Results on Autopsy...???

If ever there was someone to fear it is an employer camped out on an Indian reservation with his own special detail where the law is whatever he says it is. There is good reason why JS jokes that we are captive employees.

I don't think he's joking when he says this. Every move he ever makes is quite calculated. A very shrewd lawyer. I'd have loved to see him cross-examine someone in a court room.

This board allows you to set up an account with a user name of your choice. It does require any other identification other than an email account. Doesn't everybody have at least one spam email account that's not in their real name but a screen name?

I'm sure you input there would be invaluable. At the very least read what this group has compiled.

This board allows you to set up an account with a user name of your choice. It does require any other identification other than an email account. Doesn't everybody have at least one spam email account that's not in their real name but a screen name?

I'm sure you input there would be invaluable. At the very least read what this group has compiled.

Sorry, typo It doe not require a full name or even a real name.

This board allows you to set up an account with a user name of your choice. It does require any other identification other than an email account. Doesn't everybody have at least one spam email account that's not in their real name but a screen name?

I'm sure you input there would be invaluable. At the very least read what this group has compiled.

I have - it's awesome. Are you all former dectectives? Investigators? Your logic, reasoning, etc is that of a much higher level than the donuts in blue currently in place in SD.

It might be premature to state, but something tells me JS dating days are over. Who in their right mind, other than some bimbo gold-digger, would even toy with this cat?

How about you type in the website address and find the story on Rebecca. It is still unbelievable to me they called this suicide. The new text message is very very suspicious. I always wondered if the ex had her hands in this.

Bizarre and disturbing NEW info on radaronline. why are we just learning of this? This case MUST be reopened and all of the investigators need to be investigated and perhaps tried just like all the judges and politicos in Luzerne County PA. There's something very disturbing that after 2 months information that should have been gathered and released to the public ( it is a crime, isn't it?) is just now being brought to the attention of the public and from a clebrity rag no less. God bless the free press. keep it up.

Wonder if JS signed it now that he claims he wants to case reinvestigated. I guess he knows by now they don't have evidence to prosecute so of course he wants the case re-opened.

Wonder if JS signed it now that he claims he wants to case reinvestigated. I guess he knows by now they don't have evidence to prosecute so of course he wants the case re-opened.

JS wants the AG Harris to REVIEW the case thinking if he gets it certified by the attorney general then everyone will just go away. This petition is for a NEW independent investigation with NEW experts.. that's why it's so important to sign the petition, so that AG Harris will not be duped by JS into a review... please pass the word. Thanks!

Did you people know Rebecca personally? Obviously you did not. Rebecca wouldn't give you the time of day. She was living the high life with Jonah and it all went to her head. She was a control freak like Jonah. There is a reason the Shacknai children didn't care for her. She was a pretentious snob who looked down on others and had a short fuse. She feared a criminal investigation regarding Maxie's accident and was angry at Jonah for suspecting his accident was a cover up. Eventually it will come out about how she didn't get along with others and that is why she was let go from numerous jobs. She was skating on thin ice with Jonah and that relationship was on its last legs. She thought the world owed her a living and claimed to be royalty from some banana republic. You need to get on with your own lives and find a more noble cause to propel your life. You are wasting your time defending a spiteful delusional woman who was insane.

I don't think it really has anything to do with her. It's all about us current and past employees hoping js evil ways that he pays for everything to go his wAy will finally be uncovered and exposed. If not this way, then I know of a few other ways it will be coming in the future. Btw anyone have any update on the status of andrewhall v medicis

You've really got to ascertain your motive in obsessing with finding justice for a woman you did not know. What is in this for you?

I think it has something to do with we don't like people getting away with murder. RZ may have been an asshole but she deserves to have her death investigated properly...and it hasn't been.