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Salary for Metabolic Sales team openings

Thanks for the information on the epilepsy team. I am hoping the would get closer to 80k as the territories are pretty big. I guess I will have to see what happens after my interview.

Thanks for the information on the epilepsy team. I am hoping the would get closer to 80k as the territories are pretty big. I guess I will have to see what happens after my interview.

Yep, I understand. I have friends who have resigned over the past year and went to other companies for the smaller territory and more $$ but the grass isn't always greener especially if you get a nightmare DM. Just keep in mind what your dealing with now in the job market for pharma reps. As I said in an earlier post in this thread, it's supply and demand. There is a lot of talent around that is unemployed, underemployed, employed but unhappy, new grads, etc....that is floating resumes, and unfortunately, gone are the days where the Mercks, BMS, Pfizer, etc... are expanding their sales forces left and right. A lot of people less jobs. Yeah...it sucks, and they know they don't have to offer big bucks to get experienced, accomplished, reps with existing relationships. Sorry to digress, but.... let alone pharma, this country is screwed up right now and it's only gonna get worse because we have the wrong leadership and a lack of political will to fix it. We also have a population that gets more upset over a blown call in the last play of an NFL game then they do about $4/gallon gas, 8.1% unemployment, $16+ trillion in debt, and the federal reserve devaluing your money by printing more of it everyday because they've promised everyone all these goodies that they can't cover with the tax revenue they're getting and China got smart and stopped lending us money that they know we can't/won't repay. On top of that have you noticed what's going on with food prices and the price for a pair of nice khakis at Banana Republic? Yep, you print more money and guess what... you get inflation. That's starting to kick in. Then you have entrepreneurs who look at all the regulation, obamacare gonna kick in big, increased taxes, so they start cutting costs by cutting jobs or just throw their hands up and say "you know what? fuck it, I'm done, I'm closing up shop or I'll go invest in Singapore or India". Sorry... but I have fucking had it! I'll just stop there... Good luck to all and God Bless America.

Yep, I understand. I have friends who have resigned over the past year and went to other companies for the smaller territory and more $$ but the grass isn't always greener especially if you get a nightmare DM. Just keep in mind what your dealing with now in the job market for pharma reps. As I said in an earlier post in this thread, it's supply and demand. There is a lot of talent around that is unemployed, underemployed, employed but unhappy, new grads, etc....that is floating resumes, and unfortunately, gone are the days where the Mercks, BMS, Pfizer, etc... are expanding their sales forces left and right. A lot of people less jobs. Yeah...it sucks, and they know they don't have to offer big bucks to get experienced, accomplished, reps with existing relationships. Sorry to digress, but.... let alone pharma, this country is screwed up right now and it's only gonna get worse because we have the wrong leadership and a lack of political will to fix it. We also have a population that gets more upset over a blown call in the last play of an NFL game then they do about $4/gallon gas, 8.1% unemployment, $16+ trillion in debt, and the federal reserve devaluing your money by printing more of it everyday because they've promised everyone all these goodies that they can't cover with the tax revenue they're getting and China got smart and stopped lending us money that they know we can't/won't repay. On top of that have you noticed what's going on with food prices and the price for a pair of nice khakis at Banana Republic? Yep, you print more money and guess what... you get inflation. That's starting to kick in. Then you have entrepreneurs who look at all the regulation, obamacare gonna kick in big, increased taxes, so they start cutting costs by cutting jobs or just throw their hands up and say "you know what? fuck it, I'm done, I'm closing up shop or I'll go invest in Singapore or India". Sorry... but I have fucking had it! I'll just stop there... Good luck to all and God Bless America.

Most of this is true, but there is no need for people to panic.

Simply make adjustments to your life, your career, your understanding of the world, and you will be fine.

We were not meant to walk on earth with a fear based worldview.

Most of this is true, but there is no need for people to panic.

Simply make adjustments to your life, your career, your understanding of the world, and you will be fine.

We were not meant to walk on earth with a fear based worldview.

I'm happy you recognise that what I said was true but who told anyone to panic? Also I don't get where you think I have a "fear based worldview". It's reality based. Finally, it's not always as easy as just making simple adjustments. Look at what is happening in Greece and Spain and soon other parts of Europe. Well that's us down the road and while you can be smart and stay informed and oh yea "make adjustments", a collapsing economy hurts everyone. My point in posting what I posted was a combination of venting, injecting a dose of reality to the naive or uninformed and to say that we shouldn't settle for corrupt, mediocre leadership and a reduced standard of living.

gotta love people who say "simply, do this" and "simply do that". if it was so "simple", everyone would be doing it.

Life was never meant to be complicated. The people that run the world want to make us go through hoops because they want to control us with mortgages, student loans, money manipulation, taxes, on and on I could go.

"Don't let them fool ya, don't let them school, ya" -Bob Marley.

Think about what he is saying here. They are the ones that hold the purse strings, control the food supply, etc.

Its a big scam. People here don't see it because they think their money is worth something and that life is about accumulating things and sending their kids to the "best" schools.

Teach yourself about what is really going on in the world, and it will become simple, despite all the manipulation and stupid people that are in "leadership" positions.

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