Base and car allowance is legit. The 160 at plan and top reps making 300 is not. Your territory is set up so if you make goal you will hit 157K, but you won't hit goal with the ever increasing goals that raise every two weeks. You will "sell" the LV and then have $$$ negatively adjusted towards your goal when the insurance doesn't pay, thus making it harder to hit your goal after you have done all the work. You will work every day, evening and weekend, holiday and miss birthday's, weddings and every other important life event that comes your way and then see that you are only making your 75K base cause of the ever increasing goals that become attainable. You will realize that there is no data to sell this product and start to see the lies, smoke and mirrors that were sold to you when you interviewed. If you have 16 years big pharma with the same company I would stay put you have it much better than you will at Zoll. Also they will tell you that you get 30 days "vacation" please note that there are no holidays so if you want Christmas off you use a vacation day, if you want Thanksgiving off you will use a vacation day, so you really only get about two weeks vacation. You will then use your vacation day to have off, only for the hospital to be calling you about something with some patient and you will end up leaving Christmas gift opening or Thanksgiving dinner to take care of things for your customer and still not hit your goal and see that big fat pay check where you only made your base pay and little if any commissions. As far as your territory being an "expansion" territory..please know that it isn't. They took some reps account base and cut it in half and then expect them to do the same or more to hit goal with half the accounts. The same thing will happen to you in a few months. This is taking one big turd and cutting it up in to little turds. No matter what you still won't hit the goals once the ever growing quotas get moving. This is why 75% of the field force is here less than 1 year.