Bingo. S&N Endoscopy is a great first job in device if you're interviewing for an ESR role. You'll learn the ropes on S&N's dime, selling a nice mix of implants, consumables, and capital. However your manager will make or break you, and most in middle management are incapable of helping you hit your number / grow your business. Most the managers I've encountered while at S&N have very little interest in the development of their reps, and are strictly politicians, opposed to actual sales leaders.
Turnover is also staggering in this division. You'll quickly notice the massive attrition from your training class at subsequent meetings... It's apparent to me that endo reps fall into one of two categories; either green kids who've just landed their first job in device, or complacent "B-team" vets with no alternative options for employment.
Bottom line, the longer you stay @ S&N, the greater the chance of you or your valued customers being burned by the company... Best advice, don't stay past 3 years or so, if you value your career trajectory, annual income, and customers.
Hope this helps.