Reorg is coming!!

No reorg coming in the short term. That is BS
What is real is the systematic removal of anyone that doesn’t get in line. Age will be a very clear decision maker for Ethicon. The people that will be retained will come through a process that they can not tell you about or describe to you because it’s a secret. The secret is your gender and race will decide if you stay or go. JNJ is a deal with the devil
People that have been here less than 6 years no longer have the benefits (so they don’t cost as much) pension now is like 15% of what you make but you don’t get to invest it and you don’t get to keep it. JNJ holds it. With the minimum cost of money you start losing 3% every year on it. While JNJ still uses the cash for their investments to gain on.
Well, if you are the one who heard a re-org is coming, maybe you let us know your information instead of trolling?

There is NO PENSION for people that have been at JNJ for less than 6 years. Have you manager describe to you what they get vs what someone that started 5+ years ago. It’s the JNJ dirty little secret. Get your experience and get to a company that pays for performance and you will fund your own retirement easier than you think and you won’t have to deal with discrimination
Yes, magic is 10 years of service and over 55

not true at all
Torax was wiped out to justify the spend of adding Area Director positions. The Area Director positions were added because they could spin that they were creating new leadership positions to increase diversity.
All about what it looks like and not about if it was good for the business
not true. Organization was top heavy so they increased span of control and removed dead weights. Combined specialty with brand. Added more groups and removed some. Full unveiling next week

if they were removing the dead weight then how does David Hogan and Fred Blachford still have a job?
not true at all
Torax was wiped out to justify the spend of adding Area Director positions. The Area Director positions were added because they could spin that they were creating new leadership positions to increase diversity.
All about what it looks like and not about if it was good for the business

Not a leader. A master of internal politics. Bullying and intimidation are his methods, there is no mentorship or development originating from him. To be fair, there are very few leaders within Ethicon, and thus no one to model to the managers. Ever take FB to your customers? I've never seen someone talk over and force a conversation like he does. Embarassing. There's a reason why he is a serial dater and has had no long-term personal relationships for 30 years. I remember when he forced Twitter onto all of us years ago. He liked to send his "Face to face meetings are great. You get to explain to me face to face why your Twitter list doesn't reflect mine." emails to the field. His emails to his managers were even worse. If you have to threaten termination, no one is following you out of respect. I suppose he has some redeeming qualities, but leadership is not one of them.

FB is a good individual. Very strategic thinker and as blunt as you can get.