recruiter called yesterday re: life vest

I talked to some people who have been here for a few years and love it. I'm going to go for it!

You're outright lying. Everyone knows that this isn't true and more candidates are in line with knowing about the lies that are being told. Anyone who would say this is clearly a manager trying to find somebody or anybody to fill yet another role. Ask any of recruiters. they are all flooded with Zoll LV resumes and are proactively calling anyone who is here a year as they know that they must be ready to leave by now.

I talked to some people who have been here for a few years and love it. I'm going to go for it!

Good for you. For any one else reading this post, please be sure to also talk with anyone who is currently or has ever worked for Zoll and I'll bet you'll reach a different conclusion. Then consider what kind of company would have their management post mis-leading emails on CP.

Good for you. For any one else reading this post, please be sure to also talk with anyone who is currently or has ever worked for Zoll and I'll bet you'll reach a different conclusion. Then consider what kind of company would have their management post mis-leading emails on CP.

Agreed! Zoll is the shittiest place on earth!

Hey Jamie...
Are you reading any of this $hit?
This is the state of your sales force you so deeply care about!!!
OP - Jamie... you have to do something.
I hate my job and will leave as soon as I get something new.
I am over plan for the last three years and currently over plan!
Territory splits and I have nothing left. (I have a huge number)
reps like me got you here - lying my a$$ off & losing credibility!!!
no lube and its starting to hurt.
No one wants to come work here!
Even top managers are interviewing and trying to leave.
Zoll is the worst company - and my AD is a train wreck!
sooooo much anger, I need therapy.
I hope JW gives ML and SB the herpes from his mouth after being on his knees for all these years!
on a professional note... thank you Jamie for the fight (your people will follow you forever with all the respect in the world) -
would say "like if you agree but i'm not on facebook"

Hey Jamie...
Are you reading any of this $hit?
This is the state of your sales force you so deeply care about!!!
OP - Jamie... you have to do something.
I hate my job and will leave as soon as I get something new.
I am over plan for the last three years and currently over plan!
Territory splits and I have nothing left. (I have a huge number)
reps like me got you here - lying my a$$ off & losing credibility!!!
no lube and its starting to hurt.
No one wants to come work here!
Even top managers are interviewing and trying to leave.
Zoll is the worst company - and my AD is a train wreck!
sooooo much anger, I need therapy.
I hope JW gives ML and SB the herpes from his mouth after being on his knees for all these years!
on a professional note... thank you Jamie for the fight (your people will follow you forever with all the respect in the world) -
would say "like if you agree but i'm not on facebook"

They don't care. this business model works for them. If you don't like it, move on. Very simple.

Now, I agree with you. But, that is how the business world works today and always has worked, especially with these medical companies.

You best bet is to find a company with less than 1000 employees and less than 100 reps (less than 50 is best). Good luck.

expansion territory
75K base
160K at plan
top reps making 300K+
$600 month car allowance

Sound legit?

Me: big pharma 16 years same company

yeah all true....come on over....we need another person who cant read 6 years worth of posts on cafe pharma....btw anyone who has stayed 16 years in pharma desrves this opportunity

I talked to some people who have been here for a few years and love it. I'm going to go for it!

ha ha ha ha ha! This is the same manager who posted this stupid series of remarks under another heading!!! What an asshole!!! Trying to say something positive to break up all the negative chatter about the company. Next time dont say "Im going for it" asshole! Try changing up your verbage....better yet tell the truth or stay off the site!!!

I recently interviewed and several things really bothered me. The hiring manager starting talking about all the cafepharma postings and said that they were from the 30% of the reps not making quota. So I asked him how often the quotas changed. He re-directed to another topic. When I circled back, he told me as long as I was hitting my number it didn't matter. In my opinion, it's really hard to hit a moving target.

Another thing -- I reached out to several reps to try and find out what a day in the life was like. Not a single response either to the email or the phone call. Usually one out of eight will respond. Seems like everyone is exceptionally paranoid. Basically screams red flag to me.

I recently interviewed and several things really bothered me. The hiring manager starting talking about all the cafepharma postings and said that they were from the 30% of the reps not making quota. So I asked him how often the quotas changed. He re-directed to another topic. When I circled back, he told me as long as I was hitting my number it didn't matter. In my opinion, it's really hard to hit a moving target.

Another thing -- I reached out to several reps to try and find out what a day in the life was like. Not a single response either to the email or the phone call. Usually one out of eight will respond. Seems like everyone is exceptionally paranoid. Basically screams red flag to me.

Glad you're doing your homework. I'm glad that their are people posting on this web site sharing what it is really like here. There wasn't that much info before I cam on board and I'm regretting every second.

