Sales Force looses Faith/Trust in Tracy


We are all tired of unrealistic goals, unobtainable contests, fuzzy numbers, and the
continued line of BS we are at the Right Place at the Right Time and we are the #1 Derm
company and we are the only company launching 2 drugs in 2 years- GREAT- pay us
Reps have 2nd jobs, stopped paying into 401K because they need extra money, and are
so tired of upper management with tHe same recycled nonsense



While I agree that we reps are VERY underpaid and salaries are a joke, we are still fortunate to have a job. Instead of posting discontent messages on here everyone that go unheard, whoever is concerned with bonus structure etc should just put together a petition or email group and send off to Todd's management. If he really is all about "rewarding" sales force then perhaps he doesn't even know how unhappy we are.

WAKE UP ! its called we make $375,000 to $450,000 living in Texas in our 6000 square
foot homes, sending our children to the best schools and belong to the best country club in
South Lake.
They don't care if we stay or go, they don't want to ROCK the Boat and try to appease us
with as little as possible. Nothing will change, so get use to making $0.

C'mon dog get it right . Ft Worth boys paid on profit not sales home boy . So they don't give a tiny sh@t . Change cards = increase bottom line = pay day for Tray dog and the home boys . Then speech about how much they luv us , they want foot soldiers not people who think .

Unless goals are the same they will focus on profit and we'll focus on growth , they'll get paid and we get speeches . Leave homie , if we all leave this might just might change .

Novartis has plenty of G resumes right now sent from DSM's ( sorry Chicago and DFW ) , reps from all over the country just waiting for an openings . Even marketing peeps and A and C are looking for Bio with Norvartis and that is just Norvatis . It's gonna get real , but like I said see how they b paid

It's all about the paper and they got u all dreamin of " make up money " ha freakin ha.

C'mon dog get it right . Ft Worth boys paid on profit not sales home boy . So they don't give a tiny sh@t . Change cards = increase bottom line = pay day for Tray dog and the home boys . Then speech about how much they luv us , they want foot soldiers not people who think .

Unless goals are the same they will focus on profit and we'll focus on growth , they'll get paid and we get speeches . Leave homie , if we all leave this might just might change .

Novartis has plenty of G resumes right now sent from DSM's ( sorry Chicago and DFW ) , reps from all over the country just waiting for an openings . Even marketing peeps and A and C are looking for Bio with Norvartis and that is just Norvatis . It's gonna get real , but like I said see how they b paid

It's all about the paper and they got u all dreamin of " make up money " ha freakin ha.

When are you people going to wake up? This has been the same deal for over 3 years. we used to have leadership that gave a dam about the sales force. They are over at other companies and by the way those companies are growing. Network with AP and BU and they will be happy to help you out. Time to get real. Also, do not be so sure these guys at G are getting their profit sharing. This company has been on a decline for a long time. Finally, BS about the number one derm company. Falling and now out of the top 5 and sinking fast.

Quick question- did anyone ever have any real faith in Mike or Tracy? Or the people they report to who seem to change as often as we have POA meetings. I do not plan on being here in January but if I still am I am sure we will have more speeches on being number one, which I hear is not true and more speeches about what a great place this is. Just because one has a title and is up front on a stage at a sales meeting does not make that person a leader. They should just get cardboard cutouts and play stupid motivational speeches from YouTube. It would have the same result on the sales team. These guys are really loosing their credibility assuming they had any in the first place.

Quick question- did anyone ever have any real faith in Mike or Tracy? Or the people they report to who seem to change as often as we have POA meetings. I do not plan on being here in January but if I still am I am sure we will have more speeches on being number one, which I hear is not true and more speeches about what a great place this is. Just because one has a title and is up front on a stage at a sales meeting does not make that person a leader. They should just get cardboard cutouts and play stupid motivational speeches from YouTube. It would have the same result on the sales team. These guys are really loosing their credibility assuming they had any in the first place.

