How about you all run Pernix! Seems like everyone on here knows the pay structure, who is selling what, who is taking the biggest losses, and you all even got the pay per script down to a science. BRAVO! With all this effort, it's no wonder you all are top dogs at selling cough cold. Bunch of freakin genius'. You all are like, little yoda's with all the answers. Can you tell me who killed JFK or where jimmy Hoffa is burried? I mean if Pernix needs to get an ouside company to come up with some algorithm to figure out commissions, coupons, and territories they wasted all that money. Because ladies and gentleman Hawthorn reps can piece it all together for you on cafepharma in two days. Novartis is wanting to contact whoever is the mastermind. They would love to hear how they are going to pay the reps with their new once a month insulin injection. If the patient only gets a one month supply vs a three month supply do they get a higher commission? Do tell?