Region cutouts/districts

A lot of regions are wondering how this downsizing may effect them. I wonder about the Pacific Northwest. The PNW was hit hard last year and many territories are already just 2 per pod, so would there be less ROF or due to the manage care strong hold on this area would they consolidate even more. Large goeographical areas to cover with just one rep. Truth is....may not be the best job to have. Just saying....

I believe we will see the rest of the nation trend toward the PNW and MN. It is a really tough market. Companies did not change their approach, they recycled personnel. Some areas in the PNW have 0 access in metropolitan areas.

The odds of seeing a high prescribing KOL in Seattle is hard to do unless they are on the company dole.

In the southeast, we are still operating with pod teams of 5-6 people. Some territories already have bi-monyhly overnights based on routing. GREAT access but the writing is on the wall...1 rep per territory here is what I expect.

Just got a look at the final mapping from ZS. Way different footprints. Districts very large. In some cases 4 states. Many territories are entire states. Reminds me of the Geigy days.

This is what happens when your average pharma chuckle-head tries to sound like an intelligent insider to others. This post is complete bs.

I could easily see some district include several states. Nebraska and Kansas could be one. Minnesota and North and South Dakota could be another; looking stickly at population and access. What about Wyoming, Montana and Utah? That sure could happen. I would hate to be the manager. So I do think larger districts and territories are a given.

So don't think the territory where you live might be too "special" to have a lot less reps while being a heck of a lot larger.

I could easily see some district include several states. Nebraska and Kansas could be one. Minnesota and North and South Dakota could be another; looking stickly at population and access. What about Wyoming, Montana and Utah? That sure could happen. I would hate to be the manager. So I do think larger districts and territories are a given.

So don't think the territory where you live might be too "special" to have a lot less reps while being a heck of a lot larger.

T Roe would manage this district. P Roe and Degner will cover the whole state of Kansas.

I get it. Since they're getting rid of 60% of the reps and flms, that means that everyone will have to cover way more than double the territory to make up the losses. 40% left will be covering the other 60% that's gone. 60 divided by 40 = 1.5 more territory to cover.
Get it???

I get it. Since they're getting rid of 60% of the reps and flms, that means that everyone will have to cover way more than double the territory to make up the losses. 40% left will be covering the other 60% that's gone. 60 divided by 40 = 1.5 more territory to cover.
Get it???

It will look similar to the late 80s or late 1990s. It was not unusual to see 1-2 reps cover a couple of small populous states. Some areas were not covered at all. I believe the will go with a contract rep or E detailing in high managed care areas or rural regions.

When this transpires, it tears the FLMs into pieces. They spend their lives in dreary little hotel rooms, eat bad food, and stare out the passenger window into a bleak landscape or snow storm. Sucks. Some miss family milestones in order to keep food on the table.

The states that have 5-6 reps will comprise the majority of cuts. There are places with 1-2 reps already so that's how they will come up with the 2000 cuts. YES 2000- notice how it went from 1600-1900 cuts in the releases- it will be 2000 jobs lost because of the vacancies that are not filled. Those numbers need to be counted. Dense places like NJ will also still have 1-2 MAX but more in a district. NJ for example will have a North District and a South district- so 20 will cover NJ due to the population (8.8 million) vs Idaho (1.5 million). The state of Idaho may only have 2 reps. Wyoming only has 500,000 people so maybe just one rep for the state- Get it?