I agree , looking outside of galderma myself . Honestly can't wait to resign , they will replace me with 20 something who will buy their shell game . There just doesn't appear to be any respect for sales or an honest answer to real issues , I feel like there is no value placed on in me here even though I've achieved at the highest levels .

The culture is stale and this place is falling behind the curve . Look around Tracy , Sellen , Curley , George that 2 faced back stabbing gossip , Lohose & Curruth ? Are they in those jobs elsewhere ? How did they get those jobs in the first place ?

I hoped for change but now I've seen I must change companies . Shame because I really like a bunch of the people I work with , the field based employees here are first rate .

Sun Pharma Derm and Novartis are hiring. I have interviewed with Novartis and then Sun this week in Dallas and they have something like up to potentially 20 new products in front of the FDA. I really liked the energy and their vision for the future. I hope to get a call back soon. I think at both companies their heads of sales worked for you guys. I talked to some friends and I decided not go for Galderma but I liked what I heard at the other companies.

WOW integrated report is over 12 days late. WHY ?
Does anyone believe our numbers? Should we ? Absolutely not ! A few specialty pharmacies are not reporting, or are reporting once every few months. Philadoor has a few hundred scripts
being processed monthly and the credit goes to who ? NO ONE
Less than 5% of the saleforces are being paid, UNHEARD of in the PHARMA industry.

WOW integrated report is over 12 days late. WHY ?
Does anyone believe our numbers? Should we ? Absolutely not ! A few specialty pharmacies are not reporting, or are reporting once every few months. Philadoor has a few hundred scripts
being processed monthly and the credit goes to who ? NO ONE
Less than 5% of the saleforces are being paid, UNHEARD of in the PHARMA industry.

Not all true , where have you been dude or dudess ? They being Tracy and Regional lap dogs get credit for all those missing scripts , so they get paid . RXBU is a mess , no clear direction , no vision . Some are getting paid , think small volume or Texas and you'd be right , everyone else is trolling for scraps every other quarter .

Texas territories could make $ with a warm body in there as the coverage is good and economy booming . That is dangerous because home office people being based in Texas think the whole country has great MC coverage so why aren't you people in the East killing it ?

No I don't trust the numbers or anyone standing up front at meetings , that is the cold hard facts . If you couldn't trust a family member or spouse or close friend how would that relationship look ? Let me tell you... SICK is how it would look . The culture is here has turned SICK through broken trust , leave before you are infected more .

tracy here stop data diving to see all ur lost scripts . just sell more so i get paid . did u like the sad launch bonuses for soolantra . we in dfw enjoyed a big pay day . thank u little person .

Can anyone point to anybody from the Home Office who is a leader in Galderma ? Does anyone motivate the sales force that pays the bills and keeps the lites on ??

We get spoken down to by Tracy, regionals who keep pushing an unrealistic bonus is available
for year end, where's Chuck, Stuart, Todd and now Brian ?????

If we see spending getting cut to sales force in the next few weeks, things are bad, real bad.

What did the Tracy video actually say ?

Bust your butts , it's all about profit for Nestle. We will change the commission plan for the
7 th time in 6 months to put better spin on what really can't be made in commission dollars
which has nothing to do with your salary or company car.

Thank you my little pleabs.

Did you figure out the newest and shiniest commission plan for 4th quarter yet.
Something obtainable or just a bunch of nonsense numbers with a $ amount
at the end that you have figured out less than 3% of the sales force can obtain and you
can keep in your budget.

Please stay commis plan has some dollars to make you believe until we change cards again and screw you over . Sorry brothers and sisters its culture here , goes with tiny sack .

How could Tracy hide our September sales numbers from us ?
They belong to us , regardless if they are good , bad, ugly, we need to know
how well we did or did not to see how our messaging is working.

Yes, you can change commission payouts but do not hide our numbers.

We are in sales and if we had a bad month, we can handle it and the consequesnces
of commission or not.

You have changed the dynamic of inner circle and Presidents impact which is not fair.