
Manager field rides: insane
Data change requests: screwed up
Vital signs: overkill
FPP: dumb
Concur: sends everything back
Speakers programs: ??
WeConnect: overwhelmed
iEngage: addresses all wrong
IC plan: pay us on behaviors???????

this place is out of control. GO!


Manager field rides: insane
Data change requests: screwed up
Vital signs: overkill
FPP: dumb
Concur: sends everything back
Speakers programs: ??
WeConnect: overwhelmed
iEngage: addresses all wrong
IC plan: pay us on behaviors???????

this place is out of control. GO!

TOTALLY! And that's only the beginning!

What the IC plan really is

let the ass kissers kiss a little more, while the brown nosers get a little more brown.

To be FRANK, I want to know if my manager gives someone a 5, who do they give the 3 to to make sure it balances out ?

shame on you takeda

What the IC plan really is

let the ass kissers kiss a little more, while the brown nosers get a little more brown.

To be FRANK, I want to know if my manager gives someone a 5, who do they give the 3 to to make sure it balances out ?

shame on you takeda

In case you don’t know its this way at almost every pharma co. I agree its complete BS , but its not just here.

What the IC plan really is

let the ass kissers kiss a little more, while the brown nosers get a little more brown.

To be FRANK, I want to know if my manager gives someone a 5, who do they give the 3 to to make sure it balances out ?

shame on you takeda

And did I hear it right, that they are getting paid at 150%?! I heard of a HUGE ass kisser who got this and thats all she does is kiss ass!!!!

What the IC plan really is

let the ass kissers kiss a little more, while the brown nosers get a little more brown.

To be FRANK, I want to know if my manager gives someone a 5, who do they give the 3 to to make sure it balances out ?

shame on you takeda

I think you hit the nail on the head. A manager cannot give all reps on the team a perfect score, even if she thinks they are all doing their best given the circumstances with the Covid enviro (access, etc). Everything has to be approved/justified three levels up the chain above the DBM because they don’t trust the DBM’s judgment imho. So there is pressure to make behaviors “match” the numbers even though we know there are so many other factors to success (ie cost and coverage, etc). Also, a score of a 3 is not necessarily meant to be bad (demonstrates behaviors most of the time) but it’s all relative compared to how others are ranked based on subjective opinion of the manger. A score of a 3 can and has thrown reps who are performing/selling down the ranking list which is devastating to reps who are working hard. This is just not a system that motivates people. It has a negative impact on culture.

My favorite part after all the nonsense of what they called the Regiona IC Rollout,

was the absolute scripted message that was rolled out by all the managers with the recap from the call.. that’s right, scripted because the message was from the managers, but only went to their team....

Proof the DBM are nothing more than forward this email to the team

but perhaps worst is the Area Leader, seriously micromanaging an email to make sure his DBM roll out - all to make sure they not on a “list” for lack of resource use.

Pure ridiculous !!!

FUTHERMORE, why are we in sales held to a higher standard? I mean micromanage the sh&&t out of us on everything , yet we CANNOT GET A SINGLE PRESCRIBER MAINTENANCE APPROVAL? Where’s the accountability there ??

My favorite part after all the nonsense of what they called the Regiona IC Rollout,

was the absolute scripted message that was rolled out by all the managers with the recap from the call.. that’s right, scripted because the message was from the managers, but only went to their team....

Proof the DBM are nothing more than forward this email to the team

but perhaps worst is the Area Leader, seriously micromanaging an email to make sure his DBM roll out - all to make sure they not on a “list” for lack of resource use.

Pure ridiculous !!!

FUTHERMORE, why are we in sales held to a higher standard? I mean micromanage the sh&&t out of us on everything , yet we CANNOT GET A SINGLE PRESCRIBER MAINTENANCE APPROVAL? Where’s the accountability there ??

HAHAHA, the email was hilarious! It’s come full circle that even our managers are just saying yes and doing as told-
Truly sad that they sent that generic email that was copied and pasted to all the reps in a certain region. Just proves the point , management is running scared and doesn’t want to be LAST on any metric or list. CHECK THE BOX. Get in line like the herders want you too everyone.! You don’t own your territory anymore and certainly cannot run it like u own it. Do as you are told please — thank you,
Let’s circle back next week and maybe I’ll get a survey to see what my thoughts were on this.

HAHAHA, the email was hilarious! It’s come full circle that even our managers are just saying yes and doing as told-
Truly sad that they sent that generic email that was copied and pasted to all the reps in a certain region. Just proves the point , management is running scared and doesn’t want to be LAST on any metric or list. CHECK THE BOX. Get in line like the herders want you too everyone.! You don’t own your territory anymore and certainly cannot run it like u own it. Do as you are told please — thank you,
Let’s circle back next week and maybe I’ll get a survey to see what my thoughts were on this.

survey the shit out of us, they are going to do what they want. They use to care what we thought, nit so much anymore. Point in case DE&I. They know majority are sick of it and have acknowledged it yet they keep shoving it down our throats.

Perhaps the best example of upper management just forwarding on these useless emails, is as follows.

during a ridiculous regional ic plan rollout a certain “leader” was laughing about not having Yammer.

2 hours later, an email appears from same leader, obviously something copy and pasted saying “join me on Yammer for DEI”.....

seriously enough with the copy and paste forwarded emails. Check the box herd!