Results on Autopsy...???

Did you people know Rebecca personally? Obviously you did not. Rebecca wouldn't give you the time of day. She was living the high life with Jonah and it all went to her head. She was a control freak like Jonah. There is a reason the Shacknai children didn't care for her. She was a pretentious snob who looked down on others and had a short fuse. She feared a criminal investigation regarding Maxie's accident and was angry at Jonah for suspecting his accident was a cover up. Eventually it will come out about how she didn't get along with others and that is why she was let go from numerous jobs. She was skating on thin ice with Jonah and that relationship was on its last legs. She thought the world owed her a living and claimed to be royalty from some banana republic. You need to get on with your own lives and find a more noble cause to propel your life. You are wasting your time defending a spiteful delusional woman who was insane.

Are you sure you're not talking about Dina?

THIS is pathetic? Do you have a mirror at your house?

Um I don't think the guy who posted that had a dead woman hanging off his balcony. Some people just luck out when there's a busy news week. Madonna and Guy Ritchie divorced during a week when there was a huge story and no one paid any attention to the announcement of their divorce.

However, it's not over till the fat lady sings. This case is far from over.

Um I don't think the guy who posted that had a dead woman hanging off his balcony. Some people just luck out when there's a busy news week. Madonna and Guy Ritchie divorced during a week when there was a huge story and no one paid any attention to the announcement of their divorce.

However, it's not over till the fat lady sings. This case is far from over.

Thanks detective. You be sure to keep us posted. Your wife isnt singing?

I'm a tad overweight these days . Say 40 lbs or so. I am a lady. I Was just jamming to Weekend in New England by mr manilow. Facts: Im fat. Im a lady. I was just singing. So does that mean it's over? Did he duck out under the cover of MJ and Amanda?

These fat jokes are very much the signature of the Medicis culture. The "person who should never be named" is known to make fat jokes and comments. To any casual observer, "the person who should never be named" apparently views any excess weight as a serious personality weakness/flaw. Ignore the fat stuff on here. Don't be baited.

Ok good so I'm not the only one who thinks this is total BS. How can a person be so distraught that she kills herself when 1) the boy hadn't even died yet and 2) it wasn't even her son. I guess money allows one to get away with a lot.

If that were true then parents should have killed themselves, right?

Quote form LA Times
"But about 1 a.m. on July 13, Zahau got a call from someone informing her that the boy's injuries were worse than originally thought and that he would likely die, authorities said. It was at that point, officials said, that they believe she decided to commit suicide."

So. Interesting. If she is dead and not here to have been interviewed, how do they know that someone called her - okay phone records that someone called. But who is the "someone." why can't that be disclosed? DO they even know who? Then, who told them what the someone told her...??? that the injuries were worse than originally thought and that he would likely die? Did they interview that someone? How can they know for sure that that was what the conversation was unless it was actually recorded? So we should just believe this and go away, right?
Tell me they can't be this dumb. Please.

There not dumb. Maybe someone told them a lie and then told another lie to cover-up the first lie. Snowball effect happen. We'll soon see the avalanche.