RS Medical

Ive worked with JK at two other companies. He'll look you in the eye while stabbing you in the back. To the supporters on this board ... beware, he'll throw you under the bus if it's in his interest. He's a bad person.

Has anyone noticed that all of the pro JK comments are written in exactly the same style, using the same grammar, punctuation, format, etc. Even the use of the same icons. I think all are the same person and likely is JK or someone paid by him to do this. He has to look good if a new company Googles him to see if he is a good fit in their company. When they see this, he will not get an offer and will end up CEO of nothing. This was his first CEO position and he even came in the a book on how to be a CEO. Seriously.

On another note, all of the healthcare industry is struggling. If you are looking to get into another line of work, stay away from insurance/prescription based products. Look towards more cutting edge items. Good luck everyone.

Has anyone noticed that all of the pro JK comments are written in exactly the same style, using the same grammar, punctuation, format, etc. Even the use of the same icons. I think all are the same person and likely is JK or someone paid by him to do this. He has to look good if a new company Googles him to see if he is a good fit in their company. When they see this, he will not get an offer and will end up CEO of nothing. This was his first CEO position and he even came in the a book on how to be a CEO. Seriously.

On another note, all of the healthcare industry is struggling. If you are looking to get into another line of work, stay away from insurance/prescription based products. Look towards more cutting edge items. Good luck everyone.

Are you really that stupid? Comical, really. The person posting it is doing so sarcastically. John Konsin has nothing to do with it. And I doubt any libel suit would hold up now. It ain't libel if it's true! He's got bigger problems with the OIG than to worry about cafepharma. Although, years ago, I believe they brought a libel suit against Medzilla for the posts contained there... or threatened one at least, and Medzilla took them down.

I was let go almost 2yrs ago. Downsized. The whole NE was sucking wind with a few exceptions. I wasn't happy, but I understand why. I may not be a JK fan..but I also know that he doesn't work in a vacuum. He answers to the Board, a board that has members with large amounts of $ invested. he has milestones he must meet and goals to set and meet. I'm sure he doesn't always like doing what he does, but he's smart enough to know the relaities of a quickly changing market. I think a lot of the problem is that RS is waaay late to the table. The changes should have started 3 or 4 years ealrlier when the reimbursement slide started. Instead, they put a few bandaids on the problems, ignored others, and trusted that some really unqualified people could right the ship. It was over their heads. It is what it is. I went 1099. I had Doctors, contacts and was working on some things. I called friends I made while there, and if they couldn't help, they put me in touch with people who could. So 18 mos later..I'm making more $ and working less. I broke 10K in checks-in-my-hand for the 1st time in April. It's been a steady climb. The best part is I answer to myself. I pay my own bills, choose and buy my own product. I added things like wrist and ankle bracing, multiple knee braces, elbow bracing, collars, TLSO's, L0627's. I can cover just about anything a pain or PM&R practice needs. I have in-net coverage through friends who are my SO's and billing co all in one. They get a fair fee and handle that crap for me. I keep 80%. Read that again. 80%. There is only 1 insurer in my state I am not in-network with. One. And I haven't seen this one in a year. My list of coverage makes RS look very very thin. I get my equipment at sub-wholesale costs. Yeah, I have no expense account and I buy my own equipment. It's deductable. But the best part? I work 24 hours a week now. I spend one day in front of the computer, 2 in the field. I have 4 day weekends every week. My QOL is so dramatically improved. No more traffic jams, no more long days, no more panicking to hit my numbers. No more month-end cram to book every last order. I employ another ex RS rep. She has 1 account. She does about 2K a month. She's OK with that. She works 3 days a month now.

