S3...blessing or curse?

Several CRII promoted to S3, what sense in that, how can those folks have the same experiences or value to this company at that time in their career! This has all been idiotic and will come back to bit merck in the ass! Looks like a parade of asskissers and koolaid drinkers rewarded by their friends..change agents & other dud titles were promoted and if you served on any of these committee's that promulgated this disaster then you are rewarded and given promotion and pay raises! We can do all of this but we can't put the tools in our customers hands that they need on a daily basis. When the fog lifts I sure hope someone sees the iceberg in time!

The title means absolutely nothing unless you are a douche.

A lot of people grossly fall into this category. Had to deal with a coworker who had been promoted to SD by her BFFS and WHO HAD TO EMPHASIZE HER TITLE OUT LOUD TO OTHERS IN FRONT MY PEERS AND I to make sure we understood she was now a more evolved person than we. And this was seen as leadership. S2 looks nicely normal from where I sit.

Several CRII promoted to S3, what sense in that, how can those folks have the same experiences or value to this company at that time in their career! This has all been idiotic and will come back to bit merck in the ass! Looks like a parade of asskissers and koolaid drinkers rewarded by their friends..change agents & other dud titles were promoted and if you served on any of these committee's that promulgated this disaster then you are rewarded and given promotion and pay raises! We can do all of this but we can't put the tools in our customers hands that they need on a daily basis. When the fog lifts I sure hope someone sees the iceberg in time!

The direct result of removing all objective criteria from the process. This kind of system breeds cronyism and abuse (including sexual harassment) its only a matter of time until a major incident comes to light.

Let me summerize what happened with this new structure. If you were a Senior Executive rep you were demoted from a grade 5 to a grade 6. The S3 position is a job with a lot of BS. If you like the BS then you had a chance of being a S3 rep. And everyone else just about remained where they were before this change.

Pennsylvania S3's are the perfect example of the younger and much less tenured reps who do the most ass kissing and are the most spreadsheet loving. I mean, come on! Absolutely insulting to those who have been around for many years. There were Schering reps who should have easily been placed at the top. Management favoritism and pretending to love everything about Merck for a year gets you this job?

Let me summerize what happened with this new structure. If you were a Senior Executive rep you were demoted from a grade 5 to a grade 6. The S3 position is a job with a lot of BS. If you like the BS then you had a chance of being a S3 rep. And everyone else just about remained where they were before this change.

Not true. Not everyone else just about remained the same. Some got screwed, royally.

Might be a great thing for the few that were singled out for whatever reason! Terrible for Merck because now we've lost the trust of the folks that made this company great! Most of your senior execs were long tenured reps with a vast experience and they've been replaced with ex-dud managers who kiss ass well and new reps who play the NCM game and have never sold a damn pill! When and if the new launches start taking place there will be hell to pay at Merck! One of our S3's has never made plan with a new product in his career and is always looking for help! What kind of peer leader is that in this age! We've killed the goose that could have laid the golden egg and cooked her with dill sauce! We're in a pickle!

Several CRII promoted to S3, what sense in that, how can those folks have the same experiences or value to this company at that time in their career! This has all been idiotic and will come back to bit merck in the ass! Looks like a parade of asskissers and koolaid drinkers rewarded by their friends..change agents & other dud titles were promoted and if you served on any of these committee's that promulgated this disaster then you are rewarded and given promotion and pay raises! We can do all of this but we can't put the tools in our customers hands that they need on a daily basis. When the fog lifts I sure hope someone sees the iceberg in time!

As a former CRII who busted their ass, working harder & longer than most of the senior execs in my region, I earned the promotion. This may not be the case for everyone, but I'd imagine most of the reps who were promoted earned it. The above poster seems to think that just because a rep has been around longer makes them more valuable. Virtually every business model and organization has proven this to be incorrect thinking. The entitlement metality is what is ruining our company and country.

When I "interviewed" for the S3 position and found out how they are only ranking the S3's with each other, I backed out immediately. I became an S2 and got a 6% increase followed by a 1.5 % merit. Most S2's will make more bonus than S3's because of rankings. In order to make your projected bonus as an S3 you will have to be in the top 3 or 4 in the region...and that can be tough. In order to make above your projected bonus as an S2 you just need to finish in the top 15 to 20 people in the region (based on your region)...much more achievable and without the extra work.

A 1.5% merit met the criteria for BELOW OBJECITVE. 1.8% was the target for AT. You are full of shit on your S3 comment...