Ryan Kessler?

You people must be total idiots, you are so concerned about Ryan while your jobs will disappear any day now. What is wrong with you, spend some time searching for a job not worrying about Ryan

You are all a bunch of loosers, I assure you I'm not RK, but he is certainly not as you portray him. Yes a bit conceited, but to a a failure like you he probably does seem to be over the top.

Failure...lol. I made well over 6 figs last year, I have won presidents clubs, regional awards, disrict awards...I have actually sold blockbuster drugs and worked for companies that make money and have their own R&D. LOL you're hilarious, if you are not RK you must be really fucking brainwashed....this company sucks and so does he.

ryan is a very talented sales person, and his wife is very pretty. why dont you focus on yourself? I knew him at KOS. great guy. You are lucky to benefit from his expertise. He may be young, but he is brilliant.

kiss my ass, I took a specialty vaccine job.

typical response....as if "specialty Vaccine" is supposed to mean something. Dude, it's a sales job...same as selling auto parts (Callahan brake pads are the best!) or plumbing supplies. Get over yourself. By the way, those doctors you call on that you consider yourself their equal - they laugh about you behind your back. You're a dochebag tool that is tolerated in small measures just so they can get whatever they want out of you.

Stumbled onto this thread looking for information about a guy I interviewed. Anyway, Ryan is a good guy. Young sure but he did blow it up at Kos. I worked with him and he was the shit. His wife is very pretty and a great rep. She works at another company that i will not mention and has won the highest award every year she has been there. The two are good people who both work hard and have enjoyed much success.

You are jealous. It's easy to see. Crawl under a rock and die.

ryan is a very talented sales person, and his wife is very pretty. why dont you focus on yourself? I knew him at KOS. great guy. You are lucky to benefit from his expertise. He may be young, but he is brilliant.

Ryan, wouldn't know you if you were perched on the hood of my car, BUT, I am retired and, MY, don't you generate a lot of comment! I retired after 30+ HAPPY years in the industry, but I do believe that you are far too young to give much advice to anyone about anything..........potential, maybe, but from the bit I read, you probably typify the unfortunate direction the drug industry is heading, i.e., promoting prematurely.