Reclast .... another winner

Answer is NO. Just some troller trying to cause trouble.

Like you would know if it happened. I'm sure it would go out on voicemail to the entire salesforce. shut up

And to the moron who said "If you have insurance or medicare its covered." covered does not mean fully covered. Wait till the patients see what their 20% bill is. You people are fools.

Like you would know if it happened. I'm sure it would go out on voicemail to the entire salesforce. shut up

And to the moron who said "If you have insurance or medicare its covered." covered does not mean fully covered. Wait till the patients see what their 20% bill is. You people are fools.

Its still cheaper any way you look at it then monthly copays for Actonel or Boniva. In Feb, when Fosamax goes generic you will see those reps squirming like bugs. If I were a patient, I would shop around . An infusion center may cost more than a specialist that does it in their office. I know of several patients that have paid less than $100 for the infusion. Get your facts straight!

There seems to be a lot of misinformation posted here regarding Reclast for PMO.

Yes, Reclast is the same chemical entity as Zometa, a drug used in oncology, but at a different dose and dosing schedule. While Zometa is given at 4 mg per month, Reclast is 5 mg yearly. That is 48 mg vs. 5 mg! Therefore, adverse event profiles can be expected to be quite different.

Zometa is given to cancer patients who have significant co-morbidities. Reclast as used in PMO will generally be administered to a much healthier group of patients.

The cost for a Reclast dose should be in the $1,100 to $1,200 range. The infusion fee (medicare part B) will be $70 - $100 range, depending on geography.

Osteonecrosis of the Jaw does occur with all bisphosphonates (including orals), although there does seem to be an association with dose, time on therapy and use of other meds such as steroids. Complicating dental factors such as tooth extraction and overall dental health are inplicated in most cases of this complication.

That is it in a nutshell. No insults, no name calling!

FYI - I was given this medication, Reclast, and 10 days later suffered a severe sudden onset sensory hearing loss due to inner ear bone inflammation. To top it off this infusion cost $7230.00 and I am not kidding! Blue Cross paid most of it but I am shocked about the cost and lack of information about side effects. This is a rip-off and a medical nightmare.

FYI - I was given this medication, Reclast, and 10 days later suffered a severe sudden onset sensory hearing loss due to inner ear bone inflammation. To top it off this infusion cost $7230.00 and I am not kidding! Blue Cross paid most of it but I am shocked about the cost and lack of information about side effects. This is a rip-off and a medical nightmare.

Go back to your board your troll. If you really want us to believe that a patient would even come onto cafe pharma you must think we are a bunch of idiots. If your cost was $7230, then someone was commiting fraud cause the drug only costs $1000 plus the infusion cost. Go talk to the hospital or infusion center or call your local better business bureau.

Believe it. I just got a bill in today's mail for my infusion of Reclast. My share was $2,404. The actual cost was $4,500. And that was just for the medicine.

If thats the case you got duped. Its not Novartis fault it is your infusion center or your insurance company. You need to check before the infusion how much your share is. SOunds to me you have a high deductible but the cost of $4500 is not accurate. Anyone can charge anything they want for anything in this world and someone overcharged the heck out of you
So go cry on someone elses pillow

Also don't you have to remain upright for 30 minutes and take meds on empty stomach. Doesnt that add up to 10,950 minutes a year to sit still for meds?

Just a thought

well normally I would agree that standing for 30 minutes is ridiculous, but I was given reclast 6 weeks ago, two days after the infusion, I developed severe bone pain, mostly in the long bones of my body, too late, the drug is absorbed fairly quickly iinto your bone, so if you have an adverse reaction you are out of luck. I am still stiff as a board and in substantial pain, hoping in a few months when the drug starts to wear off the pain will let up. Not sure I recommend this drug. I was on zometa for 2 years previous to this and had good luck with that drug????????

well normally I would agree that standing for 30 minutes is ridiculous, but I was given reclast 6 weeks ago, two days after the infusion, I developed severe bone pain, mostly in the long bones of my body, too late, the drug is absorbed fairly quickly iinto your bone, so if you have an adverse reaction you are out of luck. I am still stiff as a board and in substantial pain, hoping in a few months when the drug starts to wear off the pain will let up. Not sure I recommend this drug. I was on zometa for 2 years previous to this and had good luck with that drug????????

Another BS post COme on now we may be dumb but not that dumb
Someone on Zometa is not going to get Reclast and on Zometa for 2 years
Its the same damn drug

FYI - I was given this medication, Reclast, and 10 days later suffered a severe sudden onset sensory hearing loss due to inner ear bone inflammation. To top it off this infusion cost $7230.00 and I am not kidding! Blue Cross paid most of it but I am shocked about the cost and lack of information about side effects. This is a rip-off and a medical nightmare.

So how are Boniva sales, fuckbag?

I ended up on this site purely by accident after doing a search to find out the cost of Reclast infusion. My Doctor gave me a sample of Boniva after a diagnosis of Osteoporosis. (btw, I am a nurse) I have significant esophageal disorders and had a very serious and extremely painful reaction to the Boniva. Following that, I was offered, and chose to have the Reclast infusion. I recieved a call from billing to inform me that the cost of the Reclast alone would be approx. $1,000, and I agreed to proceed with it having only medicare as insurance coverage. I recieved my bill and it has the cost listed as $1,500 for the med alone and $100 to cover the cost of the infusion done in the office. For the information of those on this board, I had NO apparent immediate reaction to the infusion which I recieved on October 17 of this year. So far, so good. I have a hx of cardiac arrythmias and 3 esophageal disorders (won't bother with specifics since I'm certain they would not be of interest to anyone here) I am writing only to offer this info to those of you who seem to be in conflict about your job and duties as sales reps, so I hope it will help in some small way. Good luck to each of you.

Don't know if the above poster is genuine or not but can say that when Medicare sends the bill it will have the billable amount so if the above poster was billed by Medicare for $1600 then there responsibiltiy would be 20%. Medicare only has an allowed billable which should be less than that but still $320 for the year ain't bad and the efficacy is tremendous