You are endlessly annoying. Keep hating Runz and Hondas as it seems to work for you. I drive a Ford and it has a sunroof and all the regular things that a pharma car has.
100% of business miles are reimbursed. Try actually reading the policy and comprehending the words for yourself.
Once you actually buy yourself a car and receive the reimbursement you will feel better about the entire experience. I understand trying new things can be very scary.
If this process makes you so angry how are you handling Ofirmev sales, working with CAS and doing dinners. Bet you are a real peach.
What makes you think I'm angry. I think it's funny that you think a company like Mallinckrodt is going to do you a "solid" and let you make out on the deal and let you drive your own car. Well enjoy your ford with a sunroof, I have bigger fights to win. First one is getting as far away from this shithole as possible.