Reclast .... another winner

Fosomax costs roughly $90 to $100 a month currently. That is $1080 to $1200 a year. Reclast is the same price.

The ease of use once a year will be worth the extra cost even after Fosomax goes generic.

Try $6,000. My friend took this "wonder drug" = had massive migraines for a week and her eyeballs actually swelled - frightening to say the least. Docs are giving this drug to people and the side effects are not "mild", they are horrendous, to say the very least. Go ahead and try to downplay this, but facts are facts, and at least we have the real scoop. I would not take this if it were the last drug available.

To start off I sell the drug, here is my response to some recent posts:

massive migraines and eyeballs swelling up - this was not seen in the 7700 people studied for the PMO indication. I wonder if your friend has AEs when they take ASA?

Cost of Reclast it does not matter if the infsing center charges $1200 OR $5000 MEDICARE has a set reimbursed rate which is $1093 in the midwest. Facilities tend to over charge so the can write off any lost amount in order to stay as a non profit entity. Cost to the pt is typically $0 to $50 if the pt has medicare and a secondary insurance plan. Some people who have secondary coverage without infusion therapy will pay about $220 for the year not bad for great efficacy and convienance.

Try $6,000. My friend took this "wonder drug" = had massive migraines for a week and her eyeballs actually swelled - frightening to say the least. Docs are giving this drug to people and the side effects are not "mild", they are horrendous, to say the very least. Go ahead and try to downplay this, but facts are facts, and at least we have the real scoop. I would not take this if it were the last drug available.

Hmmmm, let me guess that perhaps the above poster sells Actonel or Boniva? Or maybe they are a new hire to Amgen hoping to sell D-mab if it ever gets approved.

Just a guess.

I am a 41 year old RA patient. I take remicade infusions every 6 weeks. I was recently told I also have osteoperosis. I was very upset to say the least. My doctor set me up for a infusion of reclast which I took a week and a half ago. I was so scared. I have to tell you that now looking back that it was a great decision and I am grateful that this medication exsist. I had had pain that I could not explain. Pain that was not helped by the remicade. It is quickly deminishing since my reclast infusion. I have no other explination for this other than it was bone pain. I have not had any uncomfortable or noticable side effects at all, nothing. I did have insurance so the cost to me was simply my 50 dollar co-pay.
I must say again in closing, I am grateful that this medicine exsist. It for me was a good experience and a good choice.

The point of the post is that Zometa beat us to the market and the company has the same compound marketed by two sales divisions for the same indication and is getting reimbursement by medicare for both drugs. Except for metropolitan areas, cancer infusion centers are the only place to administer the drug. Reclast use has been minimized in these geographies. These doctors believe Zometa twice a year is more efficacious than Reclast once a year, who could argue? So if Reclast Reps didn't hit quota by say 1% and lost out on President's Club then bitterness is to be expected.