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Salary range for new senior rep?


Recently laid off after several years with another pharma comapny. I was considering applying for an opening with Eisai in my hometown. I have 14 years experience. Can someone please let me know a realistic base and bonus range for a senior rep?

I know that many will immediately say how awful it is to work here. I just came for a horrfic situiation/company so I know what you may feel so please save that. I am just asking for some objective input on salry.

Thank you in advance for any help you can lend.


I have bad news for you. eaisi hates senior reps, and has fired about 99% of them. Senior reps prove how dumb management is. This company only wants cheap, yes, reps who will go out and do all the pig slop grunt work exactly as they are told to do by their dumbass DM.

If you want to work for minimun wage, under stupid management then Aysaaiii is the place for you!

Recently laid off after several years with another pharma comapny. I was considering applying for an opening with Eisai in my hometown. I have 14 years experience. Can someone please let me know a realistic base and bonus range for a senior rep?

I know that many will immediately say how awful it is to work here. I just came for a horrfic situiation/company so I know what you may feel so please save that. I am just asking for some objective input on salry.

Thank you in advance for any help you can lend.

I agree with the other posts, they will say you are overqualified for the position. If you can dumb your experience and expectations down a bit, you could get a 65K base. But it's basically out of the fry pan and into the fire, as you can expect layoffs again by summer.

Recently laid off after several years with another pharma comapny. I was considering applying for an opening with Eisai in my hometown. I have 14 years experience. Can someone please let me know a realistic base and bonus range for a senior rep?

I know that many will immediately say how awful it is to work here. I just came for a horrfic situiation/company so I know what you may feel so please save that. I am just asking for some objective input on salry.

Thank you in advance for any help you can lend.

I came here with 5 years of exp and my base is $65k. Hope that helps!

Azi will probably not hire you as a Sr. Rep for two reasons. First they can't afford to pay you what you are worth and second you probably have more experience than most managers. They also don't bring in reps with that title.... You must earn it the "azi" way. Whatever that may be from one year to the next and from one manager to the next.

Jobs are few and far between so if you really want what could very possibly be a short lived job while looking for something else, change your resume to say you have about five to six years of experience. Don't think they will pay anyone over 65k in this market. As for Bonus count on zero to 20k a year. Top ranking reps make a bit more. However, bonus payouts have dwindled in size over the last few years. Apparently a certain RD announced that you don't work at this company for the money! It is all about hhc. Look it up before and if you interview. It doesn't pay the bills but it is good marketing material.

Please remember Eisai always dangles the bait to outside people and will bend over backwards for them. Now, once you become an official employee are you then degraded and promoted especially if you are a person of color or have given up one's life to serve Eisai.

Azi will probably not hire you as a Sr. Rep for two reasons. First they can't afford to pay you what you are worth and second you probably have more experience than most managers. They also don't bring in reps with that title.... You must earn it the "azi" way. Whatever that may be from one year to the next and from one manager to the next.

Jobs are few and far between so if you really want what could very possibly be a short lived job while looking for something else, change your resume to say you have about five to six years of experience. Don't think they will pay anyone over 65k in this market. As for Bonus count on zero to 20k a year. Top ranking reps make a bit more. However, bonus payouts have dwindled in size over the last few years. Apparently a certain RD announced that you don't work at this company for the money! It is all about hhc. Look it up before and if you interview. It doesn't pay the bills but it is good marketing material.

Another RD continuously tells his region that they are super lucky to have a job and so on. While this may be true, it is not professional for an RD to keep telling his people this. A true leader motivates people honestly and in a positive way, not by threats like that moron.

Recently laid off after several years with another pharma comapny. I was considering applying for an opening with Eisai in my hometown. I have 14 years experience. Can someone please let me know a realistic base and bonus range for a senior rep?

I know that many will immediately say how awful it is to work here. I just came for a horrfic situiation/company so I know what you may feel so please save that. I am just asking for some objective input on salry.

Thank you in advance for any help you can lend.

After 14 years you never made it to DM and you're not self aware enough to know pharma sales is a dead profession? Hey Forest...got eat some shrimp gumbo.

Hey, this person could easily be a DM here. The only skill that you need is the willingness to relocate!

Also, to be a DM the other skill that is extremely important is to be able to LIE all the time, and sometimes you have to lie while keeping a straight face-- now that is a skill!!
Lastly, the DM has to be able to brown nose the incompetent RD they work for-- that can be tough to learn.

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