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Reps Stay Home If Not Wearing Mask


Novartis do everyone a life saving favor and tell Florida Cosentyx reps to wear damn mask. Closer to ocean can’t get it with heat mindset, wtf? Couldn’t wait to get out of elevator with this idiot. No mask, telling me he is only out to get sample signatures and going to beach because no more offices want to see reps in area. No shit Sherlock! Offices get pissed when reps don’t wear mask and follow guidelines so rest of us get screwed. Just stay home!


Novartis do everyone a life saving favor and tell Florida Cosentyx reps to wear damn mask. Closer to ocean can’t get it with heat mindset, wtf? Couldn’t wait to get out of elevator with this idiot. No mask, telling me he is only out to get sample signatures and going to beach because no more offices want to see reps in area. No shit Sherlock! Offices get pissed when reps don’t wear mask and follow guidelines so rest of us get screwed. Just stay home!

Some reps are both completely selfish and clueless. Keep your ass at home if you aren't going to wear a mask. Surprised offices haven't banned rep. Wonder if this is rep who gives gifts to office staff to push his drug? Anything goes in Florida even with covid. Disgusted.

Sounds like a smart rep- masks are proven to be pretty close to worthless as far as stopping the "spread" of a virus that 99.99% will recover from and close to 85% will have zero to mild symptoms.

Sounds like a smart rep- masks are proven to be pretty close to worthless as far as stopping the "spread" of a virus that 99.99% will recover from and close to 85% will have zero to mild symptoms.
You mean sounds like a made up story. So the tep was in an elevator and decided to talk about what he sells, what company they work for, and how they Re going back to the beach. Oh yeah, and said they were only there for samples . Sounds like a pretty big building, in florida none the less.

Sounds like a smart rep- masks are proven to be pretty close to worthless as far as stopping the "spread" of a virus that 99.99% will recover from and close to 85% will have zero to mild symptoms.

If you work in pharma or the medical field in any capacity, I hope that you are the first to lose your job for your sheer stupidity. I bet you believe the “data” on vaccines causing Autism, too. Idiots like you should be neutered and put on an island together.

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