RS Medical

JK has this under control - he is really working on an exclusive contract with CMS that will make RS the "preferred provider" for the entire United States. This incredible strategic move on his part will make RS the "king of the industry" - have faith in JK - he is a proven winner and will win again! Go RS - the best of the best!!!

What? Whoever is writing this has no clue. RS Medical could be involved in "competitive bidding" with CMS, but there are NO exclusive contracts. The Feds would never allow this to happen. It would essentially force Medicare patients (CMS) to have only ONE supplier, which would create a monopoly. I believe the Feds are actually against that... Competitive bidding is like "how much more can we erode the reimbursement just to be able to access patients." Besides, they don't even pay for the products. Constant audits for billing practices, constant audits for incomplete medical support (ie, chart notes), constant audits for over-utilization. I am not sure who's smoking crack over there, but there's no contract! It's actually funny how simple some folks are...nope sad.

What? Whoever is writing this has no clue. RS Medical could be involved in "competitive bidding" with CMS, but there are NO exclusive contracts. The Feds would never allow this to happen. It would essentially force Medicare patients (CMS) to have only ONE supplier, which would create a monopoly. I believe the Feds are actually against that... Competitive bidding is like "how much more can we erode the reimbursement just to be able to access patients." Besides, they don't even pay for the products. Constant audits for billing practices, constant audits for incomplete medical support (ie, chart notes), constant audits for over-utilization. I am not sure who's smoking crack over there, but there's no contract! It's actually funny how simple some folks are...nope sad.

I agree. I am just curious...whatever happened to the comprehensive BCBS contract? I remember hearing that THIS was going to save RS Medical...(silence)...

What? Whoever is writing this has no clue. RS Medical could be involved in "competitive bidding" with CMS, but there are NO exclusive contracts. The Feds would never allow this to happen. It would essentially force Medicare patients (CMS) to have only ONE supplier, which would create a monopoly. I believe the Feds are actually against that... Competitive bidding is like "how much more can we erode the reimbursement just to be able to access patients." Besides, they don't even pay for the products. Constant audits for billing practices, constant audits for incomplete medical support (ie, chart notes), constant audits for over-utilization. I am not sure who's smoking crack over there, but there's no contract! It's actually funny how simple some folks are...nope sad.

"Medicare is expanding the competitive bidding program to more areas of the country. This program changes the amount Medicare pays for certain durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies (DMEPOS) and makes changes to which suppliers Medicare will pay to supply these items to you.

The program replaces the prices Medicare is currently paying with lower, more accurate prices. Under this program, Medicare uses bids submitted by suppliers to furnish certain medical equipment and supplies at a lower price than what Medicare now pays for these items. Qualified, accredited suppliers with winning bids are chosen as Medicare contract suppliers. This program helps you and Medicare save money, while ensuring you have access to quality medical equipment, supplies, and services from suppliers you can trust." (May 15, 2013)

I just want to emphasis the following: "Medicare uses bids submitted by suppliers to furnish certain medical equipment and supplies at a lower price than what Medicare now pays for these items." How much lower can RS get the tens, bracing and muscle stim and still pay sales, India, John Konsin, ect...? Maybe the products are as cheap to manufacture as they appear...?

Don't worry JK - the majority of employees are behind you and realize you have done a great job. Keep the momentum going - we believe in your leadership and charisma - you have made us the top company in the Northwest and I am proud to work for RS. We'll give you our all - please stay as CEO - we need you!!!

Interesting... Having reviewed Fortune Magazine's List as published on, RS Medical isn't listed AT ALL. It is dangerous to believe your own spin, especially when anyone can call you out. As this company continues to lay off waves of people, that majority becomes a much smaller pool. Any leader worth their weight aligns themselves with their biggest critics as well as their loudest cheerleaders. Reality check...get rid of critics, give cheerleaders a microphone and hope for the buzz to stick.

( 05/13/2013)

"Medicare is expanding the competitive bidding program to more areas of the country. This program changes the amount Medicare pays for certain durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies (DMEPOS) and makes changes to which suppliers Medicare will pay to supply these items to you.

The program replaces the prices Medicare is currently paying with lower, more accurate prices. Under this program, Medicare uses bids submitted by suppliers to furnish certain medical equipment and supplies at a lower price than what Medicare now pays for these items. Qualified, accredited suppliers with winning bids are chosen as Medicare contract suppliers. This program helps you and Medicare save money, while ensuring you have access to quality medical equipment, supplies, and services from suppliers you can trust." (May 15, 2013)

I just want to emphasis the following: "Medicare uses bids submitted by suppliers to furnish certain medical equipment and supplies at a lower price than what Medicare now pays for these items." How much lower can RS get the tens, bracing and muscle stim and still pay sales, India, John Konsin, ect...? Maybe the products are as cheap to manufacture as they appear...?

