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Reorg Coming

Silly BMS rep, Glucophage is not quite comparable to Bydueon. One of those is used a little earlier in the progression of T2D.

Your right..Glucophage was used and Bydureon not. Also endo's do and continue to write Metformin. Not just a refill from the IM group where you claim we spend our days. Get off your high horse and try and earn your keep. Silly Amylin rep.

BMS reps will fail to launch in PCP offices.
Much like the failure in the Endo's that Amylin has provide. The whole point of us buying you was for BMS sales force to make your shit drug move. Your company has not made a profit in three years. The only money Amylin has ever made we just gave you. Congrats you just sold 7 billion dollars worth and your sales force in true fashion had nothing to do with it.

Much like the failure in the Endo's that Amylin has provide. The whole point of us buying you was for BMS sales force to make your shit drug move. Your company has not made a profit in three years. The only money Amylin has ever made we just gave you. Congrats you just sold 7 billion dollars worth and your sales force in true fashion had nothing to do with it.

I'll remember to thank my BMS reps when I cash my profit sharing check soon....thanks to that 7 billion it should be a good one.

That's the best you've got....yawn.

Synergy gone by Jan 1. The rest of you lazy ass stuck up good for nothing reps by April. Sorry to c u lose ur job but maybe if u worked and showed any sort of interest this would not be the case. Accross the country it's the same story. Amylin not around or working!

Synergy gone by Jan 1. The rest of you lazy ass stuck up good for nothing reps by April. Sorry to c u lose ur job but maybe if u worked and showed any sort of interest this would not be the case. Accross the country it's the same story. Amylin not around or working!

I don't work more than 2 hours a day, but deserve my pay.

Yes it is...but for those poor folks at Pfizer.
We didn't want Pfizer stinking up the place with their massive layoffs after the co-promote
is signed.

they agreed to do the mass layoffs before the agreement.
Dont believe me, check their board Monday.