Roger Perlmutter Town Hall

Maybe all the MF folks can go back to Montreal and restore the glories of MF. oops, but they are not really the ones who discovered those drugs from MF. They only steal the show in the end. but there is always karma.

Don't forget Thornberry (half of the Januvia dream team) was shown the door as well. Very surprising Roger executed on this one.

Wake up guys. Do not fooled by all the BS. Roger is like any other corrupted executives wanting to get rid of his former rivals and installed prestige. Nothing more nothing less.

Finally, the Montreal Mafia is broken. The capos are gone and the remaining foot soldiers are running scared. With new therapeutic area leadership, this is Boston's last chance to deliver. At least science has a real chance to breathe now. Before, the emphasis was always on milestones (get there whatever the cost) and flashy PowerPoint presentations ('hide the negative results!'). Roger will sniff out the remaining rats and BS artists in no time. The few true scientists left in Boston are really looking forward to the next few months. Let's hope this is not a false dawn.

You can't discover drugs with second and third rate scientists. MRL Boston is full of people who don't give a crap about the company and are just trying to differentiate themselves from others to get ahead. No work ethic and self promoting, good luck with that bunch!

Any good scientist that has the ability has already left MRL Boston or is already looking around. It's the Titanic of careers.

The ones they let go before they went to Boston. Hope that you like it there.

It was the strength of the medicinal chemists, and pharmacology (in vivo and vitro). The ones that went to Boston and RY were busy publishing and NOT screening compounds. The only exception is the Head of Pharmacology who was on the Biomek LTD4 screening assay - where she belongs.

It was the strength of the medicinal chemists, and pharmacology (in vivo and vitro). The ones that went to Boston and RY were busy publishing and NOT screening compounds. The only exception is the Head of Pharmacology who was on the Biomek LTD4 screening assay - where she belongs.

Interesting insights! She got promoted from a screening lady to the Head of In Vivo Pharmacology without knowing anything about in vivo. This is how the MF mafia promoted their own cronies!!! "Good leadership" at its best!!

Interesting insights! She got promoted from a screening lady to the Head of In Vivo Pharmacology without knowing anything about in vivo. This is how the MF mafia promoted their own cronies!!! "Good leadership" at its best!!

She received a PhD by working weekends at McGill with KM as her supervisor. Someone please post the publication that resulted from that work. Now that's icing on the cake!

She received a PhD by working weekends at McGill with KM as her supervisor. Someone please post the publication that resulted from that work. Now that's icing on the cake![/QUOTE

She once made a comment to the effect that she would never say anything to as a counter argument to her bosses even though there were scientific needs to do so. A pure breed ass kisser just like GO. No way to advance at MF then at MRL if you do not nod at everything your boss says. This is how the MF mafia ruled MRL and destroyed the culture. They claimed to represent MF culture, but never understood that MF culture is all about science, team work, honesty, integrity and perseverance, not about saying yes to your bosses.

You can't discover drugs with second and third rate scientists. MRL Boston is full of people who don't give a crap about the company and are just trying to differentiate themselves from others to get ahead. No work ethic and self promoting, good luck with that bunch!

Any good scientist that has the ability has already left MRL Boston or is already looking around. It's the Titanic of careers.

I know some good scientists at MRL Boston who feel frustrated. Hopefully, RP will promote a culture where science but not so called "leadership" counts. Hang on in there everybody. I hope that Merck will be great once again even though I am no longer with the once great company.

There was another RP town hall on Thursday, this time is Boston. He wasn't quite as negative as the last one. Is he just leading the lambs to the slaughter?

KF was also there delivering the same message. Can't help but think that something terrible is about to happen and they just want to justify their actions.

There was an announcement a few days after the Town Hall. Most SVPs and VPs in the Discovery part of MRL were let go. New structure and research governance will be much simplified. The next day RP gave another Town Hall, in Rahway. I'm sure most of MRL tuned in. It was a disappointment. He said very little about next steps, timing, head count reductions etc. Even the Q&A was vague and iunnformative. Then, two days later news stories start appearing on the web from Merck HQ: significant head count reductions in the fall. And so it begins again. No wonder nothing gets done in R&D. There is been no stability or continuity for the past 5 years. It's impossible to do research when you're always looking over your shoulder for the axe. Now you"ve gotten rid of the managers, leave the labs alone, Roger!

The next steps are to promote all the executive directors to VPs, and directors to executive directors and hire middle level PhD scientist (fresh blood) from 3rd grade companies such as Roche and AZ as directors, and let go of even more senior MRL scientists.

Just goes to show how much BS is on this board. Leigh Zawell just announced as head of Oncology in MRL.

And it goes to show how screwed Oncology is. Leigh has zero drug development experience, non compounds in the clinic, barely any pharma experience. Onc is done at Merck. IMR are under Immunology.

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