ROSA is going to be a disaster...

Luckily ZB also has many other navigation technologies that take up no additional room, are low cost and can be used by conventional X ray with no CT/MRI scans. iAssist and X ray based custom blocks are readily available. Your move...

Translation: Yes all of your points are correct and ROSA sucks but zb also has many other low cost navigation technologies that nobody wants to use. Those lost-cost options use X ray, not CT/MRI scans and do not respect or even consider the soft tissue structures, the balancing of which are the entire case.

“Your move...” - Big company arrogance at it’s worst.

Translation: Yes all of your points are correct and ROSA sucks but zb also has many other low cost navigation technologies that nobody wants to use. Those lost-cost options use X ray, not CT/MRI scans and do not respect or even consider the soft tissue structures, the balancing of which are the entire case.

“Your move...” - Big company arrogance at it’s worst.

No that’s just your translation.

No that’s just your translation.

That's real world translation. Every single rep will agree. I will not sell Rosa, not lowering prices anymore just so this science project gets a home. Rosa is 2 years late to this game to make any sort of impact other then lower overall pricing for all implants. NO THANKS. Vegas was the final blow, my surgeon literally laughed at it.

Getting some traction on ROSA with two groups. One pushed by their surgeons and other pushed by us. We'll see what comes of it, but one group does a lot of spine as well so we've got that working for us. Anyone here placed one yet?

Getting some traction on ROSA with two groups. One pushed by their surgeons and other pushed by us. We'll see what comes of it, but one group does a lot of spine as well so we've got that working for us. Anyone here placed one yet?

Lol. Get ready to make the same amount of money out of 3 cases for every 1 that you used to do. Stryker put a Mako at one of my facilities and the rep regrets it. His knees are now 1/3rd the price, had to get an ASR to help and now he makes significantly less money then He used to and works three times harder. Why do that to yourself? To look cool for corporate? Get a shiny glass award at the annual meetings? Lol. Work smarter, not harder. Smart surgeons who don’t need to market themselves don’t give a shit about robots/cas ect. Robots are for marketing as you will slowly see.

help them place open platform robots, better technology than MAKO and ROSA. Plus they then have a robot that works with all companies and you don't have to place yours and erode your bottom line.

help them place open platform robots, better technology than MAKO and ROSA. Plus they then have a robot that works with all companies and you don't have to place yours and erode your bottom line.

Marketing needs to do something better as sales is not biting on their lines. This is marketing 101 level we are getting with Robots, they think hospitals need these to market against competitive hospitals so nothing useful being made and sales don't care to lose money to make marketing look good either. Young C grade doctors want this not A grade doctors. Clinical outcomes no different with a competent surgeon, just more anesthesia time for the patients and lower overall invoice price for the rep...... Hacks love this because in court now they have something else to blame....

Lol. Get ready to make the same amount of money out of 3 cases for every 1 that you used to do. Stryker put a Mako at one of my facilities and the rep regrets it. His knees are now 1/3rd the price, had to get an ASR to help and now he makes significantly less money then He used to and works three times harder. Why do that to yourself? To look cool for corporate? Get a shiny glass award at the annual meetings? Lol. Work smarter, not harder. Smart surgeons who don’t need to market themselves don’t give a shit about robots/cas ect. Robots are for marketing as you will slowly see.
False. Mako units come with a service rep so he didn’t hire an ASR, unlike ROSA where the Zimmer rep is forced to cover the robot and probably hire someone else to help. Anyone who says the two technologies are similar works for zimmer. Depuy will come to market with something better than ROSA and the Zimmer decline will continue.

False. Mako units come with a service rep so he didn’t hire an ASR, unlike ROSA where the Zimmer rep is forced to cover the robot and probably hire someone else to help. Anyone who says the two technologies are similar works for zimmer. Depuy will come to market with something better than ROSA and the Zimmer decline will continue.

Are they 1099 or direct? Not false, you just don’t know.

The Mako contract includes a 60-80,000 salary for the Mako rep. The irony is the hospital is paying for the technician in their service contract but it’s worded in such a way that many don’t even notice. I’ve been doing computer navigated cases off and on for 15 years, this stuff isn’t rocket science.

Stryker reps in my area are being forced to let the Mako reps ‘cover’ their cases. Really no point in having two reps in the same room. The actual recon reps aren’t happy about it but not much they can do at this point.

Only r*****s would do that for 2 years. Lol. You were used like a rusty tool.
Not really, had access to doctors and accounts for 2 years, went to another company and half the business followed me. Tripled my income, halved my work and didn’t half to deal Stryker’s BS anymore. With all that being said Mako is so much better than Rosa, so so much better.

Not really, had access to doctors and accounts for 2 years, went to another company and half the business followed me. Tripled my income, halved my work and didn’t half to deal Stryker’s BS anymore. With all that being said Mako is so much better than Rosa, so so much better.

Lol. Mako rep taking stryker accounts. Take your beating and move on.