RIP Baxter...

Everyone no matter the business or the function was hit today. Deerfield was a mess. No budgets, no people, no innovation and Low Joe Morale. Joe is a dirtbag. He made good people lay off other good people today.

Have heard they got pretty serious this time and quite some people were hit… funny enough it will cost a lot of money in severance and unless they decrease the level of service to customers or exit markets I doubt it will solve anything…
The problem with Bax is that it is offering a prime service to customers for commodities…
Low joe drop the turnover by half, raise the margins by making the company much more smaller and much more efficient and exit all market and customers where you hardly make any money… that’s the only way bax can survive buddy…
HiR - just drop it to another PE as you are unable to run it…

Have heard they got pretty serious this time and quite some people were hit… funny enough it will cost a lot of money in severance and unless they decrease the level of service to customers or exit markets I doubt it will solve anything…
The problem with Bax is that it is offering a prime service to customers for commodities…
Low joe drop the turnover by half, raise the margins by making the company much more smaller and much more efficient and exit all market and customers where you hardly make any money… that’s the only way bax can survive buddy…
HiR - just drop it to another PE as you are unable to run it…
Did people get severance, if any? I doubt this company has any money left to give out for severance. Can somebody confirm?

Did people get severance, if any? I doubt this company has any money left to give out for severance. Can somebody confirm?
I heard from a few impacted people that they were getting 2 weeks per year of service, normal MICP payouts if those will still exist this year, and a 60 day notice period. The next round may not be so lucky..

Attention all investors and employees , Joe is incompetent, he spews venom and hate speech , as he travels around the world

I have had many direct conversations with him and he ultimately does nothing. In 2017 he directed me to shut down compounding in Australia. i did not agree with him , did not get promotion and subsequently left. compounding is still in ANZ floundering its way thru at low single digit margins with creative accounting to make it look more appealing. Joe has never returned to Australia despite saying he would visit ever year these are the words of a narcissistic sociopath. Sadly an incompetent one , three dangerous traits for a CEO , hence Bax shares are worthless now . Mine are not worthless as i sold at dizzy heights to funds my retirement , thanks Joe ! I hear its a miserable , miserable place to work now
So let me.get this straight. You were told to shut down compounding In ANZ and you didn't listen to them. Now it's "floundering" according to you.

This is supposed to somehow support your story? It looks to me like your decision was the problem wasn't it?

So let me.get this straight. You were told to shut down compounding In ANZ and you didn't listen to them. Now it's "floundering" according to you.

This is supposed to somehow support your story? It looks to me like your decision was the problem wasn't it?
Hey i have been gone for many many years, it has been floundering for a long time post my exit, have a look at the numbers and costs

In my day margin was high single digit, Joe has forced them to sign new chemo deals at 3% OI to cover short falls in other BU revenues.

In 24 they beat plan by $80 million in revenue, do you think Joe will make a hard call and exit this buisness, no instead he sells halle our highest margin buisness, buys HR writes down 3B 3 months later, you think Im the problem ?

Oh and what company allows an executive to low ball plan so they can beat it by $80 million while going backwards on margin ?

any way im out , enjoy you $30 share price ......