Sales force changes


Please just announce the changes to the sales force/territories/management structure. Obviously changes are coming, it would be nice if they would just end the speculation and make the changes. Guessing Green reps are gone (no severance expense), question is same territories with one or two reps? Or smaller territories with one rep? Sept POA meeting to meet with the new teams/hit reset button. Best of luck to all.


It’s the blind leading the blind over here. Leadership is driving this company into a black hole of shit. Bring back My boy Blue! Female running this train right off the tracks. Get her out of here.

There’s a lot of good people here. No need to put leadership down. It’s not their fault. It definitely doesn’t help waiting around wondering when things will change. Forget the colors, seems like everyone is just getting by. Downplaying the managers and downplaying the reps is not necessary.