Do you realize that these bids are non-binding? Any "qualified" provider can bid as low as they want, as long as it is considered to be "Bona Fide", but here is the kicker they don't have to accept the bid. Why would you bid so low and then not accept the contract???
However those prices are still considered in the mean price.
Currently in our CBA, most contracts consist of 4-5 local providers and the rest is out of state, and the average number of providers are 22-25. Figure that???

Bottom line is RT and JK and few others made some good $$$ but the fat lady is singing. Any AM or PCs or whatever who still has a job will be unemployed very soon. And from my own experience the rest of the medical sales job industry knows RS is a joke of a company so it makes it tough to interview for good jobs with rs med on your resume. I made them plenty of $$ and for that they canned me and kept a rep 50 miles away whose #'s sucked and never finished high school. Kiss my ass rs medical especially that phoney Jim F ( always hated him) and bob H for flat out lying to me throughout q4 of 2012. Karma will rear its head asshole.

RS gets a financial spanking from the OIG as a result of a whistle blower, who is rewarded over $200K, plus attorney fees, for speaking up:

I wonder how many other employees will blow that whistle, now that the financial incentives for being a tattle-tail far outweighs the paltry salary and inadequate bonuses that are paid to him/her.

Considering that RS now has a Corporate Integrity Agreement (CIA) in place as well, the next audit could indeed be fatal.

The RS Medical CIA:

JK, way to go dude. The company may have dodged the silver bullet for now, but being as the company is pinned down, the next accusation will be the last.

Time to move on......

RS gets a financial spanking from the OIG as a result of a whistle blower, who is rewarded over $200K, plus attorney fees, for speaking up:

I wonder how many other employees will blow that whistle, now that the financial incentives for being a tattle-tail far outweighs the paltry salary and inadequate bonuses that are paid to him/her.

Considering that RS now has a Corporate Integrity Agreement (CIA) in place as well, the next audit could indeed be fatal.

The RS Medical CIA:

JK, way to go dude. The company may have dodged the silver bullet for now, but being as the company is pinned down, the next accusation will be the last.

Time to move on......

I read through this article. Having worked in various positions over the many years I was at RS Medical, it would be a challenge NOT to find flagrant examples of fraudulent claims. I remember processing orders for account managers that knowingly fit Medicare patients with product that were completely unnecessary and most often unwanted, just to bill. Of course these sales folks have lined their bank accounts with millions and the sad part is all of us have paid for it. I billed and collected on claims that EVERYONE knew where bogus. When questioning those claims, I was routinely told, "well, that's just how so-and-so works his or her business." I actually heard JK publically defend the illegal sales techniques that certain president club sales folks use, with no regard for what's ethical or legal. South Carolina is the first, many more will follow. I wouldn't be shocked or surprised of this was follow up with a class action suit. RS Medical has defrauded Medicare, Medicaid and commercial insurance companies AS WELL as over a million people out of their money for sub-marginal products at best, over prescribed, under documented and completely unscrupulous business practices. The feds will be coming....and they are gunna be pissed.

Agree totally - John Konsin is awesome - best thing to ever happen to RS Medical - way to go John keep it up!!!

If you are such a huge fan, why stay anonymous? Why keep hiding? It seems to me that all of these "people" who are supporting John Konsin are afraid to stand up. Again, this is about integrity, right? Standing up for what you believe is right no matter what, no matter who is watching or in this case reading? Integrity was once a core value at RS Medical, but like throwing out the employees, I guess they are also throwing out their values. Stand up! Be proud! For Pete's sake, use your name...have some integrity....

If you are such a huge fan, why stay anonymous? Why keep hiding? It seems to me that all of these "people" who are supporting John Konsin are afraid to stand up. Again, this is about integrity, right? Standing up for what you believe is right no matter what, no matter who is watching or in this case reading? Integrity was once a core value at RS Medical, but like throwing out the employees, I guess they are also throwing out their values. Stand up! Be proud! For Pete's sake, use your name...have some integrity....

I agree with you - JK is the best thing to happen to RS Medical in years. He has positioned the company for success and treated all employees with dignity and class. It's an honor to work for him - we will follow you anywhere JK! Keep doing what you're doing and keep us #1!!!

