Runheimer sucks

You are endlessly annoying. Keep hating Runz and Hondas as it seems to work for you. I drive a Ford and it has a sunroof and all the regular things that a pharma car has.
100% of business miles are reimbursed. Try actually reading the policy and comprehending the words for yourself.
Once you actually buy yourself a car and receive the reimbursement you will feel better about the entire experience. I understand trying new things can be very scary.

If this process makes you so angry how are you handling Ofirmev sales, working with CAS and doing dinners. Bet you are a real peach.

What makes you think I'm angry. I think it's funny that you think a company like Mallinckrodt is going to do you a "solid" and let you make out on the deal and let you drive your own car. Well enjoy your ford with a sunroof, I have bigger fights to win. First one is getting as far away from this shithole as possible.

You are endlessly annoying. Keep hating Runz and Hondas as it seems to work for you. I drive a Ford and it has a sunroof and all the regular things that a pharma car has.
100% of business miles are reimbursed. Try actually reading the policy and comprehending the words for yourself.
Once you actually buy yourself a car and receive the reimbursement you will feel better about the entire experience. I understand trying new things can be very scary.

If this process makes you so angry how are you handling Ofirmev sales, working with CAS and doing dinners. Bet you are a real peach.

You are correct, 100% of your business miles are reimbursed. However, you cannot claim 100% of your milage as business, you can only claim 75% as business and 25% as personal. Its not a mallinckrodt rule its runzheimer rules.

You are endlessly annoying. Keep hating Runz and Hondas as it seems to work for you. I drive a Ford and it has a sunroof and all the regular things that a pharma car has.
100% of business miles are reimbursed. Try actually reading the policy and comprehending the words for yourself.
Once you actually buy yourself a car and receive the reimbursement you will feel better about the entire experience. I understand trying new things can be very scary.

If this process makes you so angry how are you handling Ofirmev sales, working with CAS and doing dinners. Bet you are a real peach.

Only business miles are reimbursed and you MUST claim 25% of the miles as personal. It is the brochure I that received.
Variable miles are .18 per mile. I do not know anyone who drives 2200 miles per month.
The 5k (after taxes) is to cover the finance charges on your new vehicle.

If you purchased a 2016 car in January, here are the calculations;

$24000.00 divided by 48 months (4 years) = $500.00 per month
Insurance $120.00 per monthly (includes "good driver" discount) = $380.00

(vehicle wear-n-tear, maintenance, gas and $1000.00 deductible, in case of an accident, all comes out of the $380.00).

The fixed rate is guaranteed every month and the variable rate is .18 per mile only for business miles. 25% of your miles are considered personal miles.

The 5k is taxed = $3200.00. I used this money cover the $50.00 per month interest over 48 months = $2400.00 which leaves $800.00 for car washes. $800.00 divided by $25.00 cost per car wash = 32 car washes over 48 months (less than once per month).

Company cars are better - period.

If you purchased a 2016 car in January, here are the calculations;

$24000.00 divided by 48 months (4 years) = $500.00 per month
Insurance $120.00 per monthly (includes "good driver" discount) = $380.00

(vehicle wear-n-tear, maintenance, gas and $1000.00 deductible, in case of an accident, all comes out of the $380.00).

The fixed rate is guaranteed every month and the variable rate is .18 per mile only for business miles. 25% of your miles are considered personal miles.

The 5k is taxed = $3200.00. I used this money cover the $50.00 per month interest over 48 months = $2400.00 which leaves $800.00 for car washes. $800.00 divided by $25.00 cost per car wash = 32 car washes over 48 months (less than once per month).

Company cars are better - period.

In four years you paid off the car. Now you sell the car and get between 9-14k.
You dont make gas an expense as it is reimbursed. 1000 business miles at current rate of 18 cents is $180. 1000 miles requires about 50 gallons at a cost of $100. Thus you are on the plus side to the net of $80 a month. Annualize it if you must. Depends on how many miles but it should leave you up unless your car gets 10 mpg.

Good grief! a lot of math lessons on this thread. Anyway. Company car not significantly better but certainly easier. I had Runz in a previous company and by playing it conservative, meaning bought a car slightly better than what I would get as a company vehicle, decent gas mileage I pretty much came out even by managing it. Plus my family could drive it. Why would anyone feel that they need to profit from this? you can't. Your not supposed to! My only real concern about Runz was from a liability standpoint and the fact that my insurance rates could jump as a result of even from a minor accident claim against my policy.

Good grief! a lot of math lessons on this thread. Anyway. Company car not significantly better but certainly easier. I had Runz in a previous company and by playing it conservative, meaning bought a car slightly better than what I would get as a company vehicle, decent gas mileage I pretty much came out even by managing it. Plus my family could drive it. Why would anyone feel that they need to profit from this? you can't. Your not supposed to! My only real concern about Runz was from a liability standpoint and the fact that my insurance rates could jump as a result of even from a minor accident claim against my policy.
Not sure quote what you mean here. Your insurance rates are linked to your drivers license number not to which car you are driving.

I make money. Do all my own maintenence oil, brakes, tire rotation, trans. Go to least expensive gas stations, add a little more on milage claim.
If car is 4 year or more you can still drive, they just give less. I'm driving my car into ground and making decent return.

I make money. Do all my own maintenence oil, brakes, tire rotation, trans. Go to least expensive gas stations, add a little more on milage claim.
If car is 4 year or more you can still drive, they just give less. I'm driving my car into ground and making decent return.

Go you, atta boy!!
Do you also recycle your toilet paper?

98% of people probably can't change their own oil, do their maintenance, etc. I have never heard of anyone making money on Runzheimer...only losing money. If I company uses Runzheimer, it hints that they are probably a "cheap company". Cheap is ugly. I stay away from cheap.

I make money. Do all my own maintenence oil, brakes, tire rotation, trans. Go to least expensive gas stations, add a little more on milage claim.
If car is 4 year or more you can still drive, they just give less. I'm driving my car into ground and making decent return.
How's the weather in north carolina?

I believe that Mallinckrodt will evenutally ditch Runzheimer. I am sure that they signed some stupid contract. After the contract, I can't see why/how they would keep such a dissatisfying program. They will never attract and maintain good reps with a program like Runzheimer. Every other company provides vehicles which allow for reps to most successfully do their jobs.

I believe that Mallinckrodt will evenutally ditch Runzheimer. I am sure that they signed some stupid contract. After the contract, I can't see why/how they would keep such a dissatisfying program. They will never attract and maintain good reps with a program like Runzheimer. Every other company provides vehicles which allow for reps to most successfully do their jobs.

Correct, all of the GOOD companies provide vehicles for their reps and even if MNK does provide vehicles it will still NOT be a good company!

I believe that in pharmaceutical and medical device, a company car should be a standard. You are driving hundreds of miles per day conducting BUSINESS. It is a tool, just like a laptop or iPad, that is essential to your job.

You guys sound like pussies. The runzheimer program is fine. You pick your own ride. You want to drive a Ford Fusion? You sound like a primary care lifer! Most cars come with free Maintanence! Maybe you should go work for Merck or Lilly and drop off some samples and get your signatures!

^^above poster??? I have interviewed with numerous med device companies, all of which offer a company car. Bard, Ethicon, Medtronic, Allergan....they all offered a company car as part of the package. I am sure other device jobs do as well. The top med device and pharma companies know that a car is a part of compensation for their reps.