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Rush Is Right......,,


if so innocuous then why is Cruz self quarantining? Hmmm? :)
Because it’s not so innocuous to the old and infirmed. But the fact remains that Rush is right for 98-99% which means he’s far more correct than fools like you. Ted is simply following the recommendations and u like you he’s a nice person.

I agree. I don't think you're going to get anybody with an opposing point here.

I like Rush and I listen to him all the time. But he's wrong.

This virus is not like the flu. It kills young and healthy people - unlike the flu. The Communist Chinese furthermore, don't quarantine 100 million people for the flu. This virus is killing people with no regard for their age and/or health.

The entire northern half of Italy too is going into quarantine...this virus killed the Vice President of Iran after the Communist Chinese tried to give Iran a bio weapon to use against Israel...but then they accidentally infected their customers.

The actual death tolls and cases is under reported - both deliberately and because governments can only count "confirmed" cases.

And the virus is mutating too - which is not good.

The only myth involved here is the idea that the leftists have any brains in their heads.

It was progressives to blame for bringing in people infected with the Coronavirus (and through in action, enabling the Coronavirus to take hold inside the country - primarily by telling travelers from China who may have been exposed, to self monitor). These are facts, which can not be changed simply by redefining reality. Reality is what it is, and it can't be altered to suit your wishes. Likewise, Obama and Hillary left those men to die - and that too can't be changed.

The same progressives tried to bring in the Ebola virus under Obama's watch, but it didn't start an outbreak because the Ebola virus while even more lethal, is harder to spread. This time however, the progressives in our government succeeded in getting an epidemic started.

What more do these progressive America-haters have to do to the American people, before the American people will wake up and recognize their own enemies...enemies within our own country!

Electing President Trump was the first sign however, that the American people have woken up at last!

It's time for the American people to stop being sheep. The progressives hate you and they hate America. It's time to stand up and say NO MORE.

God Bless President Trump and GOD BLESS AMERICA!

BTW. I invite anyone and everyone to offer an alternative explanation for why the Progressives in our government enabled the coronavirus outbreak in America? They knew their policies would result in the disease gaining a foot hold inside the country... They disobeyed the President of the United States of America in order to enable the virus. Even an imbecile could see the outcome of their policies - before the fact. Then they had the GALL to tell us to expect more cases...

The American people had better start thinking and talking about the realities surrounding the progressives in our government. Our futures depend upon it.

I just hope it's not too late now...the virus has already mutated 2 times at least. The progressives may indeed succeed in turning America (and the entire world) into the Walking Dead - minus the zombies!

Great points. It turns out that now the entire country of Italy is under quarantine. That's 60,000,000 people...you don't quarantine and entire nation for the flu.

I just waiting for somebody to ask Anthony Faucie what will happen to any vaccine hopes if the virus mutates first?

Great points. It turns out that now the entire country of Italy is under quarantine. That's 60,000,000 people...you don't quarantine and entire nation for the flu.

I just waiting for somebody to ask Anthony Faucie what will happen to any vaccine hopes if the virus mutates first?
It would be a more rational decision to though because I’m willing to bet that more people , ,probably many multiples, will die in Italy due to the flu than to Covid 19.
Italy doesn’t have the healthcare system that we do and there is a great deal of travel between Italy and China so they made an extreme decision.

Whatever I heard his radio show what are you people's issue with Latino people? Because when I heard his radio down in FL one thats all he talk about and that they all wanted to kill us and take our jobs?:rolleyes: Like really really so retarded.:rolleyes:

Because it’s not so innocuous to the old and infirmed. But the fact remains that Rush is right for 98-99% which means he’s far more correct than fools like you. Ted is simply following the recommendations and u like you he’s a nice person.

Trump said it's under control and no more serious than the flu. Which is it? :)

As usual, Rush is proven far more right than his critics!

Sounds pretty much like the common cold to me for 98-99% of people!

And Corona is so very bad that many, perhaps most will never even know they have it!

Yep you libtard Rush haters have egg on your faces yet again!

Not sure who is aggregating the data 0but seems to be accurate on some of the data points I'm aware of..except the death rate and critical cases are showing 7 to 9%.

ps. Here is a John Hopkins database showing similar numbers
