Rotech employees

It is amazing how the employees who go outside the location rarely have a need to account for so little of their time. While the location employees who rarely get away from their desk are made to feel as if there are camera's in the corners watching them.

It is part of what has brought Rotech down over and over again. The lack of work ethic on the people who abuse their freedom outside the building & the LCM's who covered for them.

Rotech will not see a real difference until they learn how to clean house and do it across the board. But we won't be holding our breath over that happening

Indeed, its ridiculous, our CRT and PST will leave to go pick up a cpap card to download or take a few tanks to someone say 7 or 8 miles away and will come back 3 or 4 hours later and our LCM never says or asks one single word about it. The PST has admitted to me that he'll go stop by and visit with a friend or relative (and run some errands etc), its completley ridiculous, and this crap with the CSC and LLT is just exactly that, CRAP!

It is amazing how the employees who go outside the location rarely have a need to account for so little of their time. While the location employees who rarely get away from their desk are made to feel as if there are camera's in the corners watching them.

It is part of what has brought Rotech down over and over again. The lack of work ethic on the people who abuse their freedom outside the building & the LCM's who covered for them.

Rotech will not see a real difference until they learn how to clean house and do it across the board. But we won't be holding our breath over that happening

Indeed, its ridiculous, our CRT and PST will leave to go pick up a cpap card to download or take a few tanks to someone say 7 or 8 miles away and will come back 3 or 4 hours later and our LCM never says or asks one single word about it. The PST has admitted to me that he'll go stop by and visit with a friend or relative (and run some errands etc), its completley ridiculous, and this crap with the CSC and LLT is just exactly that, CRAP!

As with the GPS unit's, Rotech should have invested the extra bucks for the 'special" PAP readers. That would prevent quite a few of the 4 hr pick up of any card for download, in most cases.

When the LCM ignores those little side trips, it really adds to the horrible atmosphere in any location.

Rotech is so busy trying to save pennies the dollars go out the door

The employees of this company can make phone calls to the right people and enough of those and maybe the management will get the picture. Just like with coke when they changed cans, public opinion made them rethink the plan.

The employees that have been here for a long time are drunk on the company koolaid and are not going to fix a problem they can see. This place needs fresh ideas and people that can get the upper management on a 12 step program, if that is the number of steps to the door.

Totally correct! Should have put that in the original one too. Buying more "treats" than needed for a Dr's office and it just happened to be forgotten in the car happens quite a bit.

It is amazing how the employees who go outside the location rarely have a need to account for so little of their time. While the location employees who rarely get away from their desk are made to feel as if there are camera's in the corners watching them.

It is part of what has brought Rotech down over and over again. The lack of work ethic on the people who abuse their freedom outside the building & the LCM's who covered for them.

Rotech will not see a real difference until they learn how to clean house and do it across the board. But we won't be holding our breath over that happening

Rotech makes it extremely hard to terminate and much , much harder to replace.. Unless they want a riff...Then it's wam, bam, thank you mam......LCM's are afraid to let screw off's go beause they get fought all the way by HR, and then fought all the way by Senior corp. to replace. Crazy...Get some good insurance to protect against lawsuites and have had it! From bottom to top. Not necessarily in that order. Course, this process seems to have already started, just in a half ass way....Plus, honestly pay is to low to attract good candidates....Hence , I guess all the centrally located new centers in mostly, low payng southern states.....

Rotech makes it extremely hard to terminate and much , much harder to replace.. Unless they want a riff...Then it's wam, bam, thank you mam......LCM's are afraid to let screw off's go beause they get fought all the way by HR, and then fought all the way by Senior corp. to replace. Crazy...Get some good insurance to protect against lawsuites and have had it! From bottom to top. Not necessarily in that order. Course, this process seems to have already started, just in a half ass way....Plus, honestly pay is to low to attract good candidates....Hence , I guess all the centrally located new centers in mostly, low payng southern states.....

Have to agree totally. Heck you could catch someone showing "their junk" on video with a couple of other employees watching too and HR would still demand you keep them for fear of Rotech being sued. In the meantime the good workers pulling their weight, stepping forward to help and etc are treated as if they are the problems.

Saw first hand of an out of control PST who has anger issues. He threw a pen at one of the office workers striking her. This same employee also backed another employee up to the office copier and shoved her against it and still nothing was done to the PST.

Sure is a crazy place in some areas.

Has anyone heard if or when CSR's will be let go (meaning the locations that have rolled into the CSC) ?

I think the new ceo & board are still reeling from what happened in the board meeting on the 14th. I can just see their heads spinning on what to do, ha! That is why we have not heard anything else since the forced reading by our new ceo. They are scrambling now.

I think the new ceo & board are still reeling from what happened in the board meeting on the 14th. I can just see their heads spinning on what to do, ha! That is why we have not heard anything else since the forced reading by our new ceo. They are scrambling now.

I am scrambling to find another job. Tired of the drama and uncertainty.

Here's a novel idea to save 5 to 10 million. close all the call centers ( 500 plus people) farm out all the billing (anither 250 plus people) and beef up the locations with good quality people. add about 400 to help all the surviving locations. 500 poorly trained and in-experienced call center people , 250 disfunctional billing people and walah, millions in savings and great running locations.

Here's a novel idea to save 5 to 10 million. close all the call centers ( 500 plus people) farm out all the billing (anither 250 plus people) and beef up the locations with good quality people. add about 400 to help all the surviving locations. 500 poorly trained and in-experienced call center people , 250 disfunctional billing people and walah, millions in savings and great running locations.

The call centers & billing centers are the worst. They rack up lots of overtime pay & have nothing to show for it. What a waste.

Here's a novel idea to save 5 to 10 million. close all the call centers ( 500 plus people) farm out all the billing (anither 250 plus people) and beef up the locations with good quality people. add about 400 to help all the surviving locations. 500 poorly trained and in-experienced call center people , 250 disfunctional billing people and walah, millions in savings and great running locations.

Too easy. Start with the latest, the CSC. Full of poorly trained people that are creating way more problems for the locations than they should be.