despite all the negative people.

will be glad when you leave Galderma.
There are reps who are happy to work here and you bad apples spoil it for all of us. If you are not happy then do us all a favor and leave.

No company is perfect but there are people who work their butts off in good times and in bad. We are loyal to the organization because we believe in the products and the company.

The RSM job is one of the most difficult jobs because they have to be all over the place. The DM's have to babysit the lazy asses and I would hate to have that job. I guess you are pissed that you were not selected for PCI. You seem to be a bitter person in general. Did you get passed up? Hmmm. Sucks to be you douche bag.

This is still a great place to be despite all the negative people.

Are they loyal to you ? You really have no idea do you . Do you still think the World is flat also ? Do you think at all ? Later milk toast

will be glad when you leave Galderma.
There are reps who are happy to work here and you bad apples spoil it for all of us. If you are not happy then do us all a favor and leave.

No company is perfect but there are people who work their butts off in good times and in bad. We are loyal to the organization because we believe in the products and the company.

The RSM job is one of the most difficult jobs because they have to be all over the place. The DM's have to babysit the lazy asses and I would hate to have that job. I guess you are pissed that you were not selected for PCI. You seem to be a bitter person in general. Did you get passed up? Hmmm. Sucks to be you douche bag.

This is still a great place to be despite all the negative people.

What a soft C@^K . You'll go far :p your Friends George A :) and Chris S