Hey Jamie...
Are you reading any of this $hit?
This is the state of your sales force you so deeply care about!!!
OP - Jamie... you have to do something.
I hate my job and will leave as soon as I get something new.
I am over plan for the last three years and currently over plan!
Territory splits and I have nothing left. (I have a huge number)
reps like me got you here - lying my a$$ off & losing credibility!!!
no lube and its starting to hurt.
No one wants to come work here!
Even top managers are interviewing and trying to leave.
Zoll is the worst company - and my AD is a train wreck!
sooooo much anger, I need therapy.
I hope JW gives ML and SB the herpes from his mouth after being on his knees for all these years!
on a professional note... thank you Jamie for the fight (your people will follow you forever with all the respect in the world) -
would say "like if you agree but i'm not on facebook"

Say what, follow a leader who doesn't even show his face almost the entire time at the national meeting, apologizes to the sales force for being in a bad mood and not where a true leader should be at the companies celebration of past year success??? Really, follow him where, to the gym? This guy walked into LV when it was already doing well and has added nothing but a tier system that no TM can maintain because they split and raise the quota with 60% growth. Yes, true leader.

Say what, follow a leader who doesn't even show his face almost the entire time at the national meeting, apologizes to the sales force for being in a bad mood and not where a true leader should be at the companies celebration of past year success??? Really, follow him where, to the gym? This guy walked into LV when it was already doing well and has added nothing but a tier system that no TM can maintain because they split and raise the quota with 60% growth. Yes, true leader.

It was sarcasm... Read hash tags closely

Glad you're doing your homework. I'm glad that their are people posting on this web site sharing what it is really like here. There wasn't that much info before I cam on board and I'm regretting every second.

Its really funny how the managers state that all the negative chatter on CF is from the same people....5 years and 11,000 threads is a lot of work for the "same people". Keep in mind the turnover here is 70 percent, so I hardly doubt those "same people" are even here anymore! Face it...the comp and quota system suck..the product has no clinical proof...the managers have never sold the product and have no idea about the process or Cardiology verbiage needed to sell the support really sucks...account managers suck (with exception of a few) and I dont feel like shacking up 3 to a room at the national meeting...Oh and I forgot the training program for anyone with at least 2 years Cardiology experience is sooooo basic and insulting that it should be part of an online program through the The University of Phoenix. Good bye Zoll you fucked me while I was here so let me return the for the territory burn baby burn. Lets see if my asshole manager that never sold the product and couldn't spell Cardiology, can replace 25 years worth of relationships and 40 fingers plugging all the holes that customer service (lol) has created. Managers answer split the territory (which is over quota) and lower the quotas. LOL I wish I could tell you where the territory is located, but just search for what was 1.3 million (all of which I produced) and is now 150K! Nice job Zoll!!! Some business plan.....burn baby burn....

Glad you're doing your homework. I'm glad that their are people posting on this web site sharing what it is really like here. There wasn't that much info before I cam on board and I'm regretting every second.

Its really funny how the managers state that all the negative chatter on CP
is from the same people....5 years and 11,000 threads is a lot of work for the "same people". Keep in mind the turnover here is 70 percent, so I hardly doubt those "same people" are even here anymore! Face it...the comp and quota system suck..the product has no clinical proof...the managers have never sold the product and have no idea about the process or Cardiology verbiage needed to sell the support really sucks...account managers suck (with exception of a few) and I dont feel like shacking up 3 to a room at the national meeting...Oh and I forgot the training program for anyone with at least 2 years Cardiology experience is sooooo basic and insulting that it should be part of an online program through the The University of Phoenix. Good bye Zoll you fucked me while I was here so let me return the for the territory burn baby burn. Lets see if my asshole manager that never sold the product and couldn't spell Cardiology, can replace 25 years worth of relationships and 40 fingers plugging all the holes that customer service (lol) has created. Managers answer split the territory (which is over quota) and lower the quotas. LOL I wish I could tell you where the territory is located, but just search for what was 1.3 million (all of which I produced) and is now 150K! Nice job Zoll!!! Some business plan.....burn baby burn....

How can Zoll and these recruiters keep advertising positions that say"3rd expansion this year"? Nope, it's not the 3rd expansion, it's the 3rd rep that has left that territory in a year or so. This is outright lying to people and It's disgusting!

How can Zoll and these recruiters keep advertising positions that say"3rd expansion this year"? Nope, it's not the 3rd expansion, it's the 3rd rep that has left that territory in a year or so. This is outright lying to people and It's disgusting!

I unfortunately fell for this. When I was hired 18 months ago I was told my territory was expansion. Only later did I find out, from my accounts, that I was the 3rd TM in less then 3 years. Now that I've left, they are selling the position the same way to sucker #4...

Just out of curiosity, Where are Zoll Reps ending up after they leave the company? It seems like the average stay is a a little over a year. Does Zoll look good or bad on your resume? serious replies please, a recruiter contacted me about a Zoll Lifevest position recently as well.