S&N Sports Med/Endo

Overwhelming majority of reps. here are just that: cover reps. No selling skills. Just show up for cases, make sure instruments are opened, entertain the nurses, go home at the end of the day. The solution to the problem seems to be adding more managers on top of manager and not necessarily the most qualified. Kiss the right asses and you'll move up.
No one investing time to make these youngsters better sales people. Just cover cases, protect your business and take what comes your way. Then move on to another gig.

No one investing time to make these youngsters better sales people. Just cover cases, protect your business and take what comes your way. Then move on to another gig.

Bingo. S&N Endoscopy is a great first job in device if you're interviewing for an ESR role. You'll learn the ropes on S&N's dime, selling a nice mix of implants, consumables, and capital. However your manager will make or break you, and most in middle management are incapable of helping you hit your number / grow your business. Most the managers I've encountered while at S&N have very little interest in the development of their reps, and are strictly politicians, opposed to actual sales leaders.

Turnover is also staggering in this division. You'll quickly notice the massive attrition from your training class at subsequent meetings... It's apparent to me that endo reps fall into one of two categories; either green kids who've just landed their first job in device, or complacent "B-team" vets with no alternative options for employment.

Bottom line, the longer you stay @ S&N, the greater the chance of you or your valued customers being burned by the company... Best advice, don't stay past 3 years or so, if you value your career trajectory, annual income, and customers.

Hope this helps.

Bingo. S&N Endoscopy is a great first job in device if you're interviewing for an ESR role. You'll learn the ropes on S&N's dime, selling a nice mix of implants, consumables, and capital. However your manager will make or break you, and most in middle management are incapable of helping you hit your number / grow your business. Most the managers I've encountered while at S&N have very little interest in the development of their reps, and are strictly politicians, opposed to actual sales leaders.

Turnover is also staggering in this division. You'll quickly notice the massive attrition from your training class at subsequent meetings... It's apparent to me that endo reps fall into one of two categories; either green kids who've just landed their first job in device, or complacent "B-team" vets with no alternative options for employment.

Bottom line, the longer you stay @ S&N, the greater the chance of you or your valued customers being burned by the company... Best advice, don't stay past 3 years or so, if you value your career trajectory, annual income, and customers.

Hope this helps.
Spot on!
Large majority of sales reps. have less than 2 yrs. on the job and for most, this is their first sales gig. No clue how to sell and are told their primary focus is case coverage.
Constant recalls, backorder and clogged new product pipeline make it tough for everyone.

Spot on!
Large majority of sales reps. have less than 2 yrs. on the job and for most, this is their first sales gig. No clue how to sell and are told their primary focus is case coverage.
Constant recalls, backorder and clogged new product pipeline make it tough for everyone.
Seems like nothing has changed. Does these clowns have a strategic plan?

I agree with the post above. S&n does have some great products however management is a disaster. The comp plan allows a rep to basically max out at 125. Average rep making 75-85K. Tenured average making 95-125k. Managers are lost causes.
The comp plan resets every year to pay reps less and the good reps leave. The reps they compete against make almost double.

Spot on!
Large majority of sales reps. have less than 2 yrs. on the job and for most, this is their first sales gig. No clue how to sell and are told their primary focus is case coverage.
Constant recalls, backorder and clogged new product pipeline make it tough for everyone.
You left out lack of vision and leadership. No one in this organization wants to compete. They only want to participate.

Stay away- Broken promises from management and pay comp plan makes you lose money every year.. Good products and a great place to start but if you like to make over 100K/year stay away. I interviewed with them for NYC and heard its a mess with a bunch of turnover..

Great reps and great products. There are great leaders too and the company needs to let the strong ones handle several divisions and product lines and start growing with the strong reps that are in place.

This division is like a dumpster fire. The problem is management and sales leadership has chosen to let it burn out of control knowing that eventually things will take care of themselves.