So yeah, I kinda miss the fun of the RS of 5,6,7,8 years ago. But things change. But I also know that they gave us all the tools to go it alone if we have the nerve ( and some $ to live on while we do it.) Nobody else has the presence in the office that we have. Your Doctors call YOU, not RS. I just added a nice compounding pharmacy ( a relationship sell, you only need a few RX's a week to make a decent income ), a genetic swab test for Opiates and another item about to drop. The point is, go it alone. Diversify, add lines and go for it. You don't have to kill yourself to make the same $ we were making. But I'll say this..I sure wish I had that NIMBUS RF probe....
I was let go almost 2yrs ago. Downsized. The whole NE was sucking wind with a few exceptions. I wasn't happy, but I understand why. I may not be a JK fan..but I also know that he doesn't work in a vacuum. He answers to the Board, a board that has members with large amounts of $ invested. he has milestones he must meet and goals to set and meet. I'm sure he doesn't always like doing what he does, but he's smart enough to know the relaities of a quickly changing market. I think a lot of the problem is that RS is waaay late to the table. The changes should have started 3 or 4 years ealrlier when the reimbursement slide started. Instead, they put a few bandaids on the problems, ignored others, and trusted that some really unqualified people could right the ship. It was over their heads. It is what it is. I went 1099. I had Doctors, contacts and was working on some things. I called friends I made while there, and if they couldn't help, they put me in touch with people who could. So 18 mos later..I'm making more $ and working less. I broke 10K in checks-in-my-hand for the 1st time in April. It's been a steady climb. The best part is I answer to myself. I pay my own bills, choose and buy my own product. I added things like wrist and ankle bracing, multiple knee braces, elbow bracing, collars, TLSO's, L0627's. I can cover just about anything a pain or PM&R practice needs. I have in-net coverage through friends who are my SO's and billing co all in one. They get a fair fee and handle that crap for me. I keep 80%. Read that again. 80%. There is only 1 insurer in my state I am not in-network with. One. And I haven't seen this one in a year. My list of coverage makes RS look very very thin. I get my equipment at sub-wholesale costs. Yeah, I have no expense account and I buy my own equipment. It's deductable. But the best part? I work 24 hours a week now. I spend one day in front of the computer, 2 in the field. I have 4 day weekends every week. My QOL is so dramatically improved. No more traffic jams, no more long days, no more panicking to hit my numbers. No more month-end cram to book every last order. I employ another ex RS rep. She has 1 account. She does about 2K a month. She's OK with that. She works 3 days a month now.

So yeah, I kinda miss the fun of the RS of 5,6,7,8 years ago. But things change. But I also know that they gave us all the tools to go it alone if we have the nerve ( and some $ to live on while we do it.) Nobody else has the presence in the office that we have. Your Doctors call YOU, not RS. I just added a nice compounding pharmacy ( a relationship sell, you only need a few RX's a week to make a decent income ), a genetic swab test for Opiates and another item about to drop. The point is, go it alone. Diversify, add lines and go for it. You don't have to kill yourself to make the same $ we were making. But I'll say this..I sure wish I had that NIMBUS RF probe....
I really appreciate your honesty with this post. I'm an x RS Medical employee also and have also started my own business. I would LOVE to know who you use for the genetic swab testing as I am looking to partner with a lab myself. If you wouldn't mind emailing me at and my name is Donna. I'm also doing some compounding. Best of luck to you and well done for all you've accomplished!!!

Ive worked with JK at two other companies. He'll look you in the eye while stabbing you in the back. To the supporters on this board ... beware, he'll throw you under the bus if it's in his interest. He's a bad person.

Barb, worked with JK at another company as well. She was married to someone else at the time. So was JK. I am sure you can guess what happened. Spineless scumbag that cheats on his wife with a women who cheats on her husband. JK's own son would use his last name. Neither JK or Barb have any honesty or integrity.

JK will bring the company to #1 - he has done it before and will do it again. Barb is an excellent employee - great hire by JK - Microsoft wantd her but we got her - yes JK get it done!!!

Ha what a joke! Since when does Microsoft court former ultrasound techs with an associates degree from a community college. Barb slept her way to the the top literally. I worked with both Barb and John at an ultrasound company. Everyone new they were cheating on there spouses. It was embarrassing. If you had money Barb was all over you.

Barb, worked with JK at another company as well. She was married to someone else at the time. So was JK. I am sure you can guess what happened. Spineless scumbag that cheats on his wife with a women who cheats on her husband. JK's own son would use his last name. Neither JK or Barb have any honesty or integrity.

As Jk son-I totally agree. He is a tool-