Is this legal??? I got this email and almost fell for it. Glad I searched google before I got suckered for $29.

Thank you for sending your resume, but the Boston Sci. surgical sales position requires coronary stent surgery experience, and they will not interview you unless you have it. My best suggestion is to use, it is the best sales job board for medical and pharma sales positions. Just about every med/pharm company posts their sales positions there. It should help you secure more interviews, as you will go direct through the companies themselves. I will keep you active on other positions that may be a fit with your background.

Good Luck
Michael Wilson

Surgery Reps Inc.
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WOW i got this EXACT email and responded thanking him for the feedback. thank god i googles this. I use MedReps which is legit I have gotten many leads from. Please see this EXACT email below:

Thank you for sending your resume, but the Boston Sci. surgical sales position requires coronary stent surgery experience, and they will not interview you unless you have it. My best suggestion is to use, it is the best sales job board for medical and pharma sales positions. Just about every med/pharm company posts their sales positions there. It should help you secure more interviews, as you will go direct through the companies themselves. I will keep you active on other positions that may be a fit with your background.

Good Luck
Michael Wilson
Surgery Reps Inc.

SO F*cked up
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Your site was recommended to me by a recruiter after I applied for a position for which, based on the listed qualifications, I am qualified for. The email response I received was from Michael Wilson from Surgery Reps Inc. Is this the same company that Michael Wilson works for or is incentivized by?

I ask that because I received several emails from Michael saying I wasn't qualified for the position I applied for and therefore he was recommending your website.

I signed up and entered my credit card information based on Michael's response. I applied for dozens of positions and got no responses. Its not because I'm not qualified. I am. Ive gotten responses from EVERY other career site I've joined.

Will you please explain how your site works compared to its competitors? Should I not receive an explanation I'll be contacting the BBB and others.

Thanks for Understanding my positions as a job seeker.

I got the same & I fell for it. I sent this to their contact email & it was returned undeliverable.
So lame!

I got the exact same email this week to go to for a position with Abbott that does not exist. I emailed the "recruiter" back in an attempt to find out if this was legit or a scam and asked for a description of the territory for the position and he never responded. A little Googling revealed that the website is a scam. Looks like they are pulling names/emails from MedReps (which actually is legit) and using these for their scam.

I received the same email. Never directly applied to Boston Scientific. Not sure how he gained my info, believe I applied directly to a medical recruiter site. That would be my guess.

No way I'd sign up for that site.

Joys of job hunting! Best of luck to all.

Medical Sales recruiters are some of the biggest time wasters you can encounter!
Very few positions anymore in Med Sales. Really no need to work with these people.
If your serious about your career obviously other avenues.
The latest Medical Recruiters "SCAMs" involve creating "FAKE" profiles on Med companies to suck you into conversations and load up on candidates to get a good head count for time wasting phone interviews and F2F with under performing weak me two product lines.
Do your own research and contact prospective employers directly!
Most Med recruiters have jobs you really don't want and involve you in the Cess pool of Job Boards!

Apparently they haven't been shut down yet! THANKS FOR THE WARNINGS!!!

On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 9:00 AM, Michael Wilson <> wrote:

Thank you for sending your resume, but the Medtronic surgical sales position requires coronary stent surgery experience, and they will not interview you unless you have it. My best suggestion is to use, it is the best sales job board for medical and pharma sales positions. Just about every med/pharm company posts their sales positions there. It should help you secure more interviews, as you will go direct through the companies themselves. I will keep you active on other positions that may be a fit with your background.

Good Luck
Michael Wilson
Surgery Reps Inc.

I also got almost the same email below and I fell for it. Be aware of this scam. They charge you $29 and then when you gain access to view any job positions (if they have any, I did not go any further) they say you will have to pay $299.

Thank you for sending your resume, but the Medtronic surgical sales position requires coronary stent surgery experience, and they will not interview you unless you have it. My best suggestion is to use, it is the best sales job board for medical and pharma sales positions. Just about every med/pharm company posts their sales positions there. It should help you secure more interviews, as you will go direct through the companies themselves. I will keep you active on other positions that may be a fit with your background.

Good Luck
Michael Wilson
Surgery Reps Inc.

Is this legal??? I got this email and almost fell for it. Glad I searched google before I got suckered for $29.

Thank you for sending your resume, but the Boston Sci. surgical sales position requires coronary stent surgery experience, and they will not interview you unless you have it. My best suggestion is to use, it is the best sales job board for medical and pharma sales positions. Just about every med/pharm company posts their sales positions there. It should help you secure more interviews, as you will go direct through the companies themselves. I will keep you active on other positions that may be a fit with your background.

