Regional managers? What are they good for?

On that note, what are sales reps good for? Everyone else has to be on time, work, and actually produce some tangible results. The sales person gets to come in at 9am, take an hour and a half lunch, tend to personal business, and then head out at 430. In the meantime, the business coming into the office has literally nothing to do with her but the SR gets the points and gets to keep her job! Seriously, how do you get rid of someone like this?

SR is the biggest asset of the location. The competitors are waiting like wolves to steal our existing clients. The SR is the shepard protecting the flock. In addition, if the SR can find just one new client a month then the business would grow by 40%.
The LCM and RM do not even know the difference of marketing and sales and are nothing but small minded pencil pushers. However, SR love you anyway because help get our points.

SR is the biggest asset of the location. The competitors are waiting like wolves to steal our existing clients. The SR is the shepard protecting the flock. In addition, if the SR can find just one new client a month then the business would grow by 40%.
The LCM and RM do not even know the difference of marketing and sales and are nothing but small minded pencil pushers. However, SR love you anyway because help get our points.

PST's are your front line. They are right in the house and the best free advertising you can get for a location.

The only "flock" I have seen a couple of the SR's in that little 5% group protect is their shopping time ON company time. We are not talking a quick run in, it's hours in a day doing personal things.

Anyone can argue again how they put in long hours...and I am sure there are plenty that really DO their job, not in a certain area they don't. Getting nails done, garden shop, grocery shopping for family events and etc come first. Faking reports takes up a good part of their time too.

Running out the door is the only thing they do at or before 5 and empty handed too.

100% spot on regarding the LCM not knowing the difference between marketing and sales. Most don't even know what the heck the OP's side of a business is.

Any insights here? Ours just hides from jacho, takes vacation, and collects an unjustifiable large salary!

If Rotech got rid of the RM's and AM's think of the staff that could be hired and kept. Plus the raises that would be available for the people that truly run the locations. The LCM's, SR's, CSR's and PST's.

If Rotech got rid of the RM's and AM's think of the staff that could be hired and kept. Plus the raises that would be available for the people that truly run the locations. The LCM's, SR's, CSR's and PST's.

Communication would be much better. Most times no one knows a job is due until the day it is due. Then everyone scrambles to meet it and the AM's blame it on the locations again..or the RM's chime right in too.

It would also be a way to clean house too, with a direct report to someone who is really looking at the bottom line and not just lining their own pockets while Rome burns

If Rotech got rid of the RM's and AM's think of the staff that could be hired and kept. Plus the raises that would be available for the people that truly run the locations. The LCM's, SR's, CSR's and PST's.

Wow, I have been saying this for years and nothing has changed!!!!of course the lower levels get no credit for running the location..It is because of the Am and Rm that think they make a location succesful by their demeaning attitudes.

Wow, I have been saying this for years and nothing has changed!!!!of course the lower levels get no credit for running the location..It is because of the Am and Rm that think they make a location succesful by their demeaning attitudes.

They are HUGE attitudes too. No one listens at those 800 numbers they have to call and HR needs to brush up on their Labor Reg's for the states they cover.

Let's get a union to fight management.

While some may say it will take away even more jobs....maybe there will finally be a real job description for all. Fair treatment for a change too.

Not the...hey you are doing it because I am to lazy to do it and have to run out to pick up my groceries for the week.

Or...let me go out and have my 6th smoke of the morning and why I am out there, here, fax this out too. If you don't do it I am telling my boss...whaaaa

Like the one poster said a couple of months back he/she was told to do so many things that really were across a blury line and had to get out once and for all.

The "blury lines" need to be brought into focus more...with or without a union

Let's not focus on the bottom 10% of Rotech.
Share a story or two about the top 90% such as moron PST, Dumb LCM, arrogant RT, and lazy SR. These stories are truthful and very funny. How can an organization survive with this operating system?

Let's not focus on the bottom 10% of Rotech.
Share a story or two about the top 90% such as moron PST, Dumb LCM, arrogant RT, and lazy SR. These stories are truthful and very funny. How can an organization survive with this operating system?

Oh that is easy, they burn out their employees and scream NEXT ! In pops yet another fresh face that feels they are the ones to save the place !!! ha ha ha HA HA HA

PST's are your front line. They are right in the house and the best free advertising you can get for a location.

Above Quote from previous post...

Have you ever looked at the vans they are driving...What better advertising, the vehicles are rust buckets over 10 years old, the engines sound like they are on their last legs..All the signs stuck on them cant camo everything.

PST's are your front line. They are right in the house and the best free advertising you can get for a location.

Above Quote from previous post...

Have you ever looked at the vans they are driving...What better advertising, the vehicles are rust buckets over 10 years old, the engines sound like they are on their last legs..All the signs stuck on them cant camo everything.

And have you ever learned to look at what you are reading ?????

It states..."they are right in the house" as in the PST being in the house. Not remarking about the vans. THAT is your best advertising, beacuse they can be as mean and nasty as they want or nice too to the patients.

The van's didn't get like that overnight. If the PST reported any problems, he/she has done their job and it's up to the LCM to do theirs.

Here is what you are all forgetting. Whether you are a manager, driver, sales rep or RT, your must work together as a team. No one part is above the rest. The sr markets the physicians and hopefully gets a referral, the csr gets the referral and processes it and in some areas is the first contact the patient has with the company( you only get one chance to make a good first impression), the driver sets the patient up with the equipment and instructs in safe and proper use and hopefully gets them comfortable with this, which sometimes takes more than one followup. Then once all paperwork is back billing gets involved and sometimes has to contact pt, physician and office for more info and documentation to bill so everyone gets paid. So yes it takes a village of people working together for very little thanks and once in a while a complement. I can say this 95% of the patients I have taken care of are good people who appreciate our time we spend with them, and boy do they deserve better. They are caught between Medicare cuts and greedy companies and a lot are totally frustrated with the system, its not what they were promised when they were young. If I was a physician I would refer np patient to Apria, Lincare, Rotech, Vital Care, Pacific Pulmonary, american Home companion and most definitely not the scooter store. Stick with the smaller local company who truly cares for your patient and has lived in and been part of your community. I am not a Rotech employee but have known plenty, I have worked for for Pacific Pulmonary and finally got smart and started my own company which I did in the nick of time before things started to change. Yes it tough to survive and keep my staff employed, buts thats the contract I feel I have with them when hired as long as they perform the job they were hired to do and put the patient first. Everything else will fall into place. Good patient care even beats money changing hands for referrals and local politics. Trust me on this Ive lived it.