Yes if you are vested over 5 years . But the big pay off is at the end if you have 10 years and are over 55 BOOM then you get access to healthcare for life plus the other retiree bennys.
Another round of reorg is coming. This time sales and SCG.
HCC is next
Well, if you are the one who heard a re-org is coming, maybe you let us know your information instead of trolling?
Yes, magic is 10 years of service and over 55
not true. Organization was top heavy so they increased span of control and removed dead weights. Combined specialty with brand. Added more groups and removed some. Full unveiling next week
not true at all
Torax was wiped out to justify the spend of adding Area Director positions. The Area Director positions were added because they could spin that they were creating new leadership positions to increase diversity.
All about what it looks like and not about if it was good for the business
if they were removing the dead weight then how does David Hogan and Fred Blachford still have a job?
I've always wondered how FB still had a job considering his tyrannical "leadership" style.
FB is a good individual. Very strategic thinker and as blunt as you can get.
Finally a massive change is coming