Good Luck
Michael Wilson

Surgery Reps Inc.

I'm so embarrassed that I responded personally to this email this morning. Of course, I Googled it AFTER telling him that I in fact did have that "surgical" experience that "he" claims I didn't. That being said, I applied to that job he was referencing soooo long ago. I thought it was strange. Sheesh, I guess I'm a prime target for bailing my distant aunt out of some Nigerian prison.

I'm so embarrassed that I responded personally to this email this morning. Of course, I Googled it AFTER telling him that I in fact did have that "surgical" experience that "he" claims I didn't. That being said, I applied to that job he was referencing soooo long ago. I thought it was strange. Sheesh, I guess I'm a prime target for bailing my distant aunt out of some Nigerian prison.

Dont feel too bad! I received the exact same email this morning from "michael". I figured $29 cant be too bad right?? Im so glad i googled the company and website and scam alert from cafe pharma was one of the first to pop up. Ahh the joys of job searching...

Medreps isn't legit!

Same group of recruiters mining resumes.
Same jobs posted over and over.
There is a group of recruiters who post over and over and renew the job.
I've seen the same job posted for 6-8 months.
I would stay away from the MedReps trap.
Network amongst colleagues and peers.
Directly contact prospective employers and network on Linked in.
There are two recruiters both with the same last name but they are bad actors and Id steer clear of their involvement with MedReps.

Med Reps is "legit" as you call it. So are all of the methods listed at the bottom of your post.
No one activity will guarantee you finding the right position anymore than another, however doing as many of these activities as you can likely will yield the offer faster than not.
I am a Medical Device Recruiter, have been doing it likely as long or longer than many of you reading this have been walking around...I use Med Reps all the time, over 10+ years or so I have found & placed literally hundreds of candidates through Med Reps, last year it was above 20, there will also be candidates I met last year through Med Reps that I will place this year or next.
All of my contact information is listed on my posts & I have many call not sending their resume, they describe their profile & I tell them if my client would likely have interest or not. As far as reposting jobs, I have a job open now that I have been working on for 6 months, for a variety of reasons my client has not found the right person & nobody knows when that person will come along?
Final note, I would not reply to any positions listing only "Recruiter" or some other nebulous name, if you are not confident in whom you are sending your resume you should not reply.

QUESTION: Has anyone found out if this Michael Wilson and his suggestion to use in his email? I googled to see if his website was legit because I also have the experience. Also, Does any use a term "coronary stent surgery"? That was my big red flag as well. This is what Michael sent to me, "Thank you for sending your resume, but the Medtronic surgical sales position requires coronary stent surgery experience, and they will not interview you unless you have it. My best suggestion is to use, it is the best sales job board for medical and pharma sales positions. Just about every med/pharm company posts their sales positions there. It should help you secure more interviews, as you will go direct through the companies themselves. I will keep you active on other positions that may be a fit with your background." This was the email history
from: Michael Wilson <>
to: Michael Wilson <>
date: Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 7:08 AM
subject: Medtronic surgical sales position
Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
: Important according to Google magic.

Is this legal??? I got this email and almost fell for it. Glad I searched google before I got suckered for $29.

Thank you for sending your resume, but the Boston Sci. surgical sales position requires coronary stent surgery experience, and they will not interview you unless you have it. My best suggestion is to use, it is the best sales job board for medical and pharma sales positions. Just about every med/pharm company posts their sales positions there. It should help you secure more interviews, as you will go direct through the companies themselves. I will keep you active on other positions that may be a fit with your background.

Good Luck
Michael Wilson

Surgery Reps Inc.

Is this legal??? I got this email and almost fell for it. Glad I searched google before I got suckered for $29.

Thank you for sending your resume, but the Boston Sci. surgical sales position requires coronary stent surgery experience, and they will not interview you unless you have it. My best suggestion is to use, it is the best sales job board for medical and pharma sales positions. Just about every med/pharm company posts their sales positions there. It should help you secure more interviews, as you will go direct through the companies themselves. I will keep you active on other positions that may be a fit with your background.

Good Luck
Michael Wilson

Surgery Reps Inc.


Medical device VP of sales here. Do everything you can to avoid recruiters. If I have 2 candidates of equal quality,I will always select the candidate NOT represented by the recruiter. If the position is a senior level, I save thousands. No money paid to the recruiter is money back in my budget. Use the recruiter as a tool. Find the company and if you like it, tell the recruiter you already applied to that company. Recruiters can lock you out of opportunities.