Redhill Biopharmaceuticals

This is my first post ever on Cafepharma but I felt the need to comment. Been in pharma for years now, I worked for Redhill for a very short time. I remember when I was there not long ago, how everyone talked about how easily people got fired. HR & people would throw others under the bus for entertainment it seemed. They would discard you for he said she said. That didn’t make financial sense I thought. Unfortunately, I was one of those. I thought to myself, how can a company like this survive? They've lost 90% stock price, terrible coverage, have mediocre drugs & the one drug they have they don't even own, they license it. It was a blessing in disguise as I got on with another larger, more profitable company pretty fast. Redhill did pay well, but maybe that in combo with the downturn market, low stock price, mediocre drugs, unbelievable amount of former Salix reps backstabbing environment did them in. It does not surprise me that they gave a poor severance. But hey dyed hair RJ is a former Salix man so he will be fine!
It’s a start up company so it’s still in a growing phase. Movantik has actually grown and taken lead amongst approved and indicated PAMORAs for OIC. Comp plan is primo at the moment. Top reps making 20-40k a quarter, bottom reps making around 7k. Sounds like you got passed over and are a little bitter. Start-ups aren’t for everyone and come with great opportunity and some growing pains. RedHill is what you make out of it.

Never has a statement aged so very poorly so very quickly…
Screwed all of us out of our commission as well! Company didn’t even care about relationships with providers since they cut off our systems and cards off 20 minutes after getting let go.

Greed and inhumanity=RedHill. This
Company gives shoutouts to reps that everyone knows are committing Medicare, Medicaid, pharmacy fraud and scams. RedHill looks The other way. When you express discomfort to breaking compliance and FDA rules…RedHill
Fires you. Matter of time before FDA or Medicare /Medicaid authorities come in
Layoffs of employees with 2 week severance who have been there since the beginning was such an awful disrespectful move. RS and RJ are the worst leaders I’ve ever worked for. They don’t listen to anyone and don’t realize they are completely out of touch in 2022 Pharma. Dror makes a huge mistake listening to those guys.

RH is the worst company I have ever had the misfortune of working for! Disgusting, greedy management, awful products and worse coverage. I will be spending the next few weeks looking for a new company before they come for my territory next. Has anyone heard about Phathom GI? Anyone from here interviewing there now?
RH is the worst company I have ever had the misfortune of working for! Disgusting, greedy management, awful products and worse coverage. I will be spending the next few weeks looking for a new company before they come for my territory next. Has anyone heard about Phathom GI? Anyone from here interviewing there now?

Yeah everyone is applying there they have a new h pylori drug
This is worth the post. What an atrocious company, bunch of clowns running round that don't know anything. The so called "lay off" is more like being fired than anything. It is basically impossible to close out properly and they are basically saying get fucked to former loyal employees by not paying whats owed. Literal buttery dog shit.

We’ve received calls or messages from many of you today asking why your deposit was not made today. There are several things that need to happen before your severance payment is made.

  • You must sign your separation agreement through DocuSign.
  • If you are 40 or older, the 7 day revocation period must pass.
  • If applicable, your company vehicle needs to be picked up.
  • If applicable, your final expense report needs to be submitted. If upon review there are corrections that need to be made or missing items (such as sign in sheets), we will expect that you complete those corrections or supply missing items.
  • If applicable, your samples will need to be transferred and your storage facility closed out.
  • We must receive all company property such as iPads, computers, etc.

Each department handling closeouts keeps me up to date with closeout so that we can track when all is complete. Upon confirmation of all closeout activity being complete, I will send you an email to let you know when to expect your severance pay. We will pay within two weeks of confirmation of closeout."

So, what’s it’s like working for a Pharma company with a $0.14 a share stock price? Does anyone actually “work” anymore? Does upper management even try to convince anyone of “better times ahead”, or is it just waiting to hit absolute 0.00?..