Roger Perlmutter Town Hall

There was another RP town hall on Thursday, this time is Boston. He wasn't quite as negative as the last one. Is he just leading the lambs to the slaughter?

KF was also there delivering the same message. Can't help but think that something terrible is about to happen and they just want to justify their actions.

Research at MRL Boston has come to a standstill. No progress, no new projects, labs are empty, staff are in their offices gossiping, or online (CF), preparing CVs, waiting for the axe to fall.

Merck will purchase Phase II programs on the open market. They will not be creating them in house. Discovery as it was formerly understood is gone. It will be downsized to the point that it can function in the new model. For show and tell when there are visitors. Like floral bouquets in the lobby, but not as anything substantial. Merck is a smoke and mirror company. It will have smoke and mirror science, and take its chances with buying potential products from smaller players.

Merck will purchase Phase II programs on the open market. They will not be creating them in house. Discovery as it was formerly understood is gone. It will be downsized to the point that it can function in the new model. For show and tell when there are visitors. Like floral bouquets in the lobby, but not as anything substantial. Merck is a smoke and mirror company. It will have smoke and mirror science, and take its chances with buying potential products from smaller players.

Can't be any worse than the current ROI!

Merck has always shopped around for drugs, as do all pharma companies. It hasn't amounted to anything substantial that I can't think of. Internal R&D will make or break the company, like it or not. It is after all a science company.
Cuts are coming but I'm not as worried as senior management must be feeling. I doubt RP is impressed with all of their initiatives and SMART objectives of the last 5 years.

Merck has always shopped around for drugs, as do all pharma companies. It hasn't amounted to anything substantial that I can't think of. Internal R&D will make or break the company, like it or not. It is after all a science company.
Cuts are coming but I'm not as worried as senior management must be feeling. I doubt RP is impressed with all of their initiatives and SMART objectives of the last 5 years.

Merck may be many things but it is NOT a science company. Science companies value truth and are able to process truth with relatively small compromises to that truth. Merck does none of that. It is almost impossible for organizations that are ruled by some combination of legal, sales & marketing, and finance to even know what truth is, let alone value it.

Merck has always shopped around for drugs, as do all pharma companies. It hasn't amounted to anything substantial that I can't think of. Internal R&D will make or break the company, like it or not. It is after all a science company./QUOTE]

Huh, I believe that Isentress was licensed in by Merck IRBM. Internal R&D hasn't produce anything significant since Januvia in 2004. Hence the current cut backs.

Merck has always shopped around for drugs, as do all pharma companies. It hasn't amounted to anything substantial that I can't think of. Internal R&D will make or break the company, like it or not. It is after all a science company.
Cuts are coming but I'm not as worried as senior management must be feeling. I doubt RP is impressed with all of their initiatives and SMART objectives of the last 5 years.

We don't have the cash we had 10 years ago to buy stuff. That 40 billion purchase of SP hit us pretty good. It's hard to remove upper management. Takes a strong case. They will start with middle manager and workers. Internal R&D has already broken us. Perlmutter is here just to cut deep. If you are in R&D or production and think differently your a fool.

what happened with rupert and rich tyller?
In his E-mail today, Rupert is heading Discovery and Rich Tillya still heading the Preclinical. All the franchises are gone. I was disappointed he didn't make more leadership changes, since we're not going to be able to get rid of the abusive low morale creating middle managers if he still has the same leadership on top. I was impressed with his talks though, and hope he has some real way of restoring dignity to the bench scientists as he talked about (before they all leave).

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