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RSD predictions

Lloyd was a great guy, and a fair individual. Its too bad that he was displaced. He uprooted his entire family to take a position, then the company displaces him. I dont think its fair. I hope he gets a good severance package. And I am sure he will land on his feet. The ones on here that badmouth should be thankful they have a job, and be careful about wishing ill towards others. Karma has a way of coming back to you. Pharma isnt a stable career anymore. Gone are the days when anyone is safe.

Karma. Lloyd tells DB in Indy he can be a DM if he fires the new girl in Cincy. So he does and now DB is gone and so is the girl in Cincy. She (like Lloyd) moved her entire family to the area with but with no relocation package and then she received no severance. Another classy move Eisai.

Karma. Lloyd tells DB in Indy he can be a DM if he fires the new girl in Cincy. So he does and now DB is gone and so is the girl in Cincy. She (like Lloyd) moved her entire family to the area with but with no relocation package and then she received no severance. Another classy move Eisai.

this is the "norm" as eisai-- promote, relocate with or without assistance, then displace or fire them.

Karma. Lloyd tells DB in Indy he can be a DM if he fires the new girl in Cincy. So he does and now DB is gone and so is the girl in Cincy. She (like Lloyd) moved her entire family to the area with but with no relocation package and then she received no severance. Another classy move Eisai.

wow, sketchy, but not unheard of at eaisii

Who will stay and which 2 will go?
When I heard the news about N.S., I could only smile for the rest of the day. It was the best news that I could have hoped for. I bet she hopes that she has impacted lives while she was with this company. Well, she truly caused mayhem in other lives and will never be forgotten. Its difficult to forget a nightmare.

NS - great news she is gone!! well deserved
BJ - Terrible that he stayed!! What a back stabbing douche!!! I guess it really does pay to know someone. He was a washed up walmart employee when he came to Eisai. He likes to say that he was a manager to imply store manager when in reality he was more like a dept manager ie of the women's underwear section. He came to Eisai with NO pharma experience and in less than 2 years was a DM hummm he was not even an MSS yet GO FIGURE??? We all know the rest of the story. When I look up mean spirited in my websters I see his fuugly face!!!

Craig has always been a decent guy but this place forces anyone with management responsibility to reprimand underlings at any "cost" necessary. Don't believe OB's sweet talking voice mails like he is on your side. HE is behind all of this. And as far as BJ goes, of course he was put into this position because of his "connection". If you dont believe me, ask Tom Slooby. Oh wait, Tom's lack of capability became so apparent they had to let him go to avoid LC's further embarrassment.

If you notice, BJ's denigrating voice mails to the sales force have stopped for the most part. he was told that hatred was growing for his put downs and he was hushed. However, BJ would be better working in HO analyzing data since that is what he does all day. It is BJ who happily spews OB's punishment techniques. Do you know how much punishment has been doled out by this guy to DMs and reps? While he does do it with pleasure, he is a minion of OB. OB likes him because he can try to keep his good-guy image while BJ does the dirty work.

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