I was let go almost 2yrs ago. Downsized. The whole NE was sucking wind with a few exceptions. I wasn't happy, but I understand why. I may not be a JK fan..but I also know that he doesn't work in a vacuum. He answers to the Board, a board that has members with large amounts of $ invested. he has milestones he must meet and goals to set and meet. I'm sure he doesn't always like doing what he does, but he's smart enough to know the relaities of a quickly changing market. I think a lot of the problem is that RS is waaay late to the table. The changes should have started 3 or 4 years ealrlier when the reimbursement slide started. Instead, they put a few bandaids on the problems, ignored others, and trusted that some really unqualified people could right the ship. It was over their heads. It is what it is. I went 1099. I had Doctors, contacts and was working on some things. I called friends I made while there, and if they couldn't help, they put me in touch with people who could. So 18 mos later..I'm making more $ and working less. I broke 10K in checks-in-my-hand for the 1st time in April. It's been a steady climb. The best part is I answer to myself. I pay my own bills, choose and buy my own product. I added things like wrist and ankle bracing, multiple knee braces, elbow bracing, collars, TLSO's, L0627's. I can cover just about anything a pain or PM&R practice needs. I have in-net coverage through friends who are my SO's and billing co all in one. They get a fair fee and handle that crap for me. I keep 80%. Read that again. 80%. There is only 1 insurer in my state I am not in-network with. One. And I haven't seen this one in a year. My list of coverage makes RS look very very thin. I get my equipment at sub-wholesale costs. Yeah, I have no expense account and I buy my own equipment. It's deductable. But the best part? I work 24 hours a week now. I spend one day in front of the computer, 2 in the field. I have 4 day weekends every week. My QOL is so dramatically improved. No more traffic jams, no more long days, no more panicking to hit my numbers. No more month-end cram to book every last order. I employ another ex RS rep. She has 1 account. She does about 2K a month. She's OK with that. She works 3 days a month now.

So yeah, I kinda miss the fun of the RS of 5,6,7,8 years ago. But things change. But I also know that they gave us all the tools to go it alone if we have the nerve ( and some $ to live on while we do it.) Nobody else has the presence in the office that we have. Your Doctors call YOU, not RS. I just added a nice compounding pharmacy ( a relationship sell, you only need a few RX's a week to make a decent income ), a genetic swab test for Opiates and another item about to drop. The point is, go it alone. Diversify, add lines and go for it. You don't have to kill yourself to make the same $ we were making. But I'll say this..I sure wish I had that NIMBUS RF probe....

I was let go almost 2yrs ago. Downsized. The whole NE was sucking wind with a few exceptions. I wasn't happy, but I understand why. I may not be a JK fan..but I also know that he doesn't work in a vacuum. He answers to the Board, a board that has members with large amounts of $ invested. he has milestones he must meet and goals to set and meet. I'm sure he doesn't always like doing what he does, but he's smart enough to know the relaities of a quickly changing market. I think a lot of the problem is that RS is waaay late to the table. The changes should have started 3 or 4 years ealrlier when the reimbursement slide started. Instead, they put a few bandaids on the problems, ignored others, and trusted that some really unqualified people could right the ship. It was over their heads. It is what it is. I went 1099. I had Doctors, contacts and was working on some things. I called friends I made while there, and if they couldn't help, they put me in touch with people who could. So 18 mos later..I'm making more $ and working less. I broke 10K in checks-in-my-hand for the 1st time in April. It's been a steady climb. The best part is I answer to myself. I pay my own bills, choose and buy my own product. I added things like wrist and ankle bracing, multiple knee braces, elbow bracing, collars, TLSO's, L0627's. I can cover just about anything a pain or PM&R practice needs. I have in-net coverage through friends who are my SO's and billing co all in one. They get a fair fee and handle that crap for me. I keep 80%. Read that again. 80%. There is only 1 insurer in my state I am not in-network with. One. And I haven't seen this one in a year. My list of coverage makes RS look very very thin. I get my equipment at sub-wholesale costs. Yeah, I have no expense account and I buy my own equipment. It's deductable. But the best part? I work 24 hours a week now. I spend one day in front of the computer, 2 in the field. I have 4 day weekends every week. My QOL is so dramatically improved. No more traffic jams, no more long days, no more panicking to hit my numbers. No more month-end cram to book every last order. I employ another ex RS rep. She has 1 account. She does about 2K a month. She's OK with that. She works 3 days a month now.

So yeah, I kinda miss the fun of the RS of 5,6,7,8 years ago. But things change. But I also know that they gave us all the tools to go it alone if we have the nerve ( and some $ to live on while we do it.) Nobody else has the presence in the office that we have. Your Doctors call YOU, not RS. I just added a nice compounding pharmacy ( a relationship sell, you only need a few RX's a week to make a decent income ), a genetic swab test for Opiates and another item about to drop. The point is, go it alone. Diversify, add lines and go for it. You don't have to kill yourself to make the same $ we were making. But I'll say this..I sure wish I had that NIMBUS RF probe....

RS will thrive as long as JK is in charge - great leadership and a great company that offers comprehensive training and a lucrative compensation plan. All of this was implemented by JK - great job JK! He is building the best company in the NW according to Forbes and he is the top leader in the Medical Device Industry according to Money Magazine - feel lucky to work for JK. Learn from JK. Be worthy of the RS image!!!