Really…100 years and let’s we all go to…..

If we don't go to Copenhagen, than let's meet in Iceland. Easy flights in/out and the cool city of Reykjavík. Iceland is very connected with Danish culture/history. As for social life, Novo is part of it. I enjoy learning and interacting with my teammates Let's celebrate 100 the right way!.
Great recommendation! For the NE reps, it is a very easy flight to Iceland. This trip would definitely build good will and loyalty with the sales force.

Again, there are only certain cities and hotels that can accommodate groups our size. Even though it is truly one of my least favorite places in the world, I think Orlando was a good choice. Easy to get to for once for us East Coasters, good weather that time of year- remember Chicago 5 or so years back?

Two reasons for Orlando:

1. as mentioned, only certain cities can accommodate the size crowd.
2. Do you think after making all this money this year, and so many reps buried in quota that that can barely make target bonus, NNI really cares about giving you the best?!

Two reasons for Orlando:

1. as mentioned, only certain cities can accommodate the size crowd.
2. Do you think after making all this money this year, and so many reps buried in quota that that can barely make target bonus, NNI really cares about giving you the best?!
My manager told me the final location decision has not been made. HQ is looking at a variety of sites including international destinations! Our district is strongly supportive of an European meeting.

My manager told me the final location decision has not been made. HQ is looking at a variety of sites including international destinations! Our district is strongly supportive of an European meeting.
That settles it. The reps support Europe. We’ll do Port Louis instead because you all mean so much to our business.

Big Lie! I know for a fact that management is looking at the Nimb Hotel in Copenhagen. Let's hope they make this a final decision! Kopenhagen is de plek om te zijn!
You’re an idiot. We booked our flights to Orlando. And NO MOST OF US don’t want to go anywhere so shut up about Denmark. Quite frankly we should be able to leave at the end of the day Wednesday. They are forcing us to stay for two days for a novo vacation no one wants! I actually have a life thanks!

Totally agree with preceding post. Another Orlando meeting will lack excitement and fun. Let’s go overseas to make our NSM a great location for learning and reward the sales force for our success in these trying times.
Go on your own jackass! No one wants to go overseas! Been there done that twice with novo and it sucks!