Reasons I love working here.

You’re whitewashing it a bit.

1) RB from the very beginning was telling docs to tell patients to stay on Suboxone forever, saying it’s just like treating diabetes. You don’t need a medical degree to know taking any opiate (including Suboxone) for years is bad for your health. You just need common sense. Plenty of research that clearly illustrates the negative effects of long term Suboxone including low T and, ironically, increase risk of diabetes. From the very beginning there was never an exit strategy off Suboxone, and there still isn’t.

2) Suboxone didn’t get traction until the Purdue model was adopted: trade cash for drugs. This was done by recruiting docs to “build their practices” by getting X waivered so they could charge desperate patients cash to access Suboxone. And they did charge them cash, even if the patient had insurance. Then RB and docs promoted high doses (32mg / day was common) knowing full well patients were selling most of what was prescribed to 1) generate cash to pay the doctor for more Suboxone, and, 2) often buy heroin or other drugs. This model was identical to the Purdue pill mill model most everyone (RB, docs, patients) knew it.

Don’t worry, Sam Quinones is working on Dreamland, part 2, and he’ll lay out the role RB played in worsening the epidemic in easy to understand language. If he doesn’t, someone else will.
If you did this - shame on you. You should go to prison. I don’t have cash Dr.’s and they don’t prescribe high doses. If it’s in the patients best interest, they will get them off. If it’s not, they will keep them on. That wasn’t RB’s model and if it was yours or your managers - you should be held accountable.

If you did this - shame on you. You should go to prison. I don’t have cash Dr.’s and they don’t prescribe high doses. If it’s in the patients best interest, they will get them off. If it’s not, they will keep them on. That wasn’t RB’s model and if it was yours or your managers - you should be held accountable.

You can’t name one single patient who has ever been tapered off Suboxone. Ask one of your docs to tell you about a patient they’ve tapered off in detail. You do t need the name, just the circumstances. There aren’t any.

I’m impressed you were able to post this message though—your head is buried so far up your ass you cant actually see your keyboard.

You can’t name one single patient who has ever been tapered off Suboxone. Ask one of your docs to tell you about a patient they’ve tapered off in detail. You do t need the name, just the circumstances. There aren’t any.

I’m impressed you were able to post this message though—your head is buried so far up your ass you cant actually see your keyboard.
I have plenty. And many patients who have turned their lives around. Doctors are pissed that the wino has tarnished their reputations. We need to tell her real story. She doesn't remember half of it.

I have plenty. And many patients who have turned their lives around. Doctors are pissed that the wino has tarnished their reputations. We need to tell her real story. She doesn't remember half of it.

We’re not talking about the ones who relapsed or stopped showing up dummy. We’re talking about patients who were tapered off by their doctor.

You have zero and you’re full of sh*t. Nobody comes off Suboxone intentionally. That’s the whole business model.

We’re not talking about the ones who relapsed or stopped showing up dummy. We’re talking about patients who were tapered off by their doctor.

You have zero and you’re full of sh*t. Nobody comes off Suboxone intentionally. That’s the whole business model.
This stupidity is hard to take. I have plenty and great Dr.’s that taper off ones who are ready and don’t ones who aren’t. There is NO business model unless you made it up. Thank God you are gone! Get a life!

I'll testify to the behavior of the blower, and exactly how many she blew behind her husband's back and more. She wanted jobs, not just bj"s and couldn't get promoted. She took mind altering substances, was arrested, was removed from her house, and on and on.

This stupidity is hard to take. I have plenty and great Dr.’s that taper off ones who are ready and don’t ones who aren’t. There is NO business model unless you made it up. Thank God you are gone! Get a life!

No you don’t. Nobody gets tapered off this sh*t. That’s why there’s literally over a million people on it. Sad.

Liar!!! We all did not! You a sick individual!!
You are blind. Keep drinking the Jim Jones. He was a murderer because the people believed.

The blowers got paid to tell the TRUTH and not be blinded by the fact we helped fuel the epidemic.

Blowers got paid cause they was brave enough to talk and each one that collected had to endure years and years of lies as we made money as sales people not clinical.

That was RB’s first and last mistake.

You guys are so stupid. Read the letter about the launch of SUB BLOCK AID.

Gee we can sell this and mention diversion as the key to stopping this.
We are not selling against this because we crated it.

Go back to work pledge cause people got paid.