This post is exactly what's wrong with America. Let's all sue S&N because they filed paperwork incorrectly!!!! You're STILL getting paid salary. You're STILL getting paid commission. You STILL have plenty of other products to sell. You STILL have a job. These are tough times, but, at the risk of being completely cliché, THAT'S LIFE. You've heard that saying before, right? If you're unhappy with the company then, here's a novel idea, LEAVE!
"When the times get tough the tough get going". That's how it used to be at least. Now it's "when time get tough the general population bitches, whines, and later sues". Everyone on here who feels entitled to severance is a f**king moron. Go take a long hard look in the mirror, superstar. Ask yourself - is this what my grandfather would have done? The answer? No, your grandpa would have slapped his face, slammed a beer, got his ass back to work and then went home and doggy f**ked your grandma. And he would have done it for half the pay and twice the hours (also he would have walked 12 miles barefoot through the snow...or something to that effect). Shape up, sport.
Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio? This country is f**ked. Nothing but free-loaders and whiny bitches left.
You need to speak up on the conference calls with these thoughts, I'm pumped now.