Rotech employees

Hmmmm sounds as if the "troll" is back and attempting to turn the adult conversation back to his level.

If the current workers are staying...they are going to put up with what is going on. They do get their check come payday. While not a great environment to work in, it's a job.

The "troll" is just reviewing history of which Rotech cannot undo.

Anyone know how many RIFs there were and where? LCMs, CSR's or what?

Has anyone else heard of any upcoming RIF's if any??

Hear a rumor that one location has more or less fell into the Mid Atlantic. But who knows how true anything is.

Good luck to all the employees who need to stay on to support their family

This seems to be the plan. RIFs and attrition to ditch CSRs as they roll locations into the CSC.

I understand that, but the location I work at rolled into the CSC at the end of October and I havent heard a word about any RIF's,(at this point anyway) and we only have like forty something 02 patients!! Any clue when they will let me go since I am a CSR?

This seems to be the plan. RIFs and attrition to ditch CSRs as they roll locations into the CSC.

Makes sense, why buy a dog (CSC) and bark yourself (CSR's). No company would pay for both.

The CSC in part is a direct result of the lack of leadership the company has shown in the past ten plus years with their continued lack of direction on how policy is set up.

Plus, toss in the lack of direction the locations have gotten due to the upper level not being able to pull together the tools for the locations to carry out all the new policies.

It's all I can do to keep from laughing hysterically every time they come out with a "new" plan for the locations. They took away the $10.00 per employee "gift" at Christmas and I admit, it didn't surprise me. Now they roll out a cost savings plan for each employee to come up with an idea to save their location at least $50.00 per week. We are already working with a minimum staff, clean our own location, take our trash to the local dump site, light half of the office for most of the day, and buy our own office supplies most of the time. We purchase the least costly paper products. The only water we use is to flush the toilets. Where else do they expect us to cut?

Why haven't they made cuts in upper management positions? The location level has taken all the cuts they can take and continue to service our patients. Let the CSC, LLT, CCT, SC and PD work all the HIA and NC that they create. We don't have the staff anymore.

It's all I can do to keep from laughing hysterically every time they come out with a "new" plan for the locations. They took away the $10.00 per employee "gift" at Christmas and I admit, it didn't surprise me. Now they roll out a cost savings plan for each employee to come up with an idea to save their location at least $50.00 per week. We are already working with a minimum staff, clean our own location, take our trash to the local dump site, light half of the office for most of the day, and buy our own office supplies most of the time. We purchase the least costly paper products. The only water we use is to flush the toilets. Where else do they expect us to cut?

Why haven't they made cuts in upper management positions? The location level has taken all the cuts they can take and continue to service our patients. Let the CSC, LLT, CCT, SC and PD work all the HIA and NC that they create. We don't have the staff anymore.

One way to save that amount if not more is to hold accountable the PST's in any given location that are not pulling their weight as the rest of the location staff.

GPS should have never been stopped going into the van any location has.

At the least it would have cut down quite a few of those double trips to a patient's home for connectors that just happened to be on the way to the homes of the PST's also...and oooppppsss before you know it their lawns are mowed or they are babysitting their kiddies and etc.

Or out and about shopping for carpet that just doesn't quite fit in the back of the van and sticks out. Doesn't matter that it is reported to the LCM, they know they need to protect those PST's no matter what because they are just to hard to find in most areas.

It's the employees in locations with large O2 patient counts that pay the price for the other slackers.

One way to save that amount if not more is to hold accountable the PST's in any given location that are not pulling their weight as the rest of the location staff.

GPS should have never been stopped going into the van any location has.

At the least it would have cut down quite a few of those double trips to a patient's home for connectors that just happened to be on the way to the homes of the PST's also...and oooppppsss before you know it their lawns are mowed or they are babysitting their kiddies and etc.

Or out and about shopping for carpet that just doesn't quite fit in the back of the van and sticks out. Doesn't matter that it is reported to the LCM, they know they need to protect those PST's no matter what because they are just to hard to find in most areas.

It's the employees in locations with large O2 patient counts that pay the price for the other slackers.

Uhhhh, hello unaccounable sales reps, spending expense money on friends and family, cruising by thier homes and friends work & homes, not coming back to the locations at night so who knows when they really go home. GPS should be in EVERY vehicle out on the road for Rotech. Savings= hundreds of dollars a day!

Uhhhh, hello unaccounable sales reps, spending expense money on friends and family, cruising by thier homes and friends work & homes, not coming back to the locations at night so who knows when they really go home. GPS should be in EVERY vehicle out on the road for Rotech. Savings= hundreds of dollars a day!

Totally correct! Should have put that in the original one too. Buying more "treats" than needed for a Dr's office and it just happened to be forgotten in the car happens quite a bit.

It is amazing how the employees who go outside the location rarely have a need to account for so little of their time. While the location employees who rarely get away from their desk are made to feel as if there are camera's in the corners watching them.

It is part of what has brought Rotech down over and over again. The lack of work ethic on the people who abuse their freedom outside the building & the LCM's who covered for them.

Rotech will not see a real difference until they learn how to clean house and do it across the board. But we won't be holding our breath over that happening

It's all I can do to keep from laughing hysterically every time they come out with a "new" plan for the locations. They took away the $10.00 per employee "gift" at Christmas and I admit, it didn't surprise me. Now they roll out a cost savings plan for each employee to come up with an idea to save their location at least $50.00 per week. We are already working with a minimum staff, clean our own location, take our trash to the local dump site, light half of the office for most of the day, and buy our own office supplies most of the time. We purchase the least costly paper products. The only water we use is to flush the toilets. Where else do they expect us to cut?

Why haven't they made cuts in upper management positions? The location level has taken all the cuts they can take and continue to service our patients. Let the CSC, LLT, CCT, SC and PD work all the HIA and NC that they create. We don't have the staff anymore.

They must have been reading.....CEO has bit the dust...let's hope some more hit the boards.

Let's see how well they do on their 99 weeks. lol

Today's call from our new CEO sounded a little desperate. Did anyone else feel that?

Almost like he couldn't even believe what he was reading.

How do we make decisions on how to run our locations as if they were ours if the decision to take the business is first in the hands of untrained CSC personnel?

What direction are we going in now? Still no news about raises and they haven't given us any floating holiday yet. I just hope I can use my PTO carryover from last year. This is the worst I have seen this company.

Almost like he couldn't even believe what he was reading.

How do we make decisions on how to run our locations as if they were ours if the decision to take the business is first in the hands of untrained CSC personnel?

What direction are we going in now? Still no news about raises and they haven't given us any floating holiday yet. I just hope I can use my PTO carryover from last year. This is the worst I have seen this company.

Carter needs another vacation home.