Well-Known Member
- Vagitarian   Sep 14, 2011 at 10:07: AM
Well-Known Member
At best, you are being careless with the facts and letting your bias cause you to smear someone that you happen to disagree with.
The only people who really know what happened are Santorum, his wife and their medical team. If you want to know the truth, then I suggest you read what Santorum has written or said about the event or read his wife's book. You know the wife that you intimated as being the helpless victim of her bullying husband even though she is a nurse and a lawyer and her dad is a pediatrician. Yeah, that one. Read Letters to Gabriel if you want some insight.
Abortion is a volatile topic. Disagreements will be had, but your smear of Santorum is based upon half-truths and untruths and a pro-choice zealot's over-eager desire to catch one of the strongest and most eloquent pro-life voice's in hypocrisy, but there is no hypocrisy, just sound and moral positions and decisions by Santorum.
Nice speculation, but the reality is that many victims of rape who became mothers are now extremely glad they did and wouldn't have it any other way. Many children of rape are wonderful blessings to their families and the world. Having a beautiful baby to counterbalance the ugly act of rape, which isn't going away, can be very therapeutic.
This is one of the most twisted, misogynic posts I've ever read.