28 DaxibotulinumtoxinA includes an excipient peptide, RTP-004, consisting of the pro- tein transduction domain sequence from the HIV-1 TAT protein at each end, separated by a peptide
28 DaxibotulinumtoxinA includes an excipient peptide, RTP-004, consisting of the pro- tein transduction domain sequence from the HIV-1 TAT protein at each end, separated by a peptide
Do you really think the FDA would approve Daxi if it's stabilizing peptide RTP004, would be dangerous or compromise patients health? Come on people!
Yes, it is HIV based so good luck selling that one!HIV peptide??!!
!!!Try telling a Dr the HIV peptide is ok...especially when they can use toxins that dont...ijs
Because Allergan doesn’t pay. The same people went to Kytheea and Evolus. How did that work out?Funny then why are people with Allergan that started Botox going over there? Try again...
Revance sales force is taking shape. Looking like a lot of beat up old car sales people.Because Allergan doesn’t pay. The same people went to Kytheea and Evolus. How did that work out?
Yea, something is up, every company in this space is getting rid of sales reps, Revance is hiring. What aren’t they telling us?
Revance Therapeutics Inc.) is composed of the active 150 kDa BoNT-A with a peptide excipient, RTP-004, derived from the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) transactivator of transcription (TAT) protein.
If people took the time to investigate this product, they would see how impossible it will be to sell!!! HIV protein, period!
Because our customers have no clue that is the case. Im getting the word out to mine on that right away!!! Thats some scary shit!Why are they even trying to bring this to market!? Who would take the risk?
My interviews went pretty far. Great company, fantastic pay, management is maybe a little snooty. I see a lot of Merz injectable reps and Allergan coming here.
I’ve been here for a couple of years. Great place to work and sharp people here. We are paying top dollar at the moment. We will be sold soon but that’s fine with me.