Retired Hospira HR Manager Taking Any Questions

CP is one of the few sites where you can "disparage" a company and not get caught
As part of my settlement I had to agree to NEVER do the above Oh Well I don't mind kicking HSP after there down *They know who I am on here but can't prove a dam thing so all the assholes from the top are popping in and out of here in case I really divulge damaging info
HR is on here 7 days a week now viewing I Guarantee It !!!!!


CP is one of the few sites where you can "disparage" a company and not get caught
As part of my settlement I had to agree to NEVER do the above Oh Well I don't mind kicking HSP after there down *They know who I am on here but can't prove a dam thing so all the assholes from the top are popping in and out of here in case I really divulge damaging info
HR is on here 7 days a week now viewing I Guarantee It !!!!!


HR GUY -- You are correct. Even the Chief HR Officer clown keeps close tabs on what is posted here. Its pathetic to see items discussed on the site make their way into executive level discussions.

HR GUY -- You are correct. Even the Chief HR Officer clown keeps close tabs on what is posted here. Its pathetic to see items discussed on the site make their way into executive level discussions.

That's rarely the case because most stuff on here is laughable in terms of actual damage
I told you before bashing the top people does nothing If it helps you vent then that's cool but they are untouchable especially from a message board


That's rarely the case because most stuff on here is laughable in terms of actual damage
I told you before bashing the top people does nothing If it helps you vent then that's cool but they are untouchable especially from a message board


No shit genius just get a hold of yourself.

Most of the stuff here is laughable & the "top leaders" are untouchable because the entire corporate board governance is a joke and there is no accountability for anything. The only thing that could spark any change would be an activist investor, but even that is less likely with the stock back up in the 50's.

If you really think no one is paying attention or cares about anything on this site why do you think entire threads from this message board just disappear.

IT Man actual hr file for you
You are warned that you must avoid all situations which compromise your effectiveness as a leader in the IT organization. Further, to avoid any appearance of retaliation towards ?? performance appraisal will be reviewed by me with input from ?? If there are any further substantiated incidents of this kind, more serious disciplinary action may result up to and including termination. If any part of this warning is unclear, please see me immediately so I may clarify my position on this matter.
the IT department announced a reorganization on July 12, 2006. The reorganization was the result of an ongoing process based on input from ??, and outside consulting firms, among others. Grade 18 request for a Grade 20 denied ** (they had the target on them)


No shit genius just get a hold of yourself.

Most of the stuff here is laughable & the "top leaders" are untouchable because the entire corporate board governance is a joke and there is no accountability for anything. The only thing that could spark any change would be an activist investor, but even that is less likely with the stock back up in the 50's.

If you really think no one is paying attention or cares about anything on this site why do you think entire threads from this message board just disappear.

I answered you and CP blocked it

it's CP mods one if them is too strict (bias) that person should be retrained or fired

Its also an attacked person on here who emails or calls CP anonymous to
have it removed *When this happens you know your post had substance
and changed someone's thought process this is the jackpot if you are posting
anti HSP

Re: Retired Hospira HR Manager Taking Any Questions
IT Man AND accs man here's an actual hr file for you
You are warned that you must avoid all situations which compromise your effectiveness as a leader in the IT organization. Further, to avoid any appearance of retaliation towards ?? performance appraisal will be reviewed by me with input from ?? If there are any further substantiated incidents of this kind, more serious disciplinary action may result up to and including termination. If any part of this warning is unclear, please see me immediately so I may clarify my position on this matter.
the IT department announced a reorganization on July 12, 2006. The reorganization was the result of an ongoing process based on input from ??, and outside consulting firms, among others. Grade 18 request for a Grade 20 denied ** (they had the target on them)


No shit genius just get a hold of yourself.

Most of the stuff here is laughable & the "top leaders" are untouchable because the entire corporate board governance is a joke and there is no accountability for anything. The only thing that could spark any change would be an activist investor, but even that is less likely with the stock back up in the 50's.

If you really think no one is paying attention or cares about anything on this site why do you think entire threads from this message board just disappear.

Keep in mind CP has only 7 Employees !


No shit genius just get a hold of yourself.

Most of the stuff here is laughable & the "top leaders" are untouchable because the entire corporate board governance is a joke and there is no accountability for anything. The only thing that could spark any change would be an activist investor, but even that is less likely with the stock back up in the 50's.

If you really think no one is paying attention or cares about anything on this site why do you think entire threads from this message board just disappear.

Respond to my facts about disappearing posts

All your talk about mommys and sucking thumbs prove my point.
You are a ball less ,no life WUSS BOY and the amusement provided on this
board is YOU gettings slapped around.Glad you think it's funny moron !!
I could buy and sell you, and your whole pathetic inbred family.
How and why would bashing HSP non stop over a period spanning 8 years
be amusing to you? How is spending every day of the year posting/trolling on a lame
pharma board amusing?Hows Bashing Ball amusing ? New Year's Eve, Xmas, holidays weekends
posting is amusing huh? Answering your own threads amusing ? BTW I started this thread and am original poster. I answered some of your questions knowing you were one of the HANDFULL of losers LIVING on this board. Some Pion device rep, or an outsourced IT Guy or a production worker. I know all your posts there's only (3) morons actually posting but PLENTY of people viewing not posting
Wouldn't want to be you !!!!!



Boston Scientific wants to acquirer either Hospira,Becton Dickson,Baxter or Massimo Corp,but in the wake of its $27 billion purchase of Guidant in 2006 it was left heavily in debt and struggling with a depressed stock price for years It's still in the works ! You heard it here first
I guarantee it won't be Baxter so there's a 33% chance it's going to be Hospira
You heard it here first


You mean buy up HSP's device business? Sure, they would love to get a basket case.
You are a real oracle of wisdom.

Back to reality now

What has Hospira done illegal, on the EEOC side that you can PROVE in a Court Of Law ?
Who were the people involved What was the Location What did you do or try to do about it
Honest answers (I will determine) even if off base or stupid or cowardly WONT be bashed


Ya know....most of the posts on this board sound like they came from teenage boys trying to outdo each other in stupid low class comments, sexual innuendos and juvenility.
Anyone looking to see how HSP employees are doing post mid June when so many lives were change AGAIN due to HSP total thoughtlessness and lack of understanding what the heck they were doing would think the company has a ship of fools and 15 y/o males working there and all they want to do is one upmanship of the others in the who can be the most vulgar game.
Shame on most of you, it is a wonder HSP has stayed in business this long. As if they do not have enough problems with poor leadership and upper management eating the hard working lower employees as if they were cannibals we have employees who act like they are at a fraternity toga party REally makes me want to buy HSP stock and believe in the future of HSP.

Ya know....most of the posts on this board sound like they came from teenage boys trying to outdo each other in stupid low class comments, sexual innuendos and juvenility.
Anyone looking to see how HSP employees are doing post mid June when so many lives were change AGAIN due to HSP total thoughtlessness and lack of understanding what the heck they were doing would think the company has a ship of fools and 15 y/o males working there and all they want to do is one upmanship of the others in the who can be the most vulgar game.
Shame on most of you, it is a wonder HSP has stayed in business this long. As if they do not have enough problems with poor leadership and upper management eating the hard working lower employees as if they were cannibals we have employees who act like they are at a fraternity toga party REally makes me want to buy HSP stock and believe in the future of HSP.
Your logic is vague You are here looking to "See how HSP employees are doing in Mid June" Huh? Then why are you on here ALL YEAR ? Why do YOU act like what you describe above ? Cannibals eating employees ? Your ignorance ALWAYS shows in your threads ** You tried to say on another thread that CEO /directors should have been on the missing Malaysian flight That's when I knew you were a real nut case Now it's cannibals You stated Costco Pays well another
Clue to your lack of education and very low IQ


Ya know....most of the posts on this board sound like they came from teenage boys trying to outdo each other in stupid low class comments, sexual innuendos and juvenility.
Anyone looking to see how HSP employees are doing post mid June when so many lives were change AGAIN due to HSP total thoughtlessness and lack of understanding what the heck they were doing would think the company has a ship of fools and 15 y/o males working there and all they want to do is one upmanship of the others in the who can be the most vulgar game.
Shame on most of you, it is a wonder HSP has stayed in business this long. As if they do not have enough problems with poor leadership and upper management eating the hard working lower employees as if they were cannibals we have employees who act like they are at a fraternity toga party REally makes me want to buy HSP stock and believe in the future of HSP.

BTW you aren't buying ANY stock ! Get a job then maybe, just maybe you can buy a couple of shares of a $30 stock Your stupidity, low IQ and level of education shows in your threads Your lack of drive to be a productive person is evident Sorry loser I call it like I see it and guess what
you aren't going to do nothing about it Now go to Costco and apply for that Job DONT use HSP as reference You ask for everything you get punk and you are easy